"It's hot."

Who says something like some sun god from the beginning is Yayoi, a cat ear samurai high school girl.

When I come back from school I will be in a tank top shortbread, rolling by a window that has become a screen door.

As it is, your eyelashes could sting Mr. Roman's eyes, who came home late.

"It's only June. I mean, Mr. Yayoi is basically asleep."

"Awkward, half cat, late"

And looking at Mr. Yayoi like that, Mr. Erte tells me to be stunned by one hand of barley tea.

Sure, Mr. Yayoi is hot and rolling in the summer, and round in the torch in the winter.

But cats are told that two-thirds of the day is asleep, so basically rolling is something like instinct that you can't help but do.

The majority of them are shallow sleeps and are always alert and able to react to their surroundings.

I mean, it has nothing to do with the cat that Mr. Yayoi is completely stuck with.

"Or isn't the window hot?

"The sun is blocked, so don't be so hot. It's more like a good breeze."

Mr. Yayoi answers by pretending to be his tail while he falls asleep.

By the way, cats are said to be good at finding comfortable places, and humans can get into those spills if they look for places where cats are napping.

But if you get too close, you run away with a "It's hot and painful," so take care of your personal space.

"The rest is there. Perfect if you have wind chimes. I'll buy it for my next vacation."

"You're going out of your way to buy it."

Essentially, Mr. Yayoi is not indispensable.

Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile Takatenara.



Master Amateras offers you his right hand, but a cat with a bump in his nose that leans down his neck as he whispers in front of it.

Unlike dogs, cats don't remember much of the arts, so they can't help it.

Still, there's a cat circus or something, so if you want me to remember it, I will.

"Look, I'll crunch you...... why are you just eating and going somewhere!?

"That's what cats are for."

Amaterasu, who drops off a cat with tears who just eats and leaves at my pace, and Tsukuyomi, who looks at it as if he was frightened.

Apparently, the cat Amateras-sama picked up got permission to raise Tsukuyomi safely.

"It's also suspicious whether cats have the idea of following humans. At best, he'll be a good neighbor."

Whereas dogs began to be raised as partners in hunting and such, cats are said to have lived on their own in a people's territory at some point when humans started farming for rodents and other pests.

And because of its usefulness, humans have embraced it and become the relationship they are in.

I mean, it's more like a cat coming from over there at the cat's convenience than a human being bringing it in for human convenience.

The area may also be the reason they say cats get to the house, not people.

Finally, a recent study found that cats have barely changed their genes since they started living with humans.

I started living with humans of my own free will even without being domesticated. I became familiar with them as they were.

You might call it a strong creature in a way.

"But come on, I'm feeding you too, even if you respect me more..."

"If it's not enough, it's not enough. You'll get it yourself. They say that cats are mostly not nutritious enough for cats."


Recently, more cats lived only in the house because of all the house cats, but until a long time ago, cats were commonly left alone and hunted their own rats and sparrows.

And occasionally I leave recommendations on my pillow, screaming at owners all over the country.

"Well, I mean, cats don't have to bake so much care, they can live at will. If you start recommending to your sister, it's a bad sign of discipleship."

"I'm not that bad!?

Master Amateras, who flags brilliantly, was instantly recovered the next morning and the scream of the Lord was echoed in the high heavens.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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