"Oh, you're the new Demon King."

"I'm sure you're the blood lord, aren't you?

Between the thrones of the castle of demons.

Mr. Grauze was the chief minister of the confronting Demon King and the former Demon King.

Seeing Mr. Grauze move vampires in places where no one knows him as always, the Demon King heartily says, "Oh, come on. Is this really that lily bokeh vampire father?" and questioning the connection between blood.

"You did a lot of work. He was summoned backwards in a way that replaced me."

"I have trouble being mistaken. I sensed the goddess intervene in this world, and I went there myself."

"Eh, that's awesome."

Although it is often forgotten, Mr. Grauze is a dangerous person who did not directly reverse summon by Master Amaterus, but who intervened in the reverse summons that Master Amaterus tried to do and came to Japan, who would have caused nasty damage with a bee if he had made a mistake.

You shouldn't say the fact that you just had a terrible eye for payback because of what you didn't want to do sometimes hurts people.

"If you're like that, a demon king like me will be recognized."

"You mean harmony with humans? If you, the Demon King, were to put it up and everyone was, it wouldn't be something I'd say anyway. Although I personally do not intend to pledge my allegiance to you."

"Oh, I knew it was unacceptable to you personally?

"No. Whatever my personal thoughts, it is an indisputable fact that I once terrorized people in the name of blood. It is only when I think of you that relics of the past like mine should not stand on the tabular stage. Apparently, my daughter is doing her job."

"Ah, yeah. Oh, yeah."

Although I have fulfilled my duties, I would like to complain about my privacy and all sorts of flattery, but I can't tell you that Mr. Grauze trusts his daughter purely.

It pushes me as good because I hesitate in that kind of place, but I basically can't help but be nice to you.

"Leave the rest to my daughter, as always. I decide to hide. Whether you need my help or not, I will gladly help you."

"Uh, okay?

"Whatever. Now you are the king who can unite us demons. Don't forget that."

"……… OK."

When I reply to the Demon King, I bow my head and leave from the throne room, Mr. Grauze.

Dropping it off, the Demon King breathed like he was tired.

"Did the demons all spill out what seemed like the smartest thing when they thought about brain muscles? What advice like that competent subordinate?"

"Lady Grauze was the right arm of the previous Demon King. Didn't think so."

"I know more about you, Skeleton."

"I'm on the lower end, but it's quite a long old ginseng."

Demon King surprised by what Mr. Skeleton in charge of the trap said.

You can go to the Japan Countermeasure Conference and perfectly do the assistant. That's the hidden and competent magic material.

"By the way, Your Majesty. Can I let the cat go around Demon King's Castle? Don't be crude on people's property because of my family."

"If you think I'm back all of a sudden, I'm a lot of ocans!?

And when I thought I'd come back, I'd sue for permission to raise a cat, Mr. Grauze, and a demon king who sees a bunch of cats that just fill the floor and gets his liver drained.

Even today, the demonic world is at peace.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"……… hot"


Amaterasu, who is knocked out by rapidly rising temperatures and rolls into tatami even though it is only May, and Tsukuyomi, who undeniably affirms to boulders.

It's her first summer, so she can't adjust the temperature well.

"I wonder if it's okay for Japanese to anthropomorphize even the original name"

"I don't think it's okay to say if you're okay, but I think it's a Japanese way of thinking in a way."

"Tsukuyomi, are you okay with your head?

"You're being straightforward rude."

Tsukuyomi returns to Amaterasu, who worries about his brother's brain with a straight face.

I just can't help but talk about it.

"The Japanese will try to do well by accepting that there's nothing they can do about it. In addition, the idea of naturally worshipping animism is deeply rooted, and it would be similar to convincing thinking that it's hot because the sun god like my sister is absurd, or vice versa because the water god like Mizuhanome is in a bad mood, so it doesn't rain and it's hot."

"... I mean, was Riwa a new god?


Dear Tsukuyomi, you can calmly cling to the idea of the leaping Amaterasu.

But because it's the Japanese who make anything god. Or?

"I mean, on the contrary, I can't even afford to get rough because of the heat."

"Sister, are you sure you're the Sun God?

"Shall I cage you in Iwado again?"

"Sorry, sir."

A statement that even suspects the backbone of being a god released from Master Tsukuyomi.

Master Tsukuyomi immediately apologizes to Master Amateras for pulling out the heirloom's sword.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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