"Takemikazuchi the most! Imitation of a ji0 die!

in the high heavens.

Dear Takemikazuchi, the face of Tianjin God that thrives under the cherry blossom tree and shows off his sword dance with fluorescent lights.

Apparently, he reflected on blowing up the fan, allowing for subtle force application and subtraction.

"Go ahead. Mother."

"Alas. Thank you Tsukuyomi"

Unlike other faces that thrive on the other hand, Dar O Vader, who quietly enjoys the feast, is a combination that has a high chance of being made into a dark attribute when it's a game between Isanami and Tsukuyomi.

Shade and darkness are separate, and the moon is glowing, but they're paired with more glowing sun. I don't have a choice.


And you're sitting right next to such a dark attribute mother and child, and you're pulling shivers. Dear Amateras (light attribute).

I'm going to cry now. In the dark they say the light shines even brighter or something, but nothing like that happened.

"Nevertheless... I can't believe I admit to breaking our boundaries with another world."

As I recall, Amaterasu reacts vividly to Isanami, who leaks words that would be the subject of an earthquake.

Incidentally, there are hundreds of thousands of times more powerful explosions in the sun than hydrogen bombs called flares, so earthquakes and everyday tea meals. So no problem. Maybe.

"Why not?

"Uh... no... the..."

To Isanami, who bent her neck and turned around all the way to the exorcists, Amaterasu, whose neck was turned aside and words clouded.

It's a frog state stared at entirely by snakes.

"Mother. Around there."

"…… right. Though I still feel like it's not enough."


But the atmosphere of Isanami is softened when Tsukuyomi speaks up, and Amaterasu is taken aback.

When I saw Amateras-sama, Isanami sighed and Tsukuyomi laughed strangely.

"Eh? What do you mean?

"Don't worry, I'm not mad."

"Hey, Nah."

"Though I thought you might need to scold me."


Lady Isanami stares again as she admonishes Lady Amateras, who was careless when she said she wasn't angry.

And Master Tsukuyomi watches the course with a really good smile behind her.

I also feel more like Tsukuyomi who should be scolded, but I can't help but think of a sibling as something that makes me better at watching my brother and sister and avoiding being scolded by my parents.

"Unlike before, if you make a connection called a gate, a soul that is not caught in matter will come back on its own if it is willing to do so. It's not a bad drop."

"Conversely, if you don't want to come back, you'll be settled in that world."

"I don't have a choice. At least let's just say that the poor soul stray that was taken away from you as a kidnapper is no longer born."

"Yes, it is."

Do it. I don't think we've thought about it that far, but Master Amateras makes laughs and talks to each other.

I think that I have taken care of the fact that I am good in person, but I know that both Isanami and Tsukuyomi are through.

"Nevertheless, you've often admitted to those gods."

"Ugh, yeah. That's where Zeus feels like anything you want if it's funny, and Odin's already left it all to me, so feel like you can do whatever you want."

"……… I wonder if there is a decent God."

A goddess with a past who proclaimed her own people a thousand times a day on the eight wins of a couple quarrel when she heard the arrogance of other divine tribes.

But I'm also allergic to the response of my husband, Master Isanagi, regarding this, so God is just allergic.

"Anyway, I'm looking at flowers today, so enjoy it honestly. I'm not going to go into details until this day."

"Ho, really?

"What are you going to do with lying?"

There's no word my boss shouldn't believe as much as saying that I'm being rude today.

But he really wasn't going to say anything more today, and he was like Isanami and Amateras, who normally enjoyed watching flowers in mothers and children in the future, but Tsukuyomi's shining wizard burst where Susano caught Ookuninushi and tried to perform a one-shot show, "Makoto".

As it was, I made the transition to a flavor by Isanami.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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