"With the caorle you are the next Grand Duke of this country."

"We're on time."

in the seaside city of the Principality of Argento in the southern part of the continent.

Mr. Caorle was still trying to go fishing well today, but the moment he opened the door, the face of the deeply carved man was in front of him and something intimidated him, so he immediately closed the door.

"What's wrong, Caorle?

"No, I wonder if you're tired. Unlike the Grand Duke, there was a really great brother standing in front of the door."


This is Mr. Caorle, who tells Mr. Dillett as he pushes around between his eyebrows, but even the Grand Duke is really a great man and not a mistake.

It's just that its sexual roots are limitless and small-citizen and impoverished.

"I haven't even climbed a day like this. Aren't you supposed to be visited by such a great man from the morning?

"Yeah. That's right. I knew it was a mistake……………………………………."

Though I was convinced by what Mr. Dillett said and Mr. Caorle opened the door again.

"You are the next Grand Duke of this country."

"Shut up because I'm not gonna talk to you for a second."


Again, my great brother was there, but for some reason, Mr. Onei pierced his dovetail with his hands and collapsed from his knees.

"Uh, I'm sorry about the noise."

"Er... are you okay with that?

"If it really sinks in Konjo, it's easier for me too."

A plain sister who says so and sighs - Asahi, queen of the Kingdom of Gardia, and a king who squatts but thumbs up vividly.

There are only kings one step ahead of the dragon kill, and in fact, they are not so damaged by the Queen's attack.

Still, I'm a boulder loving wife who pretends to be as good as the Queen's word "shut up" and shuts up.

"I'm Asahi Rinegawa. I know you've heard of him, but he's Japanese. This is my husband and King Gardia, Richard. So, are you sure you're a shallow mouth caorle?

"Ah, yes. Could you have heard from the seniors?

"Yeah, I heard it from a national student, but Richard seems very interested in you."

When you say that and turn your gaze, even as you squat like a waiting dog, you have a king and an eye for this one in the upper hand, Mr. Caorle.

Oh, here. He's an absolute pain in the ass.

"You know the gates of the other world are now open. So my sister, Princess Sheena, can come back here, but at the same time, I can't help but notice the smell of political marriage."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"They're going to try around without leaving a single man who could possibly marry Princess Sheena"

"It doesn't matter to me!?

It doesn't matter what you think, Mr. Caorle insists that you can't marry a princess or anything, but it's not convincing to that that is where he stands now at some point.

"'Cause you're the lord of this town, and the Grand Duke of the Nation likes you, and you're engaged to that daughter, too. Isn't it the next Grand Duke? There are a lot of countries that want to be kind because this country itself has been developing rapidly lately, and there are quite a few that are after you because you can use the side rooms."


The queen told me and once again, Mr. Caorle noticed that his position was somewhere else at some point.

This is all the work of the Grand Duke.

"No, your engagement to the Grand Duke's daughter is………………."

"Uh okay. Almost got it. But it's troublesome, so tell Richard," I'm not going to marry another woman because of her. "

"Why not?"

"It's sticky when it comes to his sister. They'll stick around until they're convinced by their own mysterious standards."

"Did you talk to him?

When the queen says that much, can't she wait any longer? The king who stands up and interrupts between Mr. Caorle and the queen.

Either the queen is talking to another man at close range, but she can't seem to stand it anymore.

(You're kidding. Can you swing any further? I'll say gatun)

And looking at a king like that, he was Mr. Caorle, who ignored the Queen's advice as to whether he would bend his will and try to expose his true intentions...

"Let's do a little digging first."

"I'm not marrying another woman because I'm Leeza."

I instantly bent my will and ran to preserve myself, as the king had tried to draw his sword without hesitation and was about to slash it.

No matter how strong you are, your roots are small citizens. I can't help it.

"Huh. All right then! Take care of your future wife!

And that's all he was convinced of, and when he put his sword away, the king leaves in a refreshing manner as he sends Yale.

Seriously, I seem to have come all the way here just for this.

"... the outer moat... more"

"Uh, I'm sorry about something. Well, that's it. When you get used to it, it might be fun, huh?

The queen who advises and chases after the king while giving a subtle face to the dripping Caorle.

Mr. Caorle then went back to his home unwilling to go fishing, but he didn't know what he didn't like either, but he didn't like it anyway. He made sure Mr. Dired was swelling his cheeks like a river pig, and he did his best to knock that cheek down and heal.

The other world is still peaceful today.

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