The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Subtitle that will be stuck if it doesn't matter now

Fitzgard Empire.

It was thought that the reign of the new emperor would shake the country, but all kinds of problems were unexpectedly stable and the status of the continent's most powerful nation was still dead.

The most problematic (Masato-kun) condition is suppressing the problem (aristocrats do bad merchants do), so if you make a mistake, it can also collapse at once.

Instead of controlling the poison with poison, the bomb is blowing up the poison, so it can also be said certain that one day it will be blown up from country to country as it is.

"Hey. You did well coming, Kagato Kaga-kun. Kaga Kagato-kun, if you say so in Japanese style."

"…… Yes"

Kagato-kun manages to answer while being summoned by His Majesty the Emperor of Fitzgard like that, upright immobilized and cold sweaty.

Inside, I said, "Help me, lady!" and there's already a cry in there.

To Kagato, who was a normal student until a while ago, the situation is too much pressure right now.

"Don't get so hard on me. I wanted to thank you today. The study of metastatic magic is taking shape."

"Ki, I'm afraid."

It's a metastatic magic that has had a lot of problems, but since then, we've overlaid improvements to avoid dragon strikes and even succeeded in improving fuel efficiency.

It's so great that it has a name in the history of magic in other worlds, but he doesn't know the importance of "it's Draoye's pakuri anyway".

"Finally, in honor of your accomplishments, I'm going to give you a territory and a title."

"Eh? I'm in trouble."

"…… It's been quite a while since I took office, but this is the first time I've had trouble trying to reward you."

If you are quite ambitious, your Majesty, the Emperor is rather troubled when he answers that you are in trouble with a reward that would be ecstatic.

Kagato-kun, a small citizen who chooses the smaller one without hesitation when told to choose to continue, instinctively assumes that he will not be able to calm down if he gets something that doesn't deserve that much.

"Uh, yeah! I work for Miss Wilhelmina, so I was wondering if it would be reasonable for Miss Wilhelmina to receive the reward."

"Yeah. That's a good way to avoid it for me to think about it on this occasion. Even if I were you, I wouldn't have to show the other nobles the extra gap. But I say no."


Kagato-kun returns it in vegetables without thinking about the way some cartoonist is going to say no.

By the way, it was just a coincidence that His Majesty the Emperor put it that way, and it's not like he had read any strange adventures.

"No. I don't need to keep you on the jury. The point is, it's my invitation."

"Huh? I refuse."

"… you will betray my expectations."

His Majesty the Emperor, who is shocked by just instant answers.

Apparently, Kagato-kun's indecision is only about women's issues, and work-related is instant for the price.


"I have decided to serve Master Wilhelmina. Then I will continue to serve Master Wilhelmina unless Master Wilhelmina tells me to quit."

"What loyalty until that stubbornness. Are you fellow birds or something?

His Majesty the Emperor envies Mr. Wilhelmina while he thinks he can be a little overwhelmed.

For once, Masato-kun is treated as the direct report of the emperor, but there can't be a concept of loyalty to that Freedom brave man.

"Okay. I can't help but force you. But I was wondering if you could take about this request from me?

"If there's anything I can do."

"It's a study of magic that opens doors to your world."

"……… Yes?

Kagato-kun leaks the missing voice between them without knowing what he meant by what he said.

His Majesty the Emperor smiles at Kagato-kun like that.

"You don't have to study that, there's a brave man, right?

"If I mention it, your metastatic magic research will be meaningless in the first place."

"… So you're telling me to drop into a level of technology that can be used by 10,000 people, just like metamagic?

Masato-kun is almost certainly the only person who opens the gates of the other world at the moment, but conversely, if anything happens to Masato-kun, there will be no one to open the gates.

It leaves me wondering how there are any beings who can do this to that Masato-kun, but since there's no way they're going to work the way this one intended in the first place, we need alternative technology either way.

"Fortunately, the formation used to summon Masato remains intact. Disclose materials about subpoena magic."

"Why me? There will be as many other magicians better than me."

"I'm not here, but you underestimate yourself. Well, if you insist, it's a matter of confidentiality. The people involved in Masato's summons, who would at any rate be most familiar with summoning witchcraft, are disturbing elements who were after the emperor's loss of authority. Whether you ask another magician or not, the people at the most brilliant magic school are skipping ethics and stuff."


Kagato-kun is convinced by His Majesty the Emperor's words.

Kagato-kun himself said to the school magician, "What are you, a stranger? Give me a little finger for research!" I don't trust their ethics or anything at all because they've said and been chased before.

"If that's the case, I'll take it. I'm not a human resource person."

"Thank you. Thank you for your territory and title…………."

"I don't need it."

He wants to connect and stop himself no matter what. Kagato knocks off His Majesty the Emperor's proposal.

If this decisiveness is also exerted on the opposite sex, most of the female distress will be gone, and this is why the heck with it.

"Chip! Then I'll force you to tell Wilhelmina. Wilhelminar! Your men are busy, Wilhelminar!

"Lady! Because I believe you, Miss Wilhelmina!

His Majesty the Emperor and Kagato-kun shout Mr. Wilhelmina's name out loud like a child.

Fifteen seconds later until Mr. Wilhelmina, who was waiting in the next room, came to beat him with a bright red face.

The other world is still peaceful today.

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