Shaking his head, the shock in his heart gradually calmed down, and finally, he let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what, judging from this math test and this draft paper, Xiao Yi's true ability has far exceeded their expectations.

So, now he should tell Professor Liu Bin the good news immediately.

I believe that just his performance in this math test is enough to reassure Liu Bin.

Thinking of this, he took the draft paper again, took a few photos on it, and then asked a teacher to pass him a copy of Xiao Yi's test paper, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work, teachers. I have something to do. Let’s go now. Let’s continue marking the papers.”

The other teachers nodded one after another. They had indeed spent a lot of time on Xiao Yi's test paper, and now they should continue grading work in other examination rooms.

However, just when Qin Song was about to leave, he suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, I was actually staying in the monitoring room today to pay attention to Xiao Yi's exam situation. If I'm not mistaken, He actually finished all the questions on the test paper in 20 minutes.”

After saying this, he left directly.

The teachers who were about to start the next marking work were shocked for a long time because of his words.

Even Teacher Zhang was like this. He really didn't notice when he was invigilating the exam. Xiao Yi had already finished writing all the questions 20 minutes after the exam started.

20 minutes, what is this concept?

Well, it seems that this kid really had nothing to do during the exam, so he came up with so many solutions to the final questions.

Huaguo University of Science and Technology, School of Mathematics, in an office.

Liu Bin is in the office, and there are new books on his desk.

These books are all carefully selected by him and are textbooks for college mathematics majors.

From advanced mathematics to algebra, from number theory to geometry...

Altogether, there are more than ten books.

In addition to these books, there are also several collections of various mathematics competition problems that he has selected over the past few days.

These things were what he had promised to give to Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi only wanted these competition questions at the beginning, but he felt that in addition to these competition questions, Xiao Yi should also start learning the knowledge required for college-level mathematics majors, so he prepared them all. , prepare to hand it over to Xiao Yi together when the time comes.

Suddenly, at this moment, his cell phone rang. When he saw the caller's message, it was Qin Song, the director of the second grade of the high school attached to the high school.

His eyes lit up. It seemed that it was time for their school's monthly exam in the past two days. Call him now. Could it be that there is some good news about Xiao Yi?

Thinking of this, he immediately answered the phone.

Soon, Qin Song's hearty laughter came from the other side of the phone: "Hahaha, Professor Liu, you can rest assured now!"

Liu Bin also laughed immediately: "What's the good news? Tell me."

Chapter 14 The devil of mathematics?

Qin Song told Liu Bin completely about Xiao Yi's performance in the exam.

Originally, Liu Bin thought it was just that Xiao Yi's monthly exam results were very good. As soon as Qin Song started telling him that Xiao Yi only took 20 minutes to finish the math exam, his eyes suddenly widened.

Xiao Yi finished the 120-minute math test in 20 minutes?

Exactly a fraction?

Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

12 multiple-choice questions, 4 fill-in-the-blank questions, so there are 16 questions, and then there are 5 answer questions, which adds up to 21 questions. It took 20 minutes to finish writing, which is even more than one question per minute on average. question.

Although the difficulty of these questions is indeed not as high as the competition questions, but in 20 minutes, wouldn't it be possible to know how to do it just by looking at the questions?

I'm afraid it will be slower than copying the answers directly.

But it wasn't over yet. Then Liu Bin saw the draft paper Qin Song sent to Xiao Yi, and his surprise almost turned into shock.

Isn't he afraid that he is going to recruit a mathematics demon to their Department of Mathematics of the University of Science and Technology of China?

Two things, writing the test paper in 20 minutes and five ways to solve the final question, seemed really shocking, but as a mathematics professor, Liu Bin could see something deeper.

The former reflects that Xiao Yi's thinking is very quick. When he gets a question, he can quickly start thinking about it and come up with a solution. Unlike most people, when doing the question, his brain is still busy. You need to filter out the thoughts on the previous question before you can start thinking about the next question. It is like the brain has a "power-on" process.

The latter is even more powerful. He can think of five ways to solve a problem, and even one way is simpler than the other. This shows that Xiao Yi's way of thinking is very independent and can eliminate all kinds of inertial thinking. , thereby changing the perspective of thinking when solving problems.

This is particularly important for mathematics, or for any science.

Inertial thinking is a good thing for some similar problems in science. It can save people a lot of time when solving problems. To a certain extent, this is also a kind of empirical thinking.

And its biggest problem is that it is not so easy to use when facing other new problems.

If you want to solve new problems, whether it is the direction of thinking, the angle of research, etc., you often need to make changes. However, due to the inertia of the brain, when people study new problems, they always habitually use the past methods to try to solve them. , it’s hard to get rid of those experiences in your mind.

So we can see that many important achievements in history often stem from the flexible thinking of the creators, while those who fail are defeated by the thinking in their minds.

Especially for math.

Therefore, Liu Bin knew very well how amazing it was that Xiao Yi could think of multiple solutions to the same problem in just a few dozen minutes.

This shows that his thinking has almost no inertia. As long as he wants to, he can get rid of the inertia and think anytime and anywhere.

It's no wonder that this kid was always able to solve the competition problems he had in extremely brilliant ways.

Liu Bin couldn't help but have doubts. Will the Department of Mathematics of the University of Science and Technology of China be able to suppress this mathematical wizard?

"Hey, Professor Liu? What's wrong?"

Qin Song's voice came from the microphone, probably because Liu Bin never responded, which made him feel a little confused.

Liu Bin came back to his senses and responded: "Oh, it's nothing, it's probably..."

He said helplessly: "I'm a little too surprised."

"Haha, if you can surprise Professor Liu, that's right! When Xiao Yi enters the junior class, he will definitely not disappoint the Department of Mathematics of HKUST!"

I won’t be disappointed, but maybe I’m desperate?

The kind of despair that ordinary people feel when faced with geniuses.

Liu Bin shook his head, forget it, he better not think so much.

No matter what, Xiao Yi's talent is there. If he joins their junior class, he will definitely be able to bring glory to their junior class.

Hmm...then I'll have to take the blame for the geniuses in the junior class and blame him for it.

Maybe it can also shock the arrogance of those junior class students.

He couldn't help but start to look forward to what amazing abilities Xiao Yi would be able to show after he went to the juvenile class.

Especially the genius thinking with almost no inertia, once it studies real mathematical topics, it may surprise everyone.

Then he said to Qin Song: "Okay, when your monthly test results are completely out, send me the report card, and then I will submit it to our school together. After the review is passed, Xiao Yi will be given the college entrance examination results." Certificate."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Professor Liu." Qin Song said happily, now it's stable!

As for the college entrance examination qualification certificate, it can only be issued by colleges and universities with juvenile classes, because the Ministry of Education stipulates that only high school students can take the college entrance examination, while students in other grades cannot take the college entrance examination.

The junior class colleges and universities have this backdoor "qualification" to allow non-senior high school students to take the college entrance examination, and then students who meet the standards can enter the junior class and enter college early.

"In addition, I will come to the Affiliated High School next week to meet classmate Xiao Yi. I will give him some competition questions and books and other things that I promised him last time."

"Okay." Qin Song replied.

Then they didn't say anything more and hung up the phone.

Putting down his phone, Liu Bin looked down at the books he had sorted out for Xiao Yi. He groped behind his chin and then clapped his hands.

"Add algebraic geometry, algebraic topology... these books to the list as well."

Another few days passed quietly.

Because the Physics and Chemistry exam for sophomore high school students is still a subject-based exam and not a comprehensive exam, the exam took a total of three days, starting from Friday and lasting until Sunday.

Students don’t have to think about the rest time this weekend. Sunday night is just for self-study and classes will continue.

Although it is very tiring, after a few years or more than ten years pass, such a period of time will probably be regarded as a precious memory of youth, right?

Just like that, the moon sets and the sun rises, and the second week, Monday, arrives.

Morning self-study time is different from the sleepy scene in the classroom during morning self-study time in the past. In this day's morning self-study time, all the students raised their heads and looked full of energy.

In fact, the reason why they are so energetic is entirely due to the tension in their hearts.

Nothing else, because this morning self-study period is the time when the results of last week’s monthly exams are announced!

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Chapter 15 BUFF effect upgrade

"I don't know how this exam went... I'm so nervous."

"I don't know...the mathematics this time is so difficult. I don't even know if I can get 90 points. Passing is a problem."

"Yes, when I finished the fill-in-the-blank questions, there were only 40 minutes left. When I finished the first answer question, I heard the half-hour bell rang. I was shocked."

"I'm okay. I took a quick look at the multiple-choice questions and the fill-in-the-blank questions and then didn't write them. Then I wrote three and a half of the answer questions, half of the penultimate question, and I didn't write the last question at all."

"Damn, this math test really isn't for humans."

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