He was slightly stunned. Who would come to the Entrepreneurship Center to find him now?

There was still more than a week before the start of school.

He stood up, opened the door, and then saw several people standing outside.

Three men and two women.

He had seen two of the boys before. They were the two boys who stood at the door of his room yesterday, "thinking" about his million-dollar server.

The one wearing glasses was called Xu Ming.

"Hello, God Xiao!"

Seeing Xiao Yi, the five people greeted him one after another. In particular, four of them looked at Xiao Yi with excitement as if they were looking at an idol - of course, this was understandable.

Only the girl who seemed to be the leader looked at Xiao Yi carefully, as if she was looking at what was different from normal people.

Xiao Yi was a little confused. These five people should all be from the School of Materials Science and Engineering?

Why did they come to find him?

But he still nodded and said, "Uh, hello, where are you?"

The girl in the lead came up and explained her purpose: "Xiao Shen, I'm sorry to bother you. We are graduate students from the School of Materials. My name is Luo Mingya, and they are all my juniors."

"We actually want to rent your server for about three months. I don't know if you are willing. Of course, we won't occupy all the server resources, so you can also use it."

"Rent a server?"

Hearing the other party's purpose, Xiao Yi asked curiously: "You are doing material research. Are you going to use the server to run simulations?"

Luo Mingya smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is mainly designed to a topic, and the process requires the use of simulation methods, so the server must be used."

"But, Xiao Shen, do you also know about our material research?"

"Oh, that's not the case." Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "I am only slightly interested in the methods of material research."

"You should also know that I am proficient in mathematics. I heard that there is a The field is called computational materials science, and mathematics plays a big role in it, right? "

Luo Mingya smiled and said, "Of course, if you want to study computational materials, mathematics plays a big role, and the requirements for mathematics are sometimes quite high."

"For example, density functional analysis is an important mathematical method in our computational materials science. Its key concepts are charge density and exchange-correlation functional. "

"Well... to put it simply, charge density represents the distribution of electrons in the system. You should also know this, Xiao Shen, and exchange-correlation functional is a functional that describes the interaction between electrons. "

"Functional analysis methods are needed."

"As for functional analysis... for those of us who study materials science, it is relatively difficult. My junior brothers and sisters may have a deeper understanding of this. "

After speaking, she turned her head and squinted her eyes to look at the four fellow disciples behind her, "Are you right?"

"Ah... Senior Sister is right!"

The four junior brothers and sisters felt Luo Mingya's gaze, and they all seemed to subconsciously avoid her eyes.

Looking at this scene, why did Xiao Yi feel that Luo Mingya's juniors and sisters were all afraid of her?

Laboratory bullying?

Hmm... No, it feels like they are both respectful and afraid of her.

"So when I asked you to learn functional analysis, you didn't study hard." Luo Mingya said again, and then turned around.

However, she looked at Xiao Yi and suddenly said: "Since you are interested in computational materials, maybe you can try to join our research group?"

"Our topic happens to be closely related to computational materials science. If you are really interested, I believe that this topic can also bring you a deeper understanding. How about it?"

"And it just so happens that... our project team also lacks a mathematics expert. Although I can do it, it just takes up a little energy."

As a result, when Xiao Yi heard her words, she didn't react, and the four juniors and sisters behind her suddenly widened their eyes.

Xu Ming said in shock: "Senior sister, you..."

"What do you mean?" Luo Mingya turned her head again and glanced at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming: "I..."

"What do you mean by "I?"

Luo Mingya glared at him: "After Xiao Shen joined our research group, we can use the server better, right?"

"Of course, we still pay the rental fee, which is guaranteed to be the same as the market price, and no discount is needed."

Xu Ming was silent.

And Xiao Yi rubbed his chin and finally nodded: "Okay, since you can let me join your research group, it's natural to use the server."

Computational materials science?

Applying mathematics to the study of materials science?


The enthusiasm for the problem once again aroused his interest.

In addition, this should also be considered as participating in scientific research projects, right?

As for the mathematics or computer projects he participated in before...well, strictly speaking, these are not natural sciences, so it sounds a little different.

"That's great!"

Seeing Xiao Yi nod, Luo Mingya immediately laughed: "I believe that with your mathematical ability, Xiao Shen, you may be able to play a big role in computational materials science."

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said: "I know nothing about materials science, let alone computational materials science. I guess I have to study hard in the next period of time."

Luo Mingya nodded and said: "I can recommend you a few books, which will be of great help to your entry."

"Thank you very much." Xiao Yi nodded, and then he saw that people had been standing at the door for a long time, so he said: "Come in first, but... there is no place to sit."

He looked inside and there was only his chair in the venue.

"It's okay, we just come to discuss with Xiao Shen today."

Luo Mingya said, and then walked in.

"You don't have to call me Xiao Shen, just call me by my name, even if you are a junior brother."

Hearing the other party calling Xiao Shen all the time, Xiao Yi always felt a little bit unbearable

"Haha, then I won't be polite." Luo Mingya smiled and said, "It seems that Xiao Xuedi also feels awkward to call me like this. When I was in the junior class, they also called me like this. In the end, I asked them not to call me like this."

Junior class?

Xiao Yi looked at the senior sister in front of him in surprise. It turned out that she was a genius in the junior class.

The junior class did have the habit of calling each other "X God", but...

Luo Shen?

The four junior brothers and sisters behind Luo Mingya began to murmur in a low voice at this time.

"It's over, the senior sister is arrogant, does she even dare to exploit Xiao Shen?"

"Xiao Shen is confused, he is a genius in the School of Mathematics, but the senior sister is a bully in our School of Materials!"

"What are you talking about? Why don't you come in?" Luo Mingya appeared at the door again and glanced at them.

"Oh oh oh!" The four people immediately stood at attention and walked in.

"Liu Chao, go get five stools. There should be some downstairs. They are the kind of plastic stools that can be stacked together."

When Junior Brother Liu was about to go in, Luo Mingya assigned him a task.

"Ah?" Liu Chao was stunned. "Okay."


There was only one server in the room, so the five people also surrounded the server.

Xu Ming was finally able to look at the server up close, and immediately said: "It is indeed from IBM. Tsk, this server... is beautiful!"

"Xiao Shen, how much is this server?"

"1.03 million." Xiao Yi replied.

"Hiss... This fraction is enough to equip a 3090 machine!" Xu Ming's eyes widened immediately.

"You still have the mind to think about the game console." Luo Mingya said unhappily: "Think about your report last week, how long did it take me to revise it? I don't even want to say anything to you."

Xu Ming shrank his neck: "Just think about it."

"You can't think about it. Now we have a server. I will give you the task of data processing in the future. If I find any problems..."

Luo Mingya's eyes seemed to flash with a light.

"Ah?" Xu Ming's eyes widened immediately: "Senior sister, is this..."

"Any opinions?"



Listening to their communication, Xiao Yi felt more and more that their senior sister was like their mentor.

But he didn't ask much, after all, this was also the business of other people's laboratories.

He turned around and looked at the current situation of his server.

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