June 15.

Shangjing, Huaguo Academy of Sciences, Basic Science Park.

"Welcome, welcome! Warm welcome!"

Standing at the door, Xiao Yi looked at the scene in front of him with a confused look on his face.

The director of the Institute of Physics, Academician Pang Cheng, also stood at the door and said to Xiao Yi with a smile: "They are all graduate students of our Institute of Physics. When they heard that you were coming, they all took the initiative to run over and said they wanted to greet you."

Xiao Yi said helplessly: "That's not the case..."

A group of people lined up on both sides of the door in front of him, cheering him warmly.

It simply gave people a feeling of...

When the leaders inspected in primary and secondary schools, the school arranged for students to stand at the door to welcome them...

He was just an ordinary student, and at most he solved a few math problems.

Pang Cheng laughed, then waved to the graduate students and said, "Okay, okay, all of you go away quickly. I've already told you that Xiao Yi is very shy. You're scaring me."

After driving away the group of graduate students who were there to join in the fun, he turned to Xiao Yi and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to your dormitory first."


The conditions of the researcher's dormitory are very good. It's a single room and it's also quite spacious.

Xiao Yi's room is 60 square meters, with one bedroom, one bathroom and one kitchen. It's fully equipped. The bathroom is separated into dry and wet areas and has a water heater.

There is also a south-facing balcony. Looking out, you can see a lush green belt. It's summer, and the sound of cicadas outside is intoxicating.

And what Xiao Yi is most satisfied with is the large solid wood desk. It must be very comfortable to do research on it.

"How is it? Not bad, right?" Pang Cheng asked with a smile.

Xiao Yi naturally nodded and said, "Perfect."

"That's good!" Pang Cheng smiled and said, "As for other daily necessities, you have to buy them yourself. Of course, they can all be reimbursed."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded: "Then, where is the laboratory for our project? When do we go there?"

"Don't worry about this, just take a good rest today." Pang Cheng said, "I will let my students come to see you tomorrow."

Then he looked at the time and said, "Then I'll leave first. Call me if you have anything."


After sending Pang Cheng away.

Xiao Yi turned around and looked at the house in front of him.

This is where he will live for a long time in the future.

"I hope it will be a good start!"

Chapter 159 A small test run

At 9:30 am the next day.

There was a knock on Xiao Yi's dormitory door.

When he opened the door, he saw a young man standing outside, who seemed to be a graduate student at the Institute of Physics.

"Hello, Xiao Shen! I am a student of Professor Pang. Professor Pang asked me to come and take you to the laboratory."

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Then he took his things and followed the graduate student to the laboratory.

On the way, he also met this graduate student, Xu Zhiqiang, a doctoral student, and also the eldest disciple of Academician Pang Cheng, the eldest senior brother in the laboratory. As of September this year, he has been studying for a doctorate for almost 6 years.

"6 years?"

Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

Xu Zhiqiang shrugged: "No way, I am a bad person."

"And you know condensed matter physics, it is too difficult to graduate."

"Instead of wasting time in those unknown fields, it is better to enjoy the present time."

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and showed Xiao Yi the content on it: "Look, I have been reading this question on Bihu recently."

Xiao Yi took a look. The question on it was: [What is it like to have a useless doctoral senior brother? 】

Xu Zhiqiang said: "To be honest, when I saw this question today, I thought it might be posted by our junior brothers and sisters in the lab."

"But think about it, I am pretty good to my junior brothers and sisters. Although I can't help them with research, I often treat them to meals. They shouldn't ask such questions online."

"But, do you think this questioner is annoying? Can't we discuss it offline? Isn't it better to ask their senior brothers to treat them to a meal? Why do they have to blacken people online?"

"It makes senior brothers like us panic."

As he said, Xu Zhiqiang patted his chest, looking frightened.

Xiao Yi: "... Well, I remember that it takes at most eight years to study for a doctorate? You should have prepared your research topic by now, right?"

"Hehe, I have to wait for my junior brothers and sisters to guide me."

Xu Zhiqiang smiled shyly: "Because I treat them so well."

Xiao Yi couldn't help but shook his head with a smile and said: "But for condensed matter physics majors, it's best to enter the research institute after graduation, right?"

"Yes." Xu Zhiqiang nodded and said: "But this probably has nothing to do with me, obviously I'm not born to do this."

"It's a pity." He sighed and said: "Since I can't become a great physicist, I can only go home and inherit the family property after graduation."

Hearing the other party's sudden reversal, Xiao Yi was stunned: "...What do you mean?"

Xu Zhiqiang shrugged, then pointed to a hotel building outside the Science Park and said, "Look, that hotel is owned by my company, and there are other hotels like this in my family... um..."

He smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I can't remember clearly."

"I just said that I often treat my junior brothers and sisters to dinner, usually in that hotel, anyway, it doesn't cost me money."

"Xiao Shen, if you want to eat something good one day, just go there, tell me and eat as much as you want."

Xiao Yi: "..."

Damn, how can there be someone more Versailles than him?

To be able to open a hotel in this place, the land price alone is unimaginable, right?

"Okay, we're at the experimental building."

At this time, Xu Zhiqiang's footsteps suddenly stopped.

At this time, they were already standing in front of a square building with a red exterior wall.

On the upper left of the front of the building were several large gold-plated characters.

[Shangjing Condensed Matter Physics Research Center].

Condensed matter physics is one of the most important directions in physics at present, and their physics institute also has an independent building.

"We originally planned to build a national laboratory, but it was not built in the end, so it became this condensed matter physics research center."

As he walked in, Xu Zhiqiang introduced the past of their research center to Xiao Yi.

In short, the specifications of their research center are well-known nationwide.

At the same time, they are top-notch worldwide.

Comparing the Institute of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology with all the physics research institutions in the world, the Institute of Physics can also be ranked in the top 5.

Xiao Yi also agreed with this.

Compared with the Institute of Mathematics, the Institute of Physics is still relatively advanced in the world.

Of course, the main reason is that the requirements for funding by physics research institutions are often higher.

The more advanced the laboratory equipment is, the easier it is to produce results.

This kind of natural science research is expensive.

As for mathematical research...

There is no need to say more.

After entering, you can also see that many people have come, and they are all in a hurry.

Xu Zhiqiang couldn't help but sigh: "Alas, why do these people work so hard?"

"They don't know how to enjoy themselves."

At this point, he turned to look at Xiao Yi and asked: "By the way, Xiao Shen, do you want me to take you to wash your feet tonight?"

Xiao Yi: "Uh..."

God, wash your feet, is this senior brother serious?

At this moment, a hand reached out from behind and pushed Xu Zhiqiang's head aside.

"What are you talking about?"

An angry voice came from behind, Xiao Yi turned around and saw Academician Pang Cheng, who appeared behind them at some point.

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