The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Writing a peer magazine isn't motivating enough to make it a book.

"Speaking of which, I hear a new infection is prevalent over there, but don't you worry about bringing it in here or something"

"That's even more questionable for Mr. Asahi now."

This year, the queen says she has a thin book that is expected to fall sharply in the number of sales, and Mina from the Wetterhahn Chamber of Commerce, who has too much coverage for what she is selling.

In Japan, some of them are electronic data, but there is no such thing as hyperbole in the other world.

"Kaga said that the fungus and virus in her hand are adjusting so that they don't cross the world."

"Can modern science do such impossible things?"

"'Cause this magic cures even unexplained illnesses when it comes to high levels."

"Are you serious?"

I'm fighting and selling everything I can to science and medicine. Queen surprised by this sorcery.

Although they also have the disadvantage of not developing disciplines on that side because of it.

"Hmm? Then send the magician in from here and we'll end the epidemic of infectious diseases over there."

"I think it's hard. Only a handful of top magicians can manage to get to the virus level, so I don't think there's enough."

"... Was that heckle that awesome?

"He doesn't understand how amazing he is."

Apparently Kagato was recognized as a heck of a queen even by a less knowledgeable queen.

I'm fine, because Mr. Wilhelmina appreciates me properly.

"That sounds like another easy one."

"Yes, I use it all the time."

And the queen who draws such conclusions, and Mr. Mina, who affirms them.

Perhaps if Mr. Wilhelmina hadn't protected him, he would have used him to the bone marrow.

"... I feel compelled to offer a prayer of gratitude to the lady"

"Have you finally bugged your head?

You perceived being evaluated like that, Mr. Roman, who can say something in the King's Capital of Fitzgard.

The other world is still peaceful today.

Meanwhile, Takatenara

"... basin curry"

"Stop speaking without thinking deeply about what you came up with"

Tsukuyomi clung with Amaterasu, who grumbles in front of the curry of many (former Spirit Horse MK-3).

Incidentally, according to a study by a golden Retreat Curry distributor, sales of regular curries do not differ so much throughout the year, whereas sales increase in the summer when dry.

You think that's why they're selling only summer spicy flavors or something?

"Speaking of which, I hear Japanese curry chain stores are entering India, do you think Tsukuyomi will succeed?

"It seems that a real California Roll has landed in Japan lately, so it might be possible"

"What is a real California Roll"

Dear Amateras, if you think you've started going backwards against India, you're surprised you've already gone backwards from the United States.

No. Well, leave it or not. It's delicious.

"But you can't use beef."

"Ah, Hinduism is a holy animal, isn't it? But it wasn't Hinduism about 20%, was it?

"It wasn't like that before, because these days cow extremists are raiding people who handle beef"

"Bull Radicals"

It also sounds like something you're saying lightly, but seriously, there's also mass killing from raids with cow entanglements, so be very careful how you treat cows if you ever go to India.

In fact, India may be one of the world's leading beef exporters, but if it stays this way, it may shrink as well.

"Well, even if you can't use meat, a lot of vegetables. The curry is delicious, too. Or put it in a curry and there's no such thing as unsavory."

"... there was also a time for me to think so"

"What happened!?

Master Tsukuyomi and Master Amateras, who rarely drop a shadow on his face and are depressed by bees, are amazed.

You know. Lots of beans of all kinds. Curry eyelids only taste like beans.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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