The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Changing songs that kids from all over the country have known since the age when there's no int

chick festival.

It is an event that wishes a girl healthy growth, also known as peach verses, but in fact peach verses and chick dolls can originally be something else.

Verse was the turn of the season, praying for abundance and safety and doing troublesome events. Even the festivities involve the peaches that appeared because it makes sense to pay.

In contrast, the chick doll originally originally originally originated in peacetime with the chick play that existed, and it became the original shape combined with the flushing chick that caused the troubles to bear and flow into the river.

Afterwards, the style of decorating current chick dolls around the Edo period began to become popular, supposedly a girls' verse in the form of the men's event, the May 5 Dragon Boat verse.

"It's rare that there are celebrations for boys and girls on purpose."

"Huh? If you were born a pompous and a distinguished troublesome person, wouldn't you care about each and every one of them because elves have fewer children?

"I'll take care of it, but at a young age, there's no such thing as sex difference."

Mr. Limbell and Mr. Elte watch the seven-step decorative chicks line up as they say so.

In addition to the three government women, there are also a variety of options, such as the Five Kings, the Sticker, the Cage, the Mirror Table, and the Tea Tool.

"No, it's something my wife brought as a dowry tool, but I didn't think I'd have a chance to decorate it now"

Yasuda-kun will give it to Mr. Yayoi when he takes it out of the box, laughing frankly.

The actual placement is done by Inertia and Yayoi, who direct the smartphone into one hand, so I admire you for not being of any use at all.

"But is it your wife's dowry tool? It's beautiful for the old stuff."

"I haven't had a chance to use it at all. It's as good as new."

Incidentally, there is a theory about chick dolls that "you shouldn't take over because it's something that carries troubles," but technically it's separate from flushing chicks and most importantly, it's not something you can say all at once because it wasn't like flushing chicks.

The idea of whether it should take over even depending on the region and whether it should be one person at a time is different, so it seems to be each person.

"Well, if the women in this house go to their daughters, they won't be decorating again."

"It's unlikely that Lord Adachi will marry while he's alive, so I don't think so."

"It's not that I can't get married. It's just that I'm not going to, is it?


I'm Ms Inertia, who tells me not to be with mermaids, but I can only say that right now. Married people laugh at me with their noses. Spare me Mr Lymbell.

Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"What shall I do? Susano's going to knock her into the river."

"It's the puppet that's in trouble, not in itself, isn't it?

Master Tsukuyomi clinging to Master Amateras' words.

I have said that Master Isanami is a pain in the ass over the distance, but in a state perceived by the person, he is the second son to be caught between the good boulder procedures around not making this hand silence.

Actually, it's not my second son.

"Or can a chick doll even be adorned by an adult?

"You don't seem to have a particular decision on how long to decorate it. Even when you're an adult, you seem to have a family to decorate until you get married."

"I mean, I don't have a problem decorating..."


Dear Amaterasu, who cuts words and turns a profound gaze along the way.

But the meaning of this is rarely drawn and the neck is tilted, like Tsukuyomi.

"……… Isn't that where you prepare a chick doll called 'Think so ~'!?

"Neither did I anticipate the development of the boulder."

Lady Tsukuyomi was surprised by Amateras-sama's lack of tea.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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