The Too Many Summonings from Japan Have Caused the Goddess to Flip Out

Mobile devices are the mainstay because the standby machines are not in the storage area.

"I'm free."


At some militia garrison.

A light man with dead eyes lying on his bed, and a serious man who seemed to be studying at a desk.

The former knights who came to Japan with their summoning and joined the Self-Defense Forces.

Why don't you train your strength?

"I'm gone. Can you run for hours without leaving the garrison and without changing the view?"

Well, it's definitely tough to run.

Why does a man who seems to be light seem to be free, because he can't go out on holidays?

The Self-Defense Forces need to have some garrison personnel in case of an emergency, so even on holidays, there will be residual personnel that must remain in the garrison.

In order to respond quickly when other disaster dispatches are required, the personnel incorporated into the contingent must be in a location where they can return to the garrison within a few hours, and even on holidays, their movements will be limited.

Even if you're not assigned to that task, it's hard to believe that you'll have to apply for a place to stay if you're going to stay outside of the city.

There was also a mighty man who wrote majestically, "Her House."

"Would you like to read a comic when you're out of time?"

"Manga? Like that picture book?"

"It's true that painting is the main thing, but there are many things that make people think." Senpai gave it to me because it was funny, but this is about a swordsman fighting for revenge after his family was killed. "

Oh, you're a swordsman.

Is it because of the blood of the knight who is said to be a swordsman, or a light man who starts to read the manga handed over in his spare time.

Because you can't go out, and you're too busy, there are more nerds among the militia.

Today, Japan is still at peace.

On the other hand, Takatenhara.

Huh? Aren't militiamen a group of brain muscles that like to train their bodies more than three meals?

"Well, there are people like that..."

Tsukuyomi replied vaguely to Amaterasu-sama's prejudice.

Seriously, if○ I have a little free time, there are occasional people like Kitaman who are doing weight training.

"Some people seem to have barely exercised before joining the militia." Even if we don't say that these people are in public for about half a year, it's a new team member education to beat them up to half a public. "

Are you all right? Is that any kind of weird enhancement?

If you ask me if it's been a weird enhancement, maybe it's the militia's new crew education.

In a sense, it is an irrational world where general common sense is not understood, so the newly graduated child is at a level where he is slightly worried that he can be reintegrated into society.

Huh? Shouldn't we just continue with the militia?

"No. If you're a cadre or a Cao class, you'll still have to stop at the lowest level." In other words, since the type of army usually has a pyramidal structure, it is normal for the lower edge to be part of the upper edge because there is a large amount of entrance and the lower edge is maintained by replacing it with the next edge. "

Ah, by the way, I heard that just going to the militia for a few years would save a lot of money.

In fact, when you are in the garrison, there are residences, and rice comes out, so you don't have to spend money, so if you want to save, you can save up to a few million in a few years.

It seems that some people use it as a starting point to try their dreams.

"Since there are relatively many people left in the militia, the organization is distorted." Even so, there are still not enough troops, so if you raise the age limit for enlistment exams, you will be aging. "

"Oh, my God, the ageing militia, it's not funny."

Because it is an aging society with fewer children. I can't help it.

Incidentally, as a result of the increase in the age limit, you can enlist until the age of 32, so if you are interested, feel free to ask your local regional cooperation headquarters!

I asked casually, but at the end of the day, you're going to be solicited with incredible vigour!

"How short of manpower?"

"Well, that's the job for the person in charge."

I only requested the materials, but when I was visiting the house directly, I felt lightly scared.

Today, Takatenhara is still peaceful.

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