The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Sometimes I want to gargle something bad for my body.


One Sunday afternoon.

The roar of a wild old man echoed in Anda-kun's living room.

"What's wrong, Nathan? When I thought I drank shochu, I screamed."

"Hey, bring water. Water."

The identity of the roaring voice was Mr. Nathan.

He grips a ceramic cup that makes him feel wasabi, and is worried about his drinking buddies, Mr. Ognil and Mr. Glios, as they become half crying.

"Funny. I'm not saying don't drink from daytime, but don't scream."

Meanwhile, Mr. Limbell, who was told to bring water, is the usual salt correspondence.

Drunk people don't care if they cry or take them seriously.

"Wow, I've served God all my life by keeping my desires in check. Some of the clergy have been unwilling to devour luxury, but I have disciplined myself as the embodiment of faith."

"Whoa. It will be hard to be a cleric in every country. All the more so if you're as serious as you were."

Half-crying or totally crying and leaking stupidity to Mr. Nathan (drunk), who shows understanding while tapping his shoulder.

But the clerics that Mr. Glios was close to are the ones who were after Tiger Sight and Leg Loss instead of following the Emperor, so I'm surprised that such honest, pure and poor clerics actually existed inside.

"So I was surprised at the loosening of those who came to Japan to take up this priesthood. No, what surprised me was the way the Japanese were. They are practicing God's teachings even if they are not preached!

It is often said that the Japanese are non-religious, but they routinely say, "I will have it," they unconsciously practice religious practices by going to their first year, worshipping and burying them as usual during exams and other battle places.

If other religions teach with morality is stained with the body at the everyday level, so even if religion is asked what it is "eh...... Buddhism?" and I'm not aware of what I usually do.

When you then examine the population of each religion, most people believe in Buddhism in parallel with Shinto, and in some others Christianity, etc., so the sum of the followers of each religion breaks through the population at their leisure once you have tallied seriously.

What was non-religious?

"If you don't bother others, some things are missed. It's a great way to make money based on the goodness of a decent person!

"From what I can tell, it seems a little too much to swallow."

"So! I thought. This country can't blame me for running to a hobby while serving God!

"Well, marriage is certainly not free."

Mr. Glios and Mr. Ognill agree with Nathan's theory of power that he is throwing knobs and booze into his mouth.

Since we have both lived in different worlds for free, it seems that Japan's relaxation is not as important as Nathan's, even though he is aware of it.

"So you tried to fatten my favorite beauty and make her depend on me, you bastard! Oh, why did you lose weight, Mr. Inertia..."

"Hey. Is this guy okay?

"It's not okay. Big problem."

Nathan cries in one hand on the cell phone that shows the image of Inertia when she was fat.

And here I am, and I'm like, "This guy sucks, right? I started thinking," Mr. Glios and Mr. Ognil, but they are definitely perverts.

"What's wrong with being largely skinny? I'm not saying it's bad to be fuzzy, but Inertia would definitely be prettier to be skinny"

"No, I prefer to be out on the side a little longer. By and large, Japan's stomach is too long vertically."

The Japanese are Mr. Ognil, who says they are too thin and too expensive, but they have no choice because the Dwarf criterion classifies almost all humankind as too thin.

Or Japanese, unlike the world's obese iconic Americans, etc., are not that fat because their lives are seriously at stake when they weigh more than a hundred kilos or something.

"It's not a matter of appearance!

- Uh?

Mr. Glios and Mr. Ognil point their gaze at Mr. Nathan, who dun taps the table forcefully, about what he's talking about.

I don't even know what you're talking about to the author.

"What matters! That beauty is in my cooking! With my hands! That it depends on me and corrupts! It's just a secondary effect such as gaining weight!

"Do you understand?

I don't know.

Both hands stretched out to heaven to continue their speeches, and two old men who keep drinking while saying they don't understand.

"... as always, you're an idiot"

And Mr. Limbell, who takes that figure into the video and prepares to send it to Mr. Inertia.

Japan is still at peace today.

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