"Doctor. I can't remember the relationship between the top and bottom of the title"

"Who's the teacher?

in the Fitzgard Empire.

I got engaged to Mr. Yayoi and said, "Ugh. This guy is seriously going out of the country," said Roman, who got a little free because His Majesty the Emperor understood.

Luckily for me, I was visiting a hobby coffee shop, and once again Kagato-kun caught me and suddenly asked me to teach him.

"You're a magician, so even if you don't remember, you'll be convinced by 'right'?

"I don't want to be such a shameless person."

Kagato-kun claims to want to be a common sense person, unlike other magicians.

I doubt there are any humans in this work that can be described as commonsense, but it's a good thing to work with purpose. Maybe.

And why don't you ask Mr. Wilhelmina, because he wants to be praised for hiding and studying.

Kagato-kun's loyalty is steadily increasing.

"Well you just have to remember the basics from above with the Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron. Even so, as I said before, the basics don't follow the territory up or down later. It's dangerous to judge a nobleman by the fact that he has more authority than a title."

"Oh, my God, that's scary."

By the way, we all love it. The Grand Duke is troublesome enough for Mr. Roman to give up explaining if asked what exactly his status is because the meaning can vary depending on the country and circumstances.

The Grand Duke is the only one in this work for now, so you're generally right if you think it's about the monarch of a small country that's not as good as the king.

"I mean, it's a painful, eye-catching nobleman if you truly judge him by his title. The next Marquis Wilhelmina's katana will be remembered by His Majesty, so if you imitate a bad nobleman, you'll be erased."

"Oh, my God, that's scary."

Rather than rejoicing that at some point my importance had risen tremendously, Kagato-kun fears.

Huh? Now? You may think so, but if Kagato correctly recognizes the current situation, he balks with stress, so watch him gently.

"If that's what you're afraid of, I don't think you should remember the politics more and more poorly. I'm convinced you're more of a common sense sorcerer."

"... I'll think about it"

They say it's easier to be like other mages, and the first determination is shaking. Stable indecision Kagato-kun.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"Not on Mother's Day, but on Mother's Month or something. Not sure when to give you a gift?

"When can I give it to you, you made it into a moon, not a day"

Master Tsukuyomi stuck with Master Amateras worried about the sudden outbreak of the campaign.

Mother's Month was conceived to avoid a concentration of gift purchases and deliveries to coincide with Mother's Day: "If you're in May, you can be safe, right?" This is a campaign of Japanese calluses.

"We have nothing to do with disease or anything in the human world in the first place, so you can just send it to Mother's Day as usual"

"Are you okay? Wouldn't you die accidentally, like Ohkun or Sukhnahikona?

"Sure, even God dies lightly when he dies..."

In fact, Master Okuninushi, who is jealous of his brother and has a proven track record of being revived by killing him twice.

Master Sukhnahikona is dying of sickness, and the Japanese god passes out of sight.

"Besides, even mass-produced products still have a better average quality in the human world."

"Well, it has to be more than just money."

Some people may think it doesn't taste like what they bought with money, but it can also be said that being able to buy with money is professionally designed and created on that path.

It's a crystal of technology worthy of consideration, unless it's too clueless.

"Well, let's go check it out in due course. Don't get too dense...... social distribution?

"It's a social defense, sister."

Distortion: Distortion. []/(v5r, vi) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) to go

Actually, Master Amateras was worried about the distortions in modern society...?

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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