When Xiao Yi wrote the word "certificate" on the small blackboard, he turned around, faced the audience, and smiled slightly.

"Three hundred years ago, the letter sent from Moscow to Berlin, as the long river of history drifted, it stumped Euler, passed Riemann, and trapped Gauss."

"It was proposed again by Hilbert at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900, and subsequently witnessed two world wars, witnessed the continuous changes of the times, and also witnessed the progress of scientific research in our country."

"Finally, the questions in this letter have now been answered."

"Although those people in the story no longer know the final result, thankfully, there are still so many people who bear witness to it today."

"Of course, this also truly proves that no matter how difficult the problem is, we will eventually solve it as time goes by."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi paused, then faced the people at the scene and said: "Then my report ends here, and of course my defense ends here."

"Now I also ask all the responding teachers to criticize and correct me."

The audience present felt as if they had just woken up from a dream.

So, this report is finally over?

Well, there is also the defense session.

As a result, thousands of pairs of eyes turned to the five academicians sitting in the first row.

Then, as the chairman of the defense, Hu Guangde spread his hands and said with a smile: "What else is there to criticize and correct? This is definitely the most awesome defense I have ever seen in so many years. Don't take it with me one day." For the papers we wrote before, we were fine if we came to criticize and correct them.”

As soon as this was said, the whole audience laughed.

It sounds outrageous. The fact that students use academician's papers to criticize and correct academicians can only exist in their imagination.

But now it seems that if Xiao Yi really wants to do it, he seems to be able to do it.

Xi Lan also smiled and said: "What Lao Hu said is true. Which student these days can use Goldbach's conjecture as a graduation defense topic? I think Lao Hu, your University of Science and Technology should directly award the master's degree directly. Give it to Xiao Yi."

Hu Guangde shrugged and said, "Of course I have no objection to this. I can hold a meeting to decide this matter after I get back."

Because the performance is outstanding enough, it is possible to directly award undergraduate and master's degrees together.

After all, the rules are made by people.

"But, why not just award the doctorate degree as well?" Hu Guangde glanced at Xi Lan with a smile.

"Hey! You old guy, you won't pick up any pot." Xi Lan said angrily.

Then he coughed twice and said to Xiao Yi with a serious face: "Actually, I also want to tell you something. If you don't have an idea about where you want to go as a graduate student, you might as well come to our Institute of Mathematics to study. This Ph.D. student.”

Xiao Yi on the stage was stunned for a moment, what?

Going to graduate school in mathematics?

But at this moment, another defending academician next to him spoke again: "Xiao Yi, don't you think this mathematics is boring to study? Why don't you come to our Institute of Physics and give it a try? Theoretical physics requires you to do this He is a talented person. Even if you suddenly want to study mathematics one day, our Institute of Physics is not far from their Institute of Mathematics anyway, just across the street. You can go there at any time. "

This academician is called Pang Cheng, who is the director of the Huaguo Institute of Physics.

As for why this academician in physics was able to come over to be Xiao Yi's defense teacher, well... it probably has something to do with his previous absolute electronic calculations.

After all, absolute electronic calculations have a lot to do with their physics.

But after hearing what Academician Pang said, Xi Lan next to him suddenly opened his eyes: "Old Pang, what you said is not kind. Your Institute of Physics is close to our Institute of Mathematics. In this case, Xiao Yi will come to us." I’m studying for a PhD in the Institute of Mathematics. Isn’t it convenient to go to your place when I want to study physics?”

Pang Cheng said: "Although what you said is right, it is only relatively speaking. It is obviously better for Xiao Yi to come to our Institute of Physics."

"What's the theory of relativity?" Xi Lan said angrily: "You're going to throw this theory of relativity away from me, right?"

Who would have thought that Pang Cheng's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said, "Yes! It's the theory of relativity. I'm a physics major and you're a math major. Do you think you understand the theory of relativity or do I understand the theory of relativity? I'm starting from a physical perspective. Relatively speaking, It would be better for Xiao Yi to come to us."

Xi Lan: "Is this how you use the theory of relativity???"

The debate between the two academicians was clearly heard by everyone present. For a time, the entire auditorium was filled with laughter and joyful atmosphere.

Xiao Yi on the stage looked at this scene and couldn't laugh or cry. Why did you two get into such a fight?

After a while, the argument between the two academicians finally stopped amidst the laughter of everyone.

At this point, this report of tens of thousands of people finally came to an end.

As the host, Xi Lan picked up the microphone at the end and gave the final speech for this report: "Then, let us thank Xiao Yi for bringing us such a wonderful report, which not only explained the Goldbach conjecture How to solve it, and as he said, all problems will be solved in our hands as time goes by. "

"Whether it's mathematics or any other scientific field."

"Generations of scientists will inevitably go on to solve all of our current problems. The modern life we ​​enjoy now is also derived from such step-by-step scientific development."

"Of course, in this process, we will discover more and more new problems, and all of these problems will become the fuel to push mankind towards a more glorious future!"

"In addition, we sincerely hope that Xiao Yi can continue to bring us more unimaginable results in the future."

"What will be next? Another mathematical conjecture, or a new mathematical theory? "

"Of course, maybe you can be lured to physics by Academician Pang next to me, and you can come up with some results other than pure mathematics."

"But no matter what, we will watch."

Putting down the microphone, Xi Lan gave the final round of applause.

Then, the entire auditorium was once again drowned in applause.

Xiao Yi on the stage was facing such a scene.

What can I say?

He bowed slightly again, and then the crowd clapped.

This ends the report in the Great Hall of the People.

In the official live broadcast room, at the end of the report, the number of viewers had reached its peak, with over a million people watching. For a professional academic report, it can be said to be creative that so many people can watch it. It's history.

As the report ended, the barrage began to read [Xiao Shen is awesome! 】These few words have basically filled up the screen, so that other fragmentary barrages can no longer be seen clearly.

Of course, it's not just this live broadcast room. Almost all the various media platforms outside are discussing this report. If you browse any website, you can see related videos or articles.

In addition, the interesting things that happened in the lecture were also discussed by people. For example, at the end, the debate between Academician Xi Lan and Academician Pang Cheng directly appeared on the hot search list, # Institute of Physics and Mathematics The title of the Institute's Theory of Relativity# was directly ranked in the top five.

[I laughed to death while watching the live broadcast, God is so relativistic]

[That Academician Pang is right. He is the director of the Institute of Physics. He should indeed know the theory of relativity better than Academician Xi from the Institute of Mathematics. This time, I stand with Academician Pang! 】

[Deserves an Ig Nobel Prize]

[I also support Academician Pang this time, for no other reason than that I hope that Xiao Shen can come to our theoretical physics and continue to create some miracles. 】

[Didn’t Xiao Shen just come up with an absolute electronic calculation? Isn’t this miraculous enough? 】

[Absolute electronicity calculations are related to condensed matter physics. What we hope is that Xiao Shen will directly help us to make a big impact in the entire physics community. Well, no matter what, we have to contribute to the standard model]

[Good guy, you really dare to think about adding bricks and tiles to the standard model]

[You have to think about it, maybe there will be another dark cloud, which will directly cause new things to emerge in the world of physics]

[If I can be grabbed by these two big guys, this life will be worth it]

[Fuxi, if you can really be like this, you can basically choose any research institution in the world at your choice. By then, it will be impossible to say whether it is worth it or not. 】

[That’s right, do you think Xiao Shen cares? Xiao Shen doesn't care! 】

[That makes sense, it seems that this is what I will do for the rest of my life T T]


Discussions on the Internet are getting more and more heated. Even the question of where Xiao Yi will choose to study for a doctorate in the end has almost aroused the opinions of netizens.

However, Xiao Yi, who had just finished his report, did not care much about these things.

At this time, he came to the reception hall inside the Great Hall of the People and met with many leaders, including some of the same level as Liu Cong, director of the Science and Technology Bureau, and even higher.

Of course, these leaders all expressed their appreciation and praise for him and asked him to keep up his efforts.

In addition to these leaders, Xiao Yi finally met Chen Jingrun's family.

"Mr. Xiao, thank you so much!"

The old woman held Xiao Yi's hand tightly and kept expressing her gratitude.

Xiao Yi waved his hands repeatedly: "You don't have to be like this, I just solved a problem."

But the old woman still insisted on her own idea: "You not only solved a problem, but also helped my husband fulfill his last wish. Of course I want to thank you for him. I will go to pay homage to him tomorrow. Burn your paper to him, I believe his soul in heaven will also feel happy."

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head and said: "Your husband's last wish is also the long-cherished wish of the entire mathematical community, so for me, solving Goldbach's conjecture is also to help the mathematical community fulfill this long-cherished wish."

"Of course, this also fulfills one of my own wishes."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Mr. Chen. His results have inspired me too much. Without his results, I think all I could accomplish would be just another Chen's theorem. ”

"Well...so when you go to pay homage to Mr. Chen tomorrow, please also help me convey my thanks."

The old woman nodded, "I remember it and I won't forget it."

Then she glanced at her son next to her and said, "You also want to express your gratitude to Mr. Xiao."

The 40-year-old man smiled at Xiao Yi, shook his hand, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Before Xiao Yi could speak, he continued, "Don't be in a hurry to refuse. My gratitude is not because you fulfilled my father's last wish, but because you fulfilled my regret."

He looked up with emotion and looked out the window, with memories in his eyes: "After my father passed away, I also began to try to learn mathematics. I wanted to see if I could fulfill my father's last wish, but I obviously did not inherit my father's talent in mathematics. In the end, I could only learn applied mathematics. I really knew nothing about pure mathematics."

"So, my father's last wish has become my regret."

"It's so funny that the son of a mathematician doesn't understand pure mathematics."

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