"Hello, you are Lord Kaga, the magician of the Inhalt family."

"Yes, yes. Nice to meet you."

In the capital of the Fitzgerald Empire.

When I suddenly thought that Roman had been summoned to the house, Kagato, the vigilant Max, was smilessly talked to by a stylish bearded old man who was curled near his mouth.

But it's a little quiet that two Seoul who should have graduated a long time ago were disturbed by the way they called him "Lord Kaga."

"It doesn't have to be so hard. Feel free to call me Mr Denken. I'm just an uncle with no titles and no nobles."

"Oh, is that so? I'm sorry, the nobles had a polite and loud image."

Mr. Denken didn't lie, but he didn't tell me the truth, Kagato.

This is just because Denken is careful not to put extra stress on Kagato-kun, and he never "seems to respond well when he leaves."

Mr. Roman, who was looking at the side, said, "What are you up to? This father has white eyes."

"Your Majesty has entrusted you with negotiations in Japan. I'm sorry to say that, but I was asked to watch you get into extra trouble in Japan."

"Oh, that's amazing, Mr. Denken."

- I don't have a title.

-But they trust you enough to negotiate.

- In other words, an incredibly capable person!

Choroi Kagato, whose rating would change from "weird uncle" to "incredible uncle" by guessing.

Well, it's true that you're actually capable, so you're not wrong.

"That's right. Would you like something to eat as a sign of approaching? I was still studying at Mr. Zhu Yu's place. I think it suits your tongue."

"Huh!? Can you even cook, Mr. Denken?

And in a talk I never lied to, Mr. Denken covered up the fact that he was hiding, but he was actually a great man, and succeeded in hiding his carefree uncle's moves.

Among Kagato's earliest, Denken was a friendly and trustworthy uncle who was a cook but trusted by the Emperor.

"Well, it's about my father, so I'm sure he's rooted out early."

Even though I leaked it, I was actually expecting something from my father, Mr. Roman.

Today, the other world is still at peace.

Meanwhile, the plateau.

"I'm not in charge of the infection control. I'm transporting it by truck."

That's definitely a problem.

Like Amaterasu-sama who is hiding her mouth with both hands, Tsukuyomi agrees unusually and persistently.

By the way, the priest followed me from behind in a rickshaw.

"At the very least, it's not a horizontal shift, but you have to shake it to calm it down."


Amaterasu-sama doesn't seem to care about being accidentally transported by truck. She clings to Tsukuyomi on the contrary.

Incidentally, as I wrote before, it is said that vigorously shaking the gods has the significance of activating the gods on board.

At the festival the author saw, people were in charge before putting him on the truck, so he seems to be taking measures around it as well.

"If the infection spreads at the festival, you'll end up falling. I can't help it."

"That's right, but at least get on the trolley!? Why the truck!?

Apparently, Amaterasu-sama is not satisfied with being transported in an engine car with manpower.

It would be better if the number of people were as small as possible. I can't help it.

"Well, please calm down because the toyoke shark made me yakisoba and taco grill that looks like it's going to be served at the festival."

"Shaved ice?

"I'll serve you a big cup full of it for dessert."

Amaterasu-sama looks at yakisoba and taco grilled in an abominable pack, and immediately holds chopsticks and forgets about the god.

The plateau is still peaceful today.

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