The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Mostly if you put it in the curry, it's no problem.

"Hmm. What shall we do"

A small village in the Republic of Keros.

An agricultural girl, Aska, was having some trouble in that village where she was likely to be stuck with "You're not small anymore, this village" because of the massive arrival of elves and dark elves recently.

"What's wrong, Aska?

"Ah, Saros. And Mr. Fides."

"Thank you for your work. Oh, that's brilliant."

"Yes, there were some vegetables that I made for the first time, but I'm glad they were successfully harvested."

Before Asuka said that, a number of summer vegetables such as harvested cucumber and eggplant and tomato.

In the meantime, it is a ritual of passage that children from all over Japan would like to do to imitate the cucumber raw.

"Speaking of which, did Master Suknahikona swing his chopsticks with both hands for seven wheels earlier? and baked eggplant."

"Oh. It's every time. You don't have to worry about it."

"The one who can take the eggplant."

For some reason, only eggplant can be roasted by Sukhnahikona himself.

It seems impotent in the size of your body, but it is easy to win as much as grilling eggplant compared to taking down ghosts because you are also said to be the original shape of a one-dimensional master.

"Uh, but grilled eggplant. I wonder if grilled eggplant is also simple. And then there's pasta and ratatouille."

"What. You've been thinking about what you might make?

"Yeah. I usually make them with my own mind, because right now I have to make something that the elves can eat."

"Oh…… I hear a young man has been immersed in Asuka's house lately."


Yes, it is.

Since Asuka had previously made too many curries and recommended them to the leader of Hetale Dark Elves, Asuka's cuisine has become reputable for being delicious and the elves and dark elves have come for rice.

Naturally, Asuka herself is the elf she is looking for, so Saros suddenly felt a little silent and Mr. Fides pulled it off.

"……… I will instruct you not to shy away from me if you are bothered?

"It's okay. Instead, the rice is better for everyone."


And I thought this might suck a little bit. Although Mr. Fides tried to follow up, Mr. Aska grins and crushes that temptation.

The highlights disappeared from Saros-kun's eyes.

"Oh, I'll cook something for you and Saros, so come and eat."

"…… Oops. I can't help it."

I hope I can't help it. If I had a tail, I'd probably shake it and rejoice inside with that kind of momentum, Saros.

We had reached a pretty dangerous line, but it was helpful because it was a bit.

"…… I guess someone else shouldn't talk about sex shakedown"

Looking at Saros-kun, I wonder if I should keep an eye on this on the boulder, Mr. Fides.

It's a different story to observe Yandere's process of getting sick because of the care he cares about Saros-kun here.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"... what are you saying?

"It's a French stewed dish."

Immediately answer Amateras-sama's question Tsukuyomi has recently been suspected of purposefully collecting miscellaneous information.

But in fact, a lot of miscellaneous people also means that there is a lot of talk, so if you are a gentleman, Tsukuyomi, you can also say that it is a natural preference.

"Oh, this cheese looks delicious or something. I mean, isn't it cheap to put on cheese?

What is it?

Dear Amaterasu, Quickly search your PC for Ratatouille and start a rice suicide bomber.

Today's dinner was decided on Ratatouille by Toyoukehime-sama, who sensed after receiving Tsukuyomi's gaze.

"No, 'cause you don't feel like Gratin or Hamburger just put the cheese on it and the dish has one rank up?

"That adds one more ingredient, so it's natural to increase the rank."

"Yes, but not!?

Amaterasu, who holds his head without telling him what he wants to say, and Tsukuyomi, who doesn't know what he wants to say but sees what to do.

Today's Ratatouille will be topped with melting cheese.

"For example, I put pork in the curry from the beginning, and I put it after the tongue cutlet, which is not the same amplitude of rank!

"Tonkatsu is cooked separately, so I don't think it's appropriate as an analogy."

And with such care, Master Tsukuyomi keeps relentlessly clinging to what seems wrong.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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