"I can't figure out when to go home"

"It's sudden."

in a rural village in the Republic of Keros.

Saros-kun listens back in a frightened manner with Asuka, who proclaims as Jen royally stands in front of the planted fields.

In the immediate vicinity, Master Suknahikona quietly eats edamame served on a plate.

I can't help but stop Edamame once I start eating it.

"No, at first I was going to go home to coincide with the new year at the other school, but you left wondering if it would be okay to go home without helping me plant. But now I'm halfway home at this time, and I've been rethinking that I should make it early in the summer, and now I'm leaving because the harvest is near..."

"No, go home."

Why do you give agricultural priority over your own convenience, Saros-kun, who doesn't want you to go home but stuck around unexpectedly?

I can't tell you how I feel because the roots are good kids.

"You've got some time to get back what you were resting on. Just go home and get ready without thinking about the timing."

"…… No way, Saros-kun has such constructive opinions."


I'd like to stick to what you think people are, Saros, but I know I'm stupid for what I am, so I didn't ask deeply.

Conscious fools aren't just fools at that point.

"That. No. If Aska's going home, what about Little God?

With that said, I'm still eating even edamame. Saros-kun refers to Master Suknahikona.

Don't think about it because God knows where you're going for what you eat all the time.

"Hmm? I was only sent with Asuka's support. If Asuka is going to make it back to Japan, we should probably go back."

"But Isao and the others said they would like to offer it to Sukhnahikona if they could make alcohol."

"I'm worried about this village, so we'll see how it goes for a while."

"You look so refreshing."

Saros-kun clings to Master Suknahikona, who obviously declared to stay on alcohol.

Because the Japanese god likes alcohol. I don't have a choice.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"I tried sending alcohol to your father as a jab"

"It's usually Father's Day, so you can send it."

As always, I hear you're looking at the opportunity because you haven't met Master Isanagi, Master Amateras, and Master Tsukuyomi, who is too cautious about that attitude.

Master Amateras wants to try it with a complete attitude because he is escaped once.

"I think it would be perfect if we went somewhere drunk."

"So stop rushing like that."

And be too cautious. Not too often. Master Amateras flagging the escape.

I have a reputation for being able to get away with a good chase.

"I mean, when did you get Father's Day? It's not a holiday, it's not that old."

"It didn't even come from Japan because it started in America, including Mother's Day."

"What...... you say?

Mother's Day began in 1907 when a woman named Anna sent her late mother a white carnation.

Even though Father's Day then began in a way that coincided with Mother's Day.

"Huh? So you didn't originally have a day in Japan to thank your parents or something?

"No. For once, Children's Day is the day to wish for your child's blessings and thank your mother."

"……… the father…"

"Come on?"

"'Come on?' What!?

Amateras-sama amazed at Tsukuyomi's throwing words.

Examining the percentage of people who actually give gifts on Mother's Day and Father's Day can have the result that there is obviously a small percentage of people who send gifts to their fathers.

Everybody take care of your father more.

"…… I wonder if it would be okay if I went to see your father now"

"I think you should be honest when you think so."

He's finally willing to go see me decently, Master Amateras, and while I can't change my mind any more, he keeps his usual atmosphere inside and says, "Go, go!" Dear Tsukuyomi,

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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