"I'd like some harder bread."

"Suddenly what?"

In the living room of House Yasuda.

When I thought I was eating a toast for breakfast, I suddenly complained about the bread with Limbel and Elte.

When there is no butter, it is quite delicious when baked with mayonnaise.


Never mind the details!

"No, I like this, but Japanese bread is too soft to eat."

"I understand. It's hard enough that the knife won't pass through the rye bread over time."


About the gentleman priest who came on the talk, Mr Elte leaked a bewildered voice to Mr Natan's words.

You may wonder if the knife does not work or if it is food, but it is said that there are times when such a condition occurs because bread is stored for a long time abroad.

I don't know how to eat such a thing, but it seems that there is no problem because I eat it after adding it to soup and wine.

"Doesn't Elte care?

"I don't care about the details as long as I can eat them."

On the other hand, since she lived a very narrow life as an orphan, Mr. Elte was not so obsessed with food.

He is the youngest of the Yasuda family, but he is definitely a strong child who has experienced the bottom of his life.

"My fault. Eat it."

"Let's add bacon to the egg grill."

"Why? I'll take it."

For some reason, two adults who are trying to feed with their loving eyes are wondering what they can get, Mr. Elte.

Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile, the plateau.

"Japanese bread is soft?

"It's soft. Some people in the European area say," This isn't bread!? "To the extent that I feel guilty."

"That far!?

Amaterasu is surprised to learn that a little doubt is the level that causes cultural shock.

In addition, it seems that even within the European area, inner circles will occur, saying, "I think your country's bread is also like that."

Of course, some people like Japanese soft bread.

"Well, there is a problem of preference, but it's probably because the purpose and method are different in the first place. Rice is the staple food in Japan, and bread is not made in bulk and stored for a long time."

Ah, the expiration date of bread and so on is quite short.

In addition, it seems that the hardness of the water used is also related, and some bakers who come from overseas to Japan get their own water because the taste and hardness will change.

It is said that if you use Japanese water, it will become quite hard and sometimes it will become "Yes Yan".

"Conversely, it seems to be easy to accept in countries that are not familiar with bread like Japan. Bread is spreading in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, but Japanese companies seem to be gaining ground with Japanese-style bread."

"Ah, I wonder if there's a fixed concept of bread that I'm used to eating. They're going to say," What the hell is this? "

"No, Ampan is quite popular in Ampan."


Amaterasu-sama leans her neck when she hears that Ampan is popular as a representative of the Japanese and Western trade-offs.

I don't know.

The plateau is still peaceful today.

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