"Perhaps, I should strengthen your mathematical ability training?"

The students below immediately showed horrified expressions.

Mathematics is really not needed!

Chapter 151 Cyber ​​Materials Science

It has been a week since Xiao Yi's paper was published on arxiv, and the discussion about the calculation of absolute electronic properties has become more and more intense in the entire materials community and condensed matter physics community-strictly speaking, it is not just condensed matter physics, because in addition to this direction, scholars in other directions in the field of physics have also joined the discussion.

For example, those scholars in particle physics.

It was also the first time that they discovered that path integrals and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques could be linked to predict the trajectory and motion laws of electrons.

This made them think, what if the same method was used to study other particle behaviors?

After all, in addition to electrons, there are many other microscopic particles.

When they used a particle collider, the particles collided at sub-light speeds, almost knocking out an entire microscopic world.

If this method can be used to help them simulate particle collision experiments, it will obviously greatly assist their research.

But the question is, 'I will solve the collider', who will solve the mathematical problems?

For this reason, the theoretical physics community invited their nuclear weapon - Edward Witten.

Edward Witten, a top expert in string theory and quantum field theory, the proposer of M theory. As for M theory, it is considered to be the ultimate theory of the universe and a candidate for the theory of everything. It can achieve the unification of quantum mechanics and relativity. However, because the difficulty of verifying this M theory is too high, it has been limited to the scope of theory until now.

However, although Edward Witten is a theoretical physicist, his achievements in mathematics can make many mathematicians feel ashamed, because he has won the highest honor in mathematics, the Fields Medal, as a physicist.

There is a saying that he is the best physics among mathematicians and the best mathematics among physicists.

Therefore, in order to extend Xiao Yi's method to theoretical physics, Edward Witten is needed.

However, facing the petitions of his physics colleagues, Edward Witten had no choice but to express his opinion on his social media platform: [I am sorry to disappoint you all. Obviously, this is not an easy task. There are many problems, such as how do we match path integrals with other particles one by one?

Similarly, how can we use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to deal with these contents?

Different particles have different situations, and we need to classify them differently.

In fact, I often hear Pierre Deligne talk about Xiao Yi, the genius. I also read his paper a few days ago. I was surprised that the mathematical methods in this paper gave me a natural feeling, as if these methods were designed to be used by Xiao Yi in this way. There is an incredible sense of fit.

But obviously this is impossible. It can only be said that when Xiao Yi used these methods, he was always able to perfectly integrate these seemingly unrelated things with clever methods, just like at the beginning, there seemed to be an irreconcilable contradiction between the quark confinement theory and the strong interaction force, but in the end, with the help of quantum chromodynamics, they were finally unified with the color charge symmetry, forming our modern understanding of strong interaction.

For this, I also find it difficult to do it.

Well, so I make a suggestion, why not try to let Xiao Yi study our theoretical physics, maybe he can solve your request? 】

Professor Witten's reply can only make scholars in the physics community feel helpless. Even the mathematical nuclear weapons in their physics community said that they could not do it. Do they really have to ask Xiao Yi for help?

Well, maybe you can try?

After all, their theoretical physics is so interesting, maybe it can also attract Xiao Yi's interest?


As for the reaction of the international scientific community, as the author of the paper, Xiao Yi naturally received a lot of attention.

Although this incident did not directly become a hot search, it still became very popular in related fields in China.

For example, on a platform like Bihu, which is full of mixed people and may occasionally involve some real knowledge, the discussion about absolute electronic calculation is also on the hot search list.

Researchers from key domestic laboratories said that their laboratories are ready to use absolute electronic calculation as a core experimental tool, and it is expected to be used on a large scale.

However, some people have raised criticisms, and their reasons for criticism are quite reasonable.

[Absolute electronic calculation is certainly a very good method, but have you ever considered that once this computational materials science method becomes a habit and the results of the calculation are regarded as the criterion, what kind of results will this bring?

This will cause us to miss many things that have not been discovered in the past!

No computational materials science method can fully describe the microscopic world of materials, not to mention that even if it can be fully described, it is not something that our current computer performance can achieve.

If there are some new mechanisms that we have not discovered, the large-scale use of computational methods will make it difficult for us to discover these unknown mechanisms in the future, just like magic angle graphene superconductivity. Do you think that using these computational materials science methods can help us predict it before we discover it?

Experiments are the king of materials science. Computation should not occupy such a high position, and we must not lower the status of experiments.

Otherwise, the only one who will regret it in the end is the entire materials science community.

Cyber ​​materials science is not desirable! 】

This kind of critical comments has also aroused many people's thinking and allowed quite a few people to participate in the discussion.

The results of computational materials science are indeed like the last sentence, which can be called a kind of cyber materials science. The conclusions are all virtual. Only when they are completed in reality can they be considered true.

In general, whether it is domestic or foreign, the evaluation of absolute electronic calculation is mostly good, and the bad ones are few. The rest are to express the need to use it dialectically, so that it can truly become a tool, rather than a guiding principle.

However, Xiao Yi did not express too many opinions on these things.

He alone cannot change how the scientific community uses his method. Maybe people will say, "You are just a mathematician. What do you know about absolute electronic calculation?"

All I can say is that I believe in the wisdom of the scientific community.

As for him at this time, he finally had a celebration banquet for Luo Mingya's research team.

Chapter 152 will become 11

Chapter 152 will turn 12 into 11

Chapter 152 will turn 1+2 into 1+1!

In the Tianzi box 666 of Tianxiang Restaurant.

Xiao Yi and Luo Mingya's school members sat together to celebrate the completion of their project.

Before Xiao Yi sent out the paper on absolute electronic calculation, Luo Mingya had already used his model to modify the previous conclusion. Now he has successfully perfected the conclusion and submitted it to the editor of "Nature".

After reading it, the editor said it was good and determined that their paper played a very important role and would have a very important guiding significance for the entire research on two-dimensional materials.

Such an evaluation basically means that their paper is stable and there is no need to worry about it being rejected.

"Come on!"

At this time, Sun Lina stood up, raised the wine glass in her hand and said: "Well, as the person in charge of this project, now that the project is completed, let me say a few words first... Mingya, why are you looking at me? Sit down! Don't forget that I am the teacher!"

Everyone looked at her and couldn't help thinking in their hearts: Has she always been so brave? She actually spoke first at this time.

As we all know, the first speaker at a celebration banquet like this must be a leader.

Sure enough, Luo Mingya, who stood up, just glanced at her lightly, and then said: "You are just a teacher, and I am the person in charge of this project. In terms of status, I am higher than you, you should sit down."

"You, you, you...!"

Sun Lina pointed at Luo Mingya, her face flushed, as if she was about to get angry, until the end, she snorted and said in the most aggressive tone: "Sit down!"

Then she sat down, and then silently took out her mobile phone to play, and at the same time picked up the food to eat.

Everyone was stunned, why did they feel that this was her real purpose?

Luo Mingya glanced at this unreliable cousin and mentor, then took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, ignore this guy."

"Then I will just say a few words. I am very happy that our project was successful, and in the whole process, six out of seven people made their own contributions. This is worth celebrating."

"I am also very grateful to Xiao Yi. The doping simulation, molecular dynamics simulation, and mechanical simulation he did alone not only provided more data support for our conclusions, but also helped us get more favor from the editor."

"It can be said that without this part of the content, our project results would be difficult to be recognized by the editor."

"Brother Xiao is awesome!" Xu Ming and Liu Chao next to him shouted immediately.

Xiao Yi waved his hands repeatedly: "It's nothing, I just want to exercise myself in this way."

Luo Mingya smiled and said: "Of course, the more important thing is your absolute electronic calculation model, which also provides a lot of help for our final conclusion. This is also the main reason why the editor of "Nature" decided to accept it immediately after reading it."

When Luo Mingya mentioned the absolute electronic calculation, everyone present couldn't help but look at Xiao Yi.

They are materials scientists, and of course they know how popular this theory is during this period.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, what journal can you publish this paper in?" Liu Chao next to him asked curiously.

At least it should be a top journal, right?

In this way, it means that Xiao Yi directly won a co-first-author article in "Nature" and an independent top journal?


It's so terrifying.

"Well... I'm not sure yet." Xiao Yi said: "I've been studying mathematical topics recently, so I haven't thought about this problem."

Liu Chao and others curled their lips.

How come some people are not even active in publishing papers?

Even it is still a top journal.

Now they all want to say: Brother, let me help you publish, let me enjoy the feeling of publishing a paper in a top journal.

But at this moment, Xiao Yi's phone rang.

He took a look and saw that it was a call from abroad. After answering the call, he was stunned to hear the other party's intention: "JACS? Oh! Editor-in-Chief Cruz, hello... OK, OK, I will seriously consider your proposal."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ming said in shock: "Brother Xiao, you don't mean... the other party is the editor-in-chief of JACS, right?"

Xiao Yi nodded: "Yes, the other party invited me to submit to them, well, JACS is indeed a good option."

However, the phone that had just been put down rang again at this time.

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