Guo Ding shrugged helplessly at Xiao Yi, "Well, it seems he is not asleep."

Xiao Yi laughed and shook his head.

"Yes, good news. Following Xiao Yi's idea, we successfully introduced iron vacancy defects, and the simulation results also observed the transformation from the superconducting phase to the insulating parent phase!"

Pang Cheng suddenly laughed: "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"Xiao Yi should be right next to you, help me say thank you to him! I will now notify the others to hold a group meeting tomorrow morning and tell them the news."

Guo Ding nodded: "No problem."

Soon, they hung up the phone, and Guo Ding smiled at Xiao Yi, "You heard it, too. Academician Pang is very grateful to you."

Of course Xiao Yi heard it and nodded with a smile.

"OK, then our affairs are settled. Let's have a good sleep tonight. Tomorrow will be their experimental task, which basically has nothing to do with us. Well...but we have to see if we can do it tomorrow morning. This is the best experimental condition, so I have to come early tomorrow morning.”

Later, Guo Ding set up a program on his computer to find the best conditions and let it run.

"Okay, let's go."

A night of silence.

The next day, 9:30 in the morning.

In the conference room, almost everyone else from Academician Pang's research group has arrived.

However, their faces were still a little confused.

At about ten o'clock last night, Academician Pang suddenly sent a notice in their group chat, saying that there would be a group meeting this morning and that all of them must arrive on time.

"Didn't we just hold a team meeting four days ago? Why is it held again today? Do you know what's going on?"

The graduate students in the group began to talk about it, and the relationship between young people was relatively close.

"I can't come!"

"I can't come either!"

Finally, these graduate students all looked at their senior brother Xu Zhiqiang and asked: "Senior brother, do you know what's going on?"

At this time, Xu Zhiqiang yawned deeply, and at the same time, he slapped his mouth with his palms, making a sound of "Ah~ah~ah~".

Seeing that his junior brothers and sisters all saw him, he showed a blank expression and said, "What happened?"

The junior brothers and sisters immediately shook their heads and sighed.

Sure enough, they shouldn't count on this senior brother.

At this time, Xu Zhiqiang also realized that this was a bit embarrassing for his senior brother.

At least, in the question he read yesterday, although the other senior brothers did not understand the topic, did not know the experiments, and did not have the papers, they were at least well-informed and had a wide range of approaches.

No, he can't do this anymore. He has nothing but money.

So he observed the people present, and finally calmly analyzed and thought carefully. His eyes lit up and he said, "Ahem, look, who are missing in our room?"

A junior brother said: "Teacher Pang hasn't come yet, and then there's Professor Guo, um...and Xiao Shen?"

"That's right!" Xu Zhiqiang clapped his hands, and then said: "Think about last night in the laboratory, we all left, who is left?"

"Uh... aren't they Xiao Shen and Professor Guo?"

Xu Zhiqiang nodded, and then said: "So, maybe Xiao Shen and Professor Guo have come up with something, and it is worthy for our boss Pang to set up a special group for us to discuss it."

But at this time, a voice came from the side.

"Then you may be overthinking it. It's just Xiao Yicai's first day here. It's enough to figure out what our project is about. What results can we produce?"

The person who spoke was none other than Cui Yuanhao. Apparently, even though he was taught a lesson by Academician Pang yesterday, it made him even more dissatisfied.

But Xu Zhiqiang's brows furrowed.

What the hell, don’t you know that he is trying to establish his prestige in front of his junior brothers and sisters?

What did this guy come over and say?

Although the other party is a full-time researcher and a top student, Xu Zhiqiang is not afraid.

As the old saying goes, as long as I show off enough, no one can influence me.

What's more, Xu Zhiqiang's mentor is Academician Pang, not Cui Yuanhao. Is he afraid of being beaten?

He immediately said sarcastically: "I'm talking about you, why do you care about someone else's student? Although they have already been selected as an outstanding youth and you have not yet been selected, you are older than them! Look, you are already forty years old. , I’m only eighteen years old.”

Xu Zhiqiang's words immediately made Cui Yuanhao's eyes widen.

You, a person who has been studying for a PhD for 6 years, still dare to talk to me like this?

He pointed at Xu Zhiqiang and was about to speak: "You..."

But Xu Zhiqiang did not give him a chance to speak, and continued: "You haven't listened to what Lao Pang said about you yesterday, have you? Do you want me to repeat it to you? You haven't been rated as an outstanding youth yet. , think more about your own problems, don’t leave them here..."

But at this moment, Academician Pang's deep voice came from the door: "Who are you calling Lao Pang?"

Xu Zhiqiang's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the door and saw Academician Pang walking in, followed by Xiao Yi and Guo Ding.

Xu Zhiqiang said quickly: "I'm not, I didn't, teacher, please listen to my excuses... Oh no, listen to my explanation!"

When Pang Cheng came up, he pinched his ears again and lifted him up: "You stand and listen to this group meeting."

Xu Zhiqiang's junior brothers and sisters immediately cast sympathetic glances at him, and of course some of them were gloating about his misfortune.

However, Pang Cheng did not forget to turn around and glared at Cui Yunhao again, pointing at him in a warning manner.

Then, he sat in front and said, "This group meeting will be mainly presented by Xiao Yi and Professor Guo."

Finally, he talked about good news, and Pang Cheng also smiled: "Yesterday, Xiao Yi proposed an experiment called the hydrogen power method, which can help us introduce iron vacancy defects in FeSe/SrTiO3 single-layer superconductors."

"In this group meeting, Xiao Yi will first explain to you what this hydrogen power method means, and then Professor Guo will show you the simulation results."

"After the group meeting, we will officially start the experiment. According to the simulation situation, we will find the best conditions through experiments, and then observe and analyze."

"Xiao Yi, I'll bother you first."

Pang Cheng said to Xiao Yi with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded, then walked to the front and began to introduce this hydrogen power method to the people present.

The other people in the conference room were already shocked.

What the hell?

Xiao Yi just came here yesterday, on the first day, and he really made some achievements?

Is it fake?

Xu Zhiqiang, who was rubbing his ears at this time, also stopped rubbing his ears and was stunned.

Ah this?

Are you serious?

At this time, his junior brothers and sisters all looked at him with admiration.

He is really worthy of being their senior brother, and he actually has news.

Xu Zhiqiang noticed these looks, was stunned at first, and then quickly restrained his expression, at least he couldn't look shocked.

But he still couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yi.

No, buddy...

Are you sure you really didn't open it?

But at this time, he glanced at Cui Yuanhao who was sitting on the other side.

At this time, Professor Cui also looked unbelievable. How could someone make progress on the first day of coming here?

According to what Academician Pang said just now, Xiao Yi's method is even expected to solve the key problem that has been stuck in their research group for so long?

Xu Zhiqiang raised his eyebrows.

Hey, this is unlucky. Now you know what Xiao Yi is capable of, right?

Is your brother Xiao powerful?

Xiao Yi on the stage didn't know what happened in the laboratory just now. At this time, he was also explaining the hydrogen power method.

It was easy to explain, so soon, everyone present understood the details of this method, even Xu Zhiqiang understood it.

For a moment, they couldn't help but brighten up.

The principle is easy to understand, but being able to think of it is the key.

Such a clever method is not something they can comprehend casually.

Then, Guo Ding showed them the data simulated on the computer, which made them all in the conference room look surprised.

In this way, the problem they are facing now really has a chance to be solved!

Pang Cheng didn't waste time. After the introduction, he took people back to the laboratory and began to do experiments according to the experimental method given by Xiao Yi.

The first step is to prepare high-quality FeSe/SrTiO superconducting single-layer samples, and then place the samples in an environment containing hydrogen.

This morning, the computer had already run out several suitable environmental parameters, so their first experiment was to set up the hydrogen environment directly based on those calculated parameters.

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