Without guessing, they knew that the person Luo Mingya was talking about was Sun Lina.

But obviously, there was no need to think about the head of the research group.

However, Xiao Yi didn't care about this question. He smiled and said, "Since I proposed it, let me do it."

The eyes of several people were shocked again, and they looked at him again.

No way, aren't you a beginner?

These three simulations, you did it as soon as you said?

Are you sure you are not kidding?

"You?" Luo Mingya was rarely serious: "If you can complete these three simulations, when the project is over and the paper is completed, I can make the decision and give you the position of co-first author."

She knew very well that if these three simulations could be completed, how much effect would it bring to their project.

It is almost certain that it can make their project more important. At that time, it may not be submitted to the sub-journals of "Science" and "Nature", but directly to the main journals.

After all, it should be known that the main journals of "Science" and "Nature" are more inclined to the fields of physics and biology, and are relatively less concerned about materials.

The reason is also easy to understand. The content in the field of physics either involves various magical phenomena in the universe or involves great discoveries in microscopic particles. As for the content in the field of biology, it is closely related to everyone's life, and these contents are what readers are curious about, so they are favored by these two regular journals.

As for the content in the field of materials science, because it is too professional, it will only be accepted if it is a really important breakthrough or a gimmick like superconductors.

And in the face of their surprise, Xiao Yi just smiled slightly, and then said: "Of course no problem, I still have this confidence."

After a long silence, Luo Mingya finally nodded and said: "Okay, then this matter is handed over to you, I look forward to you bringing us surprises."

Xiao Yi smiled and made an OK gesture, saying: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you down."


After determining what to do next, Xiao Yi did not talk nonsense and began to prepare for his proposal.

If you want to do these three simulations, you also need to master other related knowledge and further study.

If Xu Ming and the others knew that Xiao Yi had not even mastered the three analysis methods, but dared to take them all, they would probably be shocked again.

In this way, time came to the evening.

Luo Mingya came again, but this time she brought a man who looked more like her.

It was her brother who opened a data center, Luo Mingchuan.

"God Xiao! I have heard of you for a long time!"

As soon as the two met, Luo Mingchuan walked up with a look of surprise, holding one of Xiao Yi's hands with both hands and shaking it: "I am Luo Mingchuan, Luo Mingya's brother. I really didn't expect that the business she introduced to me was from you."

Xiao Yi looked at the brother of the Luo family in front of him. He looked like he was not more than 30 years old, only about 27 or 28 years old. He could actually build a data center. It seems that their Luo family's family background is not simple.

"Mr. Luo, hello, hello." He smiled and said, "You don't have to call me Xiaoshen or something, just call me by my name. Xiaoshen sounds embarrassing."

Luo Mingchuan laughed, "It's the same as Mingya. She was like that when she was in the junior class."

"Luo Mingchuan, I've told you so many times, don't call me a girl." Luo Mingya glared at Luo Mingchuan and said.

"Okay, okay, I won't call you that anymore."

Luo Mingchuan shrugged at Xiao Yi and smiled helplessly, "Hey, this little sister is just not worth keeping when she grows up."

Xiao Yi smiled and said, after being influenced by her for the past few days, he didn't dare to tease this female bully from the Materials Institute.

Without any more nonsense, they went inside and began to discuss the main content of the cooperation.

When Luo Mingchuan learned that Yishui Bit would have at least more than 200,000 terminals running at the same time, he was naturally quite surprised. Then he heard that this terminal volume was just the beginning and it might continue to rise at that time, which surprised Luo Mingchuan even more.

He immediately realized that this was a big business.

After all, mining itself requires the storage of a large amount of data, which is what their data center should do.

However, before he could speak, Xiao Yi said again: "I have a proposal here. I don't know if you agree, Mr. Luo. You provide people and servers to maintain the operation of our software and invest in Yishui Bit Software. What do you think?"

For Xiao Yi, he didn't care about the operation of this software in the future. He just made it to verify whether his mathematics can play a role in the application field.

And now, just because this software has not been officially launched, it has become so popular that he is too lazy to think about how annoying he will be after it is officially launched.

It's better to find someone to cooperate with as soon as possible.

And since Luo Mingchuan in front of him happens to be in the data center and is Luo Mingya's brother, he is naturally a good partner.

As a result, Luo Mingchuan was stunned when he heard what Xiao Yi said.

This software can obviously make a lot of money. What does a mining software with 200,000 mining terminals equal to?

It's like a point-and-click game, and there are 200,000 players online at all times, and they won't go offline until the computer completely smokes.

Luo Mingchuan knew very well what this meant.

Not to mention that 200,000 is only the initial amount. Later, based on his experience, it is not impossible to even increase to 1 million or more.

Using the most conservative estimate, if there are 500,000 mining machines, and each machine can bring in an average income of 1 yuan per day, then it can bring in 180 million in revenue a year, and 1 million machines is 360 million.

In the end, Xiao Yi was actually willing to take out his shares to cooperate with him?

Luo Mingchuan swallowed and asked, "How many shares can I get?"

"Well... forty percent, what do you think?" Xiao Yi said.

"Deal!" Luo Mingchuan agreed.

He thought that 30% would be good, but he didn't expect Xiao Yi to be willing to give 40%.

What else can I say?

If you put it to the outside world, this is equivalent to having a big boss willing to help you make money.

Luo Mingchuan also began to think, maybe he could also activate his connections to get more people in the currency circle to use this Yishui Bit.

Seeing Luo Mingchuan agree, Xiao Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Luo Mingchuan's hand: "Then it will be a pleasure to cooperate, Mr. Luo."

"If possible, I hope you can prepare the contract as soon as possible. After the signing is completed, I can officially launch Yishui Bit."

Luo Mingchuan nodded immediately: "Okay! I will bring someone over to sign the contract tomorrow."

After discussing the details, Luo Mingchuan and Luo Mingya left the entrepreneurship center.

"Old girl, I really want to thank you this time. I'm going to make a lot of money this time." Luo Mingchuan said happily: "My love for you is really not in vain. Let's go and treat you to a meal. "

Luo Mingya said: "First, don't call me old sister, I'm not old. Second, I have to go back to the laboratory to do research. If you want to eat, you can go and eat by yourself."

"Oh, well, I don't know why you are so tired every day." Luo Mingchuan sighed, but then he rolled his eyes and said: "By the way, you have to fight Xiao Yi What a good relationship. They have such a profitable business. If they say they want to cooperate with me, they will cooperate with me. Maybe there will be other good opportunities in the future... Well, don't be angry. After all, I think you and this person are quite good. A perfect match.”

Luo Mingya: "Get lost."

Time passed quietly.

The next day, Luo Mingchuan came again and signed a contract with Xiao Yi.

Of course, the launch of Yishui Bit was once again delayed.

So much so that Boss Huang called Xiao Yi again and asked what was going on.

Of course, this time Xiao Yi promised that Yishui Bit will be officially launched after the New Year's Day.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

When the New Year's Day ended, Yishui Bit also officially settled in Luomingchuan's data center.

The domain name that Xiao Yi originally applied for was also given a download link for Yishui Bit.

On January 16th, that is, February 27th, more than 300,000 mining machines poured directly into the server and started running!

Chapter 143 Shock in the currency circle

February 28th.

HKUST, Dormitory 313, Building 3.

The four roommates reunited today.

Ye Cheng and the others were excited to see Xiao Yi again. They pestered Xiao Yi to ask a lot of things, such as the details of how he originally proved the twin prime conjecture, and how he came up with Xiao Yi's expansion later. This method.

Being pestered by them, Xiao Yi had no choice but to temporarily put down his research and tell them what happened.

Listening to Xiao Yi's experiences, Ye Cheng and others were even more excited, as if they were immersed in the scene, they were Xiao Yi, and they were the ones pretending to be cool.

"By the way, what about the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture?" Ye Cheng asked again: "I saw the chat in the group before and said that Professor Zhang Yitang did it at the School of Mathematics last week. Report, Brother Xiao, why don’t you go?”

"Oh, it was still the Chinese New Year at that time, so I was too lazy to go."

Xiao Yi waved his hand.

He also understood Zhang Yitang's report. He heard that the final evaluation was very good and was praised by quite a few participating scholars.

In the past two days, Zhang Yitang also called him specifically and said that he was ready to return to the United States. There were still several major lectures to be given there, and he was going to Berkeley, Princeton, and MIT, the three top mathematics majors. schools report.

During the phone call, Zhang Yitang also said: "At that time, they may ask some questions about the expansion of the circle method. If they stump me, I may still need your help."

In response, Xiao Yi just smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem, but I don't think there is any problem that can stump you."

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