The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Little kids are dying of anemia, even nosebleeds. Fear.

"It's Roman. It's a consultation."

"I won't tell you where the liquor used to be hidden from Master Rimbell."

"No, I don't think so. Are you going to be taught!?

I thought we treated ourselves pretty much the same way. I'm surprised to learn that Mr. Roman is surprisingly trusted by Mr. Limbell, Mr. Glios.

I've been told to blow up without joking lately. Because you look good for free. I have no choice.

"If you're not talking about booze, what?

"Hmm. Soon you will return to the other world."

"Yes, I am told not to even tell my acquaintance when to be sure that the information will not be leaked because of the danger anticipated."

"So I'd like you to give this letter to my son."

"……… I understand."

I suspect that giving it to myself is a secret that the Japanese government doesn't want to know about, Mr. Roman makes a serious face.

I'm the man to do it when I do boulders.

"May I ask what it is?

"Mm-hmm. Give my son some advice that I should use you as a consultant."


"Oh!? Why throw it away!?

Mr. Roman throws the letter for trash because he thought it was important in many ways.

I have no mercy for my country's former emperor.

"Why should I be in a position where my stomach hurts like that?"

"No, I don't know how to say this, but I know Japan very well, and even if you don't like it, you will be able to consult that hand. Instead, if you think about those times, it would be easier for you to use me as a nominee and have a back shield."

"Ha ha. If you're still a student and you're a young man, you can't even get me involved in decision-making anyway."

"Hmm. I'd be relentlessly involved with students."

I would recall to Mr. Roman, who laughs that there is no way he could involve a young man like himself in such an important project, that if he were a son who doesn't care about himself but cares about his surroundings, he might indeed be.

Incidentally, Mr. Glios' concerns may be more correct, as the current emperor has already led his student, Mr. Wilhelmina, to the center of politics.

Rather, Mr. Roman's stomach ache accelerates because of the presence of his former fiancé, Mr. Wilhelmina!

"Well keep it just in case. It's like a sign that I like you, and it'll help."

"I hope it doesn't help."

I'm Mr. Roman, who reluctantly picks up a letter from the trash when I say so, but it's still a long way off that I'll be taking care of that letter as soon as I actually return.

Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile Takatenara.

"Speaking of which, if you eat too much chocolate, you say you have a nosebleed, but you've never seen anyone who actually did."

"That's half a lie."

"Are you lying!? …… half?

I am amazed at what Tsukuyomi said, Amaterasu, but I lean my neck in half, not at all.

"If you eat chocolate, your blood flow will improve and your blood pressure will increase. It will make it easier to get nosebleeds even if you don't get them."

"So what do you mean, if you drink coffee, you won't grow taller?

"Coffee doesn't work like that on its own, but if you sleep less with caffeine awakening, you may not grow taller"

"... stop drinking coffee at night"

"That's right."

Tsukuyomi, who thought she was no longer taller, seems to have decided not to flush it because it's good for her sleep and health.

"Something good or bad for your body can change quite a bit depending on the times, but which one to believe"

"It would be harmful if you ate too much of anything. I thought it would be easier to eat it in a balanced way, rather than eating it full because I like it."

"... I mean, you can leave it all to Toyo."

"That's right."

Master Amaterasu, who has become a pain in the ass to think about and decided to throw round to Master Toyokehime, and Master Tsukuyomi, who also has trouble teaching details and throws round.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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