The voice in Luo Mingya's phone just now...seems to be the voice of this teacher Sun, right?

"It's over, we won't be killed by Teacher Sun, right?"

Liu Chao hugged his head, his face full of horror.


The farce ended quickly, and their discussion today ended here.

The laboratory still needs to work next, after all, they have more than just one project, there are many other projects.

According to what Xiao Yi heard from Xu Ming and others, Luo Mingya, as the actual controller of this laboratory, has at least three projects in hand at the same time.

And their project is currently a more important project. If it succeeds, there is a chance to be evaluated for the National Natural Science Award.

As for their juniors, if they have a slightly better project, Luo Mingya will also provide them with some help, whether it is funding or guidance.

In short, their senior sister is actually a senior sister who treats them very well. Probably the only problem is that she can't tolerate any sand in her eyes. As long as she is lazy, she will definitely point fingers at them.

So, as soon as the discussion ended, they returned to the laboratory and continued their tasks.

As for Xiao Yi, he naturally had nothing to do. After understanding the topic, he also looked at the mathematical model that had been established.

The next task was to study.

And there was a lot to learn.

First of all, he had to start with some basics. At least he had to understand the prerequisite knowledge of computational materials science, especially the content related to density functional theory and first-principles calculation.

After all, he had to understand the principles of the mathematical model first.

Fortunately, Luo Mingya not only recommended the textbooks he needed to read, but also lent him the books she had read before. After all, the library has not officially opened yet, so it is definitely impossible to borrow books. If you buy books, it may take a few days to arrive.

As a genius, Luo Mingya knew very well that if he lost a few days of study time, he didn't know how much knowledge Xiao Yi would learn less.

The sooner Xiao Yi understood the principles of computational materials methods such as density functional theory and first-principles calculation, the sooner he could provide them with more help.

In this way, time passed quietly.

Library study room.

Although the library was not open, the study room was open.

Of course, since the school had not officially started, the study room was empty. Those who could study here were either those who did not go home during the Chinese New Year or those who came back to study before the holiday was over.

Xiao Yi's entry did not attract anyone's attention. He carried his schoolbag, found a corner, and opened the book "Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction" in his hand, a classic book on density functional theory. The English name of density functional theory is Density Functional Theory, which is abbreviated as DFT.

According to the traces on the book, it can be seen that Luo Mingya has turned every page of the book many times.

However, from the appearance, although it has been turned many times, the book is still neat.

Turning to the first page, he officially started studying.

Density functional theory is the cornerstone of computational materials science. It is the birth of this theory that officially introduced the study of materials science to computers.

DFT uses electron density to describe the ground state properties of multi-electron systems, avoiding the difficulties of directly solving the complex multi-body Schrödinger equation.

Of course, as a top mathematician, after reading it a few times, Xiao Yi easily began to think about how to connect the variational principle in mathematics with the rigorous expression in DFT.

In addition to the content in the book, it also includes the notes written by Luo Mingya.

He glanced at two lines of notes: [The Kohn-Sham equation simplifies the multi-electron problem into a single-electron problem, but the choice of exchange-correlation energy functional is crucial. ]

[LDA and GGA have different scopes of application, but how to balance accuracy and computational cost in actual calculations is a problem that needs in-depth research. ]

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and these notes hit the point.

In general, various theories of computational materials science have a balance problem between computational accuracy and computational cost. For example, first-principles calculations have relatively better computational accuracy, but at the same time, their requirements for computational cost are very high. This is a problem for any research group. After all, whether it is funding or time, everyone is limited.

On Earth Online, no one can open a cracked version.

Time passed slowly, and the book also gave an example about the electronic structure of silicon crystals.

He pondered over and over again, thinking about the example from many aspects.

The more he thought about it, the more he could understand the impact of different functionals on the calculation results.

As a mathematician, and a mathematician with outstanding talent, he couldn't help but start thinking about whether he could improve the construction of functionals through mathematical optimization methods.

"The basic idea of ​​density functional theory is to express the energy of a multi-electron system as a functional of electron density. The Kohn-Sham equation simplifies the electronic system into the movement of a group of non-interactive electrons in an effective potential field, which effectively reduces the computational complexity."

"Obviously, the solution to the Kohn-Sham equation depends more on the exact form of the exchange-correlation energy functional. If possible..."

Xiao Yi's thinking became more and more in-depth.

From density functional theory to first principles, in addition, computational materials science also includes many other methods, such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation.

Of course, he did not forget to study other basic theories, including the foundation of materials science, quantum mechanics and other aspects.

In this way, a few days passed quietly.


A few days later.

In the Entrepreneurship Center.

"Master, what do you do?"

Liu Chao looked at the masters who were moving servers in front of him and suddenly asked.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and everyone present looked at him.

Liu Chao suddenly realized it, and then coughed awkwardly twice, saying: "Well... I'm going to the toilet."

"I'll go with him."

Xu Ming, who was a little bit overwhelmed, ran over, and then heard a hearty laugh from the other side of the corridor.

Xiao Yi held back his laughter and continued to watch from the side.

This is the server cluster he bought at a huge cost of 5 million, and Xu Ming provided a lot of suggestions.

Entering the venue, the masters began to assemble these servers.

Well... 5 million, should be enough for a while, right?

Xiao Yi pondered in his heart.

Just at this time, his mobile phone rang, and it turned out to be a call from Boss Huang.

"Haha, Xiao Yi, I have already transferred all the 1.5 million usage fees from my side to you."

Hearing the other party's words, Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Okay."

Not bad, although 5 million was spent, 1.5 million was also recovered, not bad.

This usage fee is the activation fee for each mining machine to use Yishui Bit.

After using it for free for a few days, Mr. Huang had naturally seen how powerful this software was, so as soon as the free trial period was over, he paid all the usage fees for the nearly 30,000 mining machines in his mine.

1.5 million, it seems like a lot, but it is actually not much at all.

According to the current price of Bitcoin at $55,000, even if his mine does not use Yishui Bit, the daily revenue is about 3.5 million RMB. Now with Yishui Bit, it has directly reached 6 million. It is only 1.5 million, and it can be earned back in one day.

"In addition, Xiao Tiancai, I have already promoted Yishui Bit for you. According to what you said before, isn't it going to be open for download today? But I haven't seen you open it yet. Now those people from other mines have called me and asked me what's going on."

"I estimate that this time, I'm afraid that at least 200,000 mining machines will use your software." Well, you can try

You are not alone

Chapter 141 It's open if it's not closed?

Hearing what Mr. Huang said, Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Boss Huang, what did you say? 200,000 units?"

"Yes!" Boss Huang said with a smile: "This is just a conservative estimate, I think it will be more."

"Hey, you can make a lot of money just from the activation fee."

The activation fee is 50 per unit, and 200,000 units is directly equivalent to 10 million.

"I see. Thanks for your reminder."

"Yishui Bit may be delayed until tomorrow. I bought a batch of servers today and am preparing for the launch of the software."

Huang Houping laughed and said, "Is that so? Then you have to prepare a bigger server. If the server is too small, it will definitely not work."

"After the first batch of people have used it, I think the reputation of your Yishui Bit will have to be improved a lot. 200,000 is just a base price. I'm afraid it will have to go to more than 1 million in the end."

"I will call you Boss Xiao at that time, but I'm still looking forward to the day when I call you Professor Xiao."

"Okay, I'll stop here first. I won't delay Xiao Tiancai. By the way, tell that group of people about this news."

After the phone was hung up, Xiao Yi was silent. Looking at the server cluster worth 5 million in front of him, he began to think.

When Yishui Bit goes online, I'm afraid so many servers will be squeezed dry again?

After thinking for a moment, he turned his head and looked at a middle-aged man beside him.

The middle-aged man is called Yu Hong, and he is the manager of the supplier of this batch of server clusters in Fei City.

At this time, the manager was arranging the masters to assemble these servers, with a smile on his face.

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