
in the Principality of Algeria.

The roar of Mr. Caorle, who is still vegetarian diving and fishing even though he says it's already starting to get cold, echoes the sea plains.

"Hmm. I'll go home after one more dive."

Apparently, the fishing is going well, Mr. Caorle diving into the sea again after seeing the fish fruit on the boat.

And then I poked the octopus I just saw, and I immediately went back to the boat.

"Wow. That's a brilliant arm for a human being."

"……… Yes?

There was something there.

A muscular, moribund, half-naked old man with a shabby mustache was peeking into Mr. Caorle at his mid waist.

From above the sea, not on a boat.

"... What can I do for you?

An appraisal of a small citizen asking questions while not clinging to the unlikely sight in front of him.

Readers will already generally have predictions, but if you think about who they are, it can also be a really reasonable decision.

"No, I accidentally dropped something. Well, it's a hassle and I thought I'd pick it up inside. It's getting so late. See, that's it."


Mr. Kaol points to the trident where the octopus is stabbed and says, "Wow, do it."

Current offender and indescribable.

"I apologize for not knowing such a thing and using it on my own."

"Ha-ha-ha. Good. Look at me. I'm in a lot of blood."

Apparently it was safe, the old man smiling and receiving the trident offered by Mr. Caorle pulling out his octopus.

The blood noise is about the dragon exorcism that was involved before, and it doesn't seem to be about the vegetarian diving fishes that we do all the time. Maybe.

"But he picked up the corner. I need to thank you for something."

"No, don't worry about it."

"Ooh! This is the one called Japanese prudence. I like it. Let's do this horse specially."

"Why horses!?

A fine bodied white horse that suddenly appears on the canoe when the old man waves.

It was too splendid and the boat sank slightly, and my horse said, "Huh? Don't I suck if I'm here?" and I'm stepping on it like I'm afraid.

"Huh. It's something special, like I'm sending a horse. You can be proud of that."

"Ah, yes. Thank you very much. I'll show you around the city."

"Ooh! Do that. Do that."

Caorle reading the air and thanking the doya face old man for his words, and the old man banging Caorle on his shoulder in an upbeat mood.

It's like a subordinate who can't say anything to PowerHarassment and a boss who doesn't realize he's doing PowerHarassment.

"Goodbye then! Take care of my wife!

"Goodbye -"

Saying so and disappearing satisfactorily with the old man saying, "I have no wife!?" Mr. Caorle swallows the cling and drops it off with a loving laugh.

He was an old man like a storm.

"……… go home."


A horse who replies only "please don't" with Mr. Caorle, who says with a face like he has renounced any thought.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"…… Poseidon."

"…… That was Poseidon."

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, who were watching Mr. Kaol, looked at each other in a frightened manner.

"No, I was wondering if it might be a trident in connection with the ocean, but would you normally drop it? And leave it?

"The gods over there are such a mess."

That's the kind of Tsukuyomi, but the Japanese god is also approximate in terms of adding and subtracting a lot of clutter.

Or if you think about eight million gods, the Japanese god classification itself is a big mess.

"But that young man handled it well, too. Poseidon is only the god of the sea, because he has a crude, tyrannical side, and he's a rough god."


"Simply put, it's Susano."


Dear Amateras, convinced by the example of a crude and tyrannical God that he was offered a fruitful brother.

In fact, it can't be said to be a reasonable example of a sea connection.

"Anyway, if there are people who don't like it, they'll send monsters in and try to destroy every country."

"Isn't that worse than Susano?

Dear Amaterasu, who defends the boulder Susanoo not so much.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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