"What do I do with a baron?

"I wonder why you're asking me that."

in the Empire Capital of the Fitzgard Empire.

It's my day off. It was a good tea time to roll out to the city, Mr. Roman, but all of a sudden, I'm looking at Kagato-kun, who's in my seat.

By the way, Fitzgard has a lot of small sprinkled shops because there are many wealthy non-aristocrats, and it can be Mr. Roman's My Boom since he got back here to go around those shops.

"You can ask Wilhelmina."

"The lady is working today. And it's easy to understand Mr. Roman's explanation."

"Well, I guess so."

Some emperors are not trusted at all by Kagato-kun, but human beings who understand both cultures to some extent, like Mr. Roman, can actually be rare because they are basically in a state where values are too different to "know what you don't know".

For this reason, the Kingdom of Gardia, where the Japanese queen is in the negotiations against Japan, currently leads quite a bit, but it doesn't matter now.

"Well, it's the bottom line to say the title. It used to come with territory even just before it was built, but now that's not the case. You can think of it as a title, not a title. Sometimes when you call them again, they will be titled like 'The Denken Marquis', but in the case of the Baron, they are often called 'Lord'. If it were you, I'd be Lord Kaga."

"What's cool about that?"

Kagato-kun thought it would be hard to get a title or something, but when he actually called me, I couldn't help but think that it was a boy who made me feel a little awkward.

By the way, the title is basically what comes with the territory, as Mr. Roman also said, so when you originally call it by title, it's called not by the family name, but by the place name of the territory.

Even in Japan, we became famously innocent along the way, but it is like having a place name that is originally assigned to us like "Shoguna Tsukima" in the official position.

Then why haven't you done that in the making?

Because it's easy and even the author is going to forget.

"In my country, the baron is only a generation away. I can't let a child inherit it it. Well, it would be trivial because you would be so enthusiastically solicited by an aristocratic woman with only your own trail."

"Oh, my God, I'm scared."


The difference between Kagato-kun, who is told by a noble woman that she is popular and afraid, and Mr. Roman, who doesn't know why she is afraid, is still an incomprehensible value.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"Why does a baron have a title in his potato crust?

"The baroness is a name that was given to him when he was brought to Japan, and he doesn't really have a baroness."

I said something when I thought I suddenly started staring at the nearly eating croquette. Master Tsukuyomi calmly returns it to Master Amateras.

It also looks like a seemingly unusual thing to say, but in fact, sometimes it means giving a title or official position to something other than a person, and there is also a legacy that the Japanese issue, one of the spears known as the Heavenly Three Spears, was awarded a positive third place in inorganic objects.

"The English name is Irish Cobbler. He was named a baron because the man he brought to Japan was a baron."

"So if it was the Viscount you brought in, you would have been a Viscount?

"Probably would have, but it's a bad story."

Incidentally, there is also the variety White Baron (White Baron) as a variety derived from Baron potatoes.

"I mean, you've often found that croquette ingredients are baron favorites."

"Huh? Baron Colle, are you a jerk?


Apparently, it didn't matter what variety of potatoes you're eating now just because you associate it with potatoes, Master Amateras.

By the way, when I asked Master Toyokehime later, he was really a baron, so Tsukuyomi became worried about whether he was actually discerning.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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