"Teacher Xun!"

The two newly admitted master's students were very excited. After all, who would have thought that they would successfully become the disciple of an academician.

In particular, this academician is a genius. He was elected as an academician at the age of 42, making him the youngest among all academicians.


Looking at the two young people in front of him, Xun Yong smiled and nodded: "Gong Weihua, and Zou Qiao, right?"

"Yes." The two nodded.

"Okay, then, Gong Weihua, you graduated from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Science and Technology, right? I remember during the previous interview, you said that what you wanted to study was algebraic geometry? And you also published an article in a core journal during your undergraduate period, but this This paper is not about algebraic geometry, but about functions of complex variables. Why are you interested in algebraic geometry now? "

Gong Weihua scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Yes, I just want to be a graduate student. I should also study some more in-depth mathematics."

Xun Yong smiled and said, "Okay, if you have a good foundation in complex variable functions, it will be very helpful for learning algebraic geometry. You can try it first. Have you studied GTM52?"

Gong Weihua said: "After I learned it and decided to be a graduate student here, I started to study GTM52 by myself, and now I have read it again."

"Oh, that's alright."

Xun Yong nodded with satisfaction. From this point, it can be seen that Gong Weihua has a plan for his graduate career. He has set algebraic geometry as his goal very early. As a teacher, he likes such students the most.

"Our algebraic geometry class here is taught by Professor Zhang Ping. You can listen carefully when the time comes. His class is very good. Then GTM52 should be studied carefully. It is best to study it several times. In addition, such as abstract algebra and algebraic topology You must also study these two subjects carefully. If you want to learn algebraic geometry well, you must master these prerequisite knowledge. "

"Thank you, teacher." Gong Weihua nodded.

"Yes." Xun Yong nodded, then turned to look at Zou Qiao next to him, and began to ask him about his future plans.

Zou Qiao is a graduate of Qinghua, and his performance during his undergraduate period was even more outstanding. He not only published a core article, but also published an SCI article in the second area. It can be said that it is more than enough to study abroad, but in the end he still I chose to stay in China, perhaps because the tuition fees abroad were too expensive.

In this way, after another exchange, Xun Yong also learned about the direction Zou Qiao planned to research.

"Analytical mathematics is not bad. Let me take a look at your transcript... Well, during my undergraduate studies, I got full marks for both real analysis and complex analysis. I also got a 99 for functional analysis, which is fine. There are also harmonic analysis and nonlinear analysis. analyze……"

Analytical mathematics is also a good direction, and it is also very useful. It can be used to study problems in many fields of mathematics. Even if you want to change careers in the future, the foundation of analytical mathematics can provide a lot of help.

In this way, Xun Yong gave his two new disciples good guidance on the future direction, and then assigned them short-term tasks and long-term tasks. The short-term tasks were the goals of learning, and the long-term tasks naturally referred to their graduation thesis. .

Mathematics graduation thesis is probably one of the most difficult majors, so they have to prepare well for whatever they want to write.

"...Okay, if you have any other questions, you can talk to your senior brothers. They should know more than me. The laboratory is next door. I will take you to get to know it later."

"Okay, teacher." The two nodded.

At this time, Zou Qiao asked again: "By the way, teacher, is there another senior fellow with a doctorate who enrolled in school with us? Why haven't we seen him?"


Mentioning this fellow doctor, Xun Yong had a slightly strange expression: "Maybe he is busy and doesn't have time to come over."


Gong Weihua and Zou Qiao suddenly became confused, what the hell?

Is their doctorate brother so awesome?

He didn't come on the first day of registration, and their academician wasn't angry?

At this moment, the door of the office was opened, and a voice came in: "Teacher Xun, look what you said, I still have to come here on this first day."

When Xun Yong saw this person, he said to the two people in front of him: "Here, your doctor brother is here."

The two people turned their heads in confusion, and then they were both shocked.

"Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao...Xiao Shen?!"


This Xun Yong’s doctoral student is Xiao Yi.

Last week, Academician Xi Lan came to Xiao Yi and told him that it was time to choose a mentor.

Other graduate students had chosen their mentors a few months ago, but Xiao Yi had not yet decided because of his special circumstances.

It is precisely because of this that Gong Weihua and Zou Qiao did not know that there was a PhD student who was enrolled with them. They only heard this news two days ago when Xun Yong accidentally revealed that he had a doctoral student and two master's students this year. The quota has been used up, and then I found out that there is another senior fellow who is a doctoral student.

Xiao Yi confirmed his mentor a few days ago.

For him, any academician in the entire Institute of Mathematics can be his mentor. Xun Yong has accompanied him to the United States, and the communication between them is relatively harmonious, so it is normal to choose him.

"Junior Brother Gong and Junior Brother Zou, right? Nice to meet you."

Xiao Yi said hello to the two junior brothers.

Looking at Xiao Yi's face that they had worshiped countless times in various places, it took the two of them a long time to recover from the shock, and then hurriedly responded: "Xiao...Senior Brother Xiao, hello." ”

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded, then he looked at Xun Yong and said, "Teacher Xun, were you making plans for them just now?"

"Yes." Xun Yong nodded: "Why do you want me to make some plans for you?"

Xiao Yi chuckled: "You are the teacher now, you have the final say."

"Let's go." Xun Yong immediately rolled his eyes: "You graduate earlier, and I will be relieved earlier. Being your mentor is too stressful."

"However, I still have to ask, what do you plan to write about for your graduation thesis?"

"Well..." Xiao Yi thought for a moment and finally shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

Xun Yong waved his hand: "Anyway, don't give me the entire Millennium Problem when the time comes, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable for me as a mentor."

"Uh...I'll try my best."

Xiao Yi's expression was a little strange.

Isn’t the quality gap problem he recently studied a millennium problem?

Xun Yong didn't notice Xiao Yi's strange expression and said: "Okay, I will take you to the laboratory to meet other people now."

Then he got up and took the three people to the laboratory next door.

The math laboratory is just a simple work station with nothing else.

The laboratory is quite big, because there are not only students of Xun Yong, but also other students. He is considered a senior tutor, and there are students of other junior tutors in the laboratory.

As for research groups like those in other professional laboratories, there are none here.

After all, they are not engaged in any project, and the teacher does not think that his students can help with his project.

Therefore, they basically don't even have group meetings. At most, the instructor feels that it is time to put some pressure on his students, so he will hold a group meeting and let them talk about what they have done during this time.

It can only be said that basic mathematics is like this. What you have to do every day is to get up, eat, read papers, write papers, and sleep. It is completely free-range. But other majors have a lot to consider, not only reading papers. , write a thesis, you have to do a project, and you may even be like a cow and a horse, and be exploited.

"Hey, aren't half of you here?"

After walking into the laboratory and looking at the people inside, Xun Yong frowned and asked, "Hu Chengbo, what's going on?"

Hu Chengbo is his eldest disciple. He has been studying for a doctorate for almost four years and may not be far away from graduation.

Hearing the teacher's question, Hu Chengbo didn't know how to answer for a while: "Uh... well..."

Who would have thought that their teacher would come over to check attendance today?

It seems like it hasn’t happened before?

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask you." Xun Yong shook his head and could guess what was going on.

It's just that he might still be sleeping in the dormitory, playing games, or he might have run out to play.

"Okay, everyone, please pay attention. Let me introduce you to your new classmates this year."

Standing in front of the laboratory, Xun Yong clapped his hands.

Soon the graduate students in the laboratory looked over curiously and glanced at the three students standing next to Xun Yong.

After a brief glance, their eyes suddenly widened when they saw Xiao Yi among them.

"I'm super, Xiao Shen?"

It can only be said that the reactions of Gong Weihua and Zou Qiao just now are exactly the same.

Xiao Yi actually became their sectmate?

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded to them at this time and said hello: "Hello everyone."

Xun Yong said: "I won't introduce Xiao Yi much. You may know him better than I do. Well, Xiao Yi will probably be your classmate for only one year. You should hurry up and build a good relationship with him during this year." , this is the opportunity that I, your teacher, have won for you.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yi couldn't laugh or cry, while the graduate students in the laboratory immediately clapped their hands excitedly.

In the eyes of young people like them, Xiao Yi is an absolute idol, and now they can actually study with their idol?

Hmm...well, whether Xiao Yi can take classes with them is still a question.

After introducing Xiao Yi, Xun Yong introduced Gong Weihua and Zou Qiao to them.

"Hu Chengbo, these are your junior brothers, please make arrangements for them."

After Xun Yong finished speaking, he left the laboratory.

Hu Chengbo nodded, and then he stepped forward and said, "Senior Brother Xiao, please invite me here, as well as Junior Brother Gong and Junior Brother Zou."

Xiao Yi quickly said: "No, no, no, Teacher Xun just said, you are the senior brother."

"You are embarrassing me. Whoever graduates first is the senior brother. You will graduate in one year. I haven't even figured out the topic for my graduation thesis yet. You are the senior senior brother!"

Hu Chengbo waved his hand quickly.

Xiao Yi couldn't laugh or cry, and finally said: "Forget it, Senior Brother Hu, I won't argue with you, why don't we add WeChat first? By the way, what is your name? I didn't hear what Teacher Xun said just now. ”

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