The Principality of Argento.

This is a country that has recently become famous with mermaids and machos starting to inhabit, but as always, finances are full and are to be obsessed with Merdia, the Sovereign Nation.

Or even if we started the mermaid business and made a financial reconstruction, it was obvious that Merdia would have it, but at some point Mr. Caorle, who had been pressed into the position of knight, was a deterrent and managed to maintain balance.

It should be noted that Mr. Caorle is not involved in any part of the series. Instead, he doesn't even know he is a knight, so Onei praised him for "I'll do it" but he doesn't know why he was praised.

"Huh. You're a big fish today."

And as always, you're making a lot of mistakes, Mr. Caorle. I'm vegetarian diving.

Row a boat with fishing fruit to your home.

"But this place has also become a strange village."

With that zero in mind, Mr. Kaol looks at a village that used to have nothing but a flat-like house.

The village, developed with the assistance of the Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce, is beginning to be reborn into a somewhat ostentatious city, lined with zoned and splendid stone architectural houses.

Even more characteristic is the fact that, as a result of the Grand Duke's tenacity to "build a town that also inhabits mermaids", the waterway is strewn on the same scale and density as the road.

It's going to be hard for humans to use that, but it's convenient in this village, where large quantities of supplies live in the middle of development, where you can boat anywhere in the city, and it's surprisingly popular because you can get home on a boat as Mr. Caorle is doing right now.

By the way, Her Royal Highness the Queen of Gardia came to see what was going on in the village at a later date and said, "Isn't that Venice!" It goes without saying that I stuck with it.

"I'm home."

That's how Mr. Caorle connects the boat near his home and returns to his familiar home.

"Welcome back."

Regardless of the character that greets Mr. Caorle like that, he looks like a beautiful mermaid - not a tired middle-aged old man.

"Go home."

"No, ask me why you're here!?

The Grand Duke smiles and says away with tears.

It seems friendly and most importantly.

"Aren't you just coming to me when something's wrong?"

"'Cause there's no one else I can count on! I'll give you my daughter if you want!

"I don't need it. Are you following me!?

Apparently, the Grand Duke hadn't given up on giving the country to Mr. Caorle for each daughter yet.

But Mr. Kaol is not crazy enough to get a country like this that is attached to the Foot Riders in the Warring States Gang.

"No, I just came to give Mr. Caorle a present today."

"I'll kick your daughter's ass if you say so."

Mr. Kaol manages to pull the old man who follows him and sits him down and proceeds with the conversation.

Even though the Grand Duke is the national lord, there are no pieces of majesty, but he's already that character, so I can't help it.

"Go ahead. It's a title and territory."


Pre-construction bursts that bind people who have become important figures in the country to the country.

Be aware that even if you get land or something, the taxes you actually pay can be higher than your income.

"No, really pre-construction. It's okay in front of the building, so I want to keep this village administrator as you."

"Uh, did you come in from the Prince of Merdia again?"

Mr. Caorle, who listens and sees the general story.

I'm a freedom Prince Heinz who can do whatever he wants for me, but I can't get out especially strong on Mr. Caorle, a friend of Onei's, because I know Onei is a loyal minister who won't quit rebellion if his lord goes off the road.

"Then you just lend me your name, and you don't have to do anything in particular, do you?

"Yeah, let's do that. I'll take care of the details."

Completely the opposite is true of what you're doing with your position, but the Grand Duke is probably more of the type to show strength under someone.

"Okay. Then I'll just take it."

"Thank you very much. I'll be sure to thank you."

"No, that's fine."

Mr. Kaol can politely refuse to thank me as I continue to thank you.

Besides, the Grand Duke left with a slightly unfortunate look on his face.

"Hey, Caorle, you done talking to me?

"…… Are you there?"

And when the Grand Duke returns, Mr. Dillett opens it so that he can bring the door to the next room and lands on the floor properly.

And we're moving straight to Mr. Caorle.

"It seemed like something important, so I hid and waited."

"Did you take that into account?"

I'm willing to eat this, but I can't read the air. I don't think the mermaid cared for me like that, and I say it unexpectedly, Mr. Caorle.

I can't help it because I usually do.

"Terrible. I helped you prepare dinner today!

"Bad, bad. Let's make it dinner."

Saying so, Mr. Caorle moves to the living room with Mr. Dillett in a tight, angry embrace.

The other world is still peaceful today.

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