Fabiola Gianotti said.

The researchers in the audience looked at each other, until finally, someone shouted: "No change!"

As the first person spoke, more and more people spoke: "No change!"

That's right, even though Xiao Yi gave them advice that it was meaningless to continue spending the collider's resources on this, they still chose to continue doing it.

In fact, they were more enthusiastic than before.

If it was just to verify the problem of W boson's overweight, it might not be enough to make them so excited, but if it became a problem of verifying whether the X field exists, then they had to be willing to take a gamble.

Now everyone can see how great the significance of the X field is. If they can really discover it, the Nobel Prize or something like that is not a problem at all, right?

Even Frank Wilczek, the Nobel Prize winner, was calm at this time. He stood up and said, "I think this topic can be renamed, that is, [Verify whether the superheavy W boson is due to the influence of the X field], and [Find out whether the X field exists]."

Others expressed their opinions: "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"In addition, it is necessary to upgrade the LHC again, especially the transmission equipment. The greater the energy of the collision, the more likely we are to discover the X field."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Another seconding motion.

It was like a parliamentary scene in a certain country.

Facing this scene, General Manager Fabiola Gianotti said helplessly: "If we want to upgrade again, we don't have enough money in our account."

Wilcek shrugged and said: "Just let them continue to pay. This is an X field! A new physical field that can interact with the Higgs field and directly affect the mass-attributing result! When the time comes, tell them... well, this discovery is worth at least 10 Nobel Prizes, and they will definitely pay."

Anyway, he is a member of the American Zhengbai Banner, born in the spring breeze, raised under the Stars and Stripes, and spends the EU's money to make his own achievements, and he doesn't feel bad!

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

There was another tsunami in the venue.

Fabiola Gianotti was speechless, 10 Nobel Prizes?

You dare to say that!

Let alone their high-energy physics is difficult to produce results, just like what Yang Zhenning said at the beginning [party is over], which is why high-energy physics has gradually been neglected in the high-energy physics community, while condensed matter physics has gradually become popular.

Even if they really discovered the X-field, it would only win Xiao Yi a Nobel Prize. As for other people's Nobel Prizes, it would most likely depend on whether they could discover other important physical laws through the X-field, such as the opportunity to unify the strong and weak interactions revealed by Xiao Yi.


Fabiola Gianotti didn't say anything.

Being able to get more funding would only benefit her as the Director-General!

"Then, the topic is passed! At the same time, [whether to make the W boson mass verification topic the next primary scientific goal of CERN] is changed to [verify whether the W boson's overweight is due to the influence of the X-field] and [find whether the X-field exists]!"

She finally announced the decision.


Xiao Yi, who was far away on the other side of the Eurasian continent, didn't know the final decision made by CERN.

Of course, he didn't care whether the other party listened to him or not. The reason for reminding him was just to prevent the high-energy physics community from blindly looking for reasons like a headless fly.

Compared to this matter, what he is more concerned about now is the last problem he has encountered in the mass gap problem.

He moved the laptop computer that he had just used to play the video to the side, and his eyes were focused on the draft paper again.

There was a question written on it.

[Let G be a compact, simple Lie group, and A be a Yang-Mills field on G. On the four-dimensional sphere S^4, if there is a non-zero Chern number c, then the lowest energy excited state of the Yang-Mills field A has a strictly positive mass gap. ]

This is a theorem, or perhaps it can be simply named Xiao's theorem.

However, the question now is how to prove that this theorem is correct.

Therefore, it can also be called a conjecture for the time being.

And this conjecture is equivalent to the mass gap problem of the Yang-Mills equation, that is, proving it is equivalent to proving the existence of the mass gap.

And Xiao Yi is now stuck at this step, how to prove the existence of this non-zero Chern number c.

"Now I have constructed the anti-self-dual field, but next, I need to prove that the energy E of the Yang-Mills field with non-zero Chern number has a strictly positive lower bound, that is, E≥E0\u003e0."

"What should I do next?"

He knocked his head and fell into deep thought.

"Anti-self-dual field...Hodge dual operator..."

Thinking inadvertently in his mind, he suddenly wrote a few lines on the draft paper.

[Specify V as a non-singular projective surface, and let H be the divisor class on the hyperplane section V of V in the given projective embedding...]


Looking at these things he wrote inadvertently, Xiao Yi began to touch his chin.

And then, he continued to write.

Finally, he showed a little surprise in his eyes.

"It's actually... the Hodge standard conjecture?"

[For a non-singular projective algebraic variety X and an algebraic cycle Z on it, define an operator L(Z) induced by Z. If we consider the action of this operator on the intermediate homology group of X, then L(Z) should be a positive definite operator, which means that for any non-zero homology class α, [L(Z)α,α]\u003e0, where [,] represents the pairing between homology classes. ]

He never thought that studying this thing would lead him to another problem.

The Hodge standard conjecture is not the Hodge conjecture. Although the two are related, they are more specific and technical.

Now, he can clearly see that as long as he proves the Hodge standard conjecture, he can easily prove the Xiao theorem he just proposed.

But obviously, proving this Hodge standard conjecture is no less difficult than proving the Hodge conjecture.

Asking him to prove two millennium problems at the same time?

Even cheating is not this outrageous.

However, at this moment, perhaps it was a flash of inspiration, and he realized another key from the definition of the Hodge standard conjecture in front of him.

"Vertex algebra and homological algebra!"

Instantly, the methods he had understood in the study of conformal field theory and string theory came into play at this moment.

Comparing the Hodge standard conjecture and quantum field theory...

"Incorporate them all into the generalized gauge theory!"

"Yes, that's it!"

The mind that was almost stagnant at this moment set off a storm again.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised an arc, sat up straight, then picked up a pen and began to write wisdom on paper.

The mystery of the universe was interpreted in this small dormitory.

Accompanied by the passage of time.


Chapter 170 There is a strictly positive mass gap

If Xiao Yi's current research is a thunder in silence, then it is thunder rolling for the physics community and even the mathematics community.

After the end of this meeting at CERN, the news about the X field was immediately spread.

The scholars in CERN sorted out Xiao Yi's derivation process in the meeting and then published it. Suddenly, the physics community, which was already very uneasy because of the confirmation of the W boson's overweight, exploded again.

You know, when CERN held this meeting, it had already received a lot of attention, because the physics community wanted to know whether CERN would continue to invest more resources in the research of W bosons, which to some extent almost affected the hot spots of physics in the future.

Who would have thought that after this meeting, the problem about W bosons was gone, but an X field emerged?

Even an unknown physical field that can interact with the Higgs field?

Even more, it can also be connected with W bosons under weak interaction, thereby affecting the mass-giving process, and can also provide a medium for the unification of weak interaction and strong interaction?

These explosive news directly stunned the entire physics community.

Of course, it also stunned the entire scientific community. After all, such important discoveries involving the microscopic composition of the universe are of interest to people all over the world.

In addition to the X-field, the news that Xiao Yi is studying the mass gap problem of the Yang-Mills equation and is very close to the final proof has also been spread.

This news is very popular in both the physics and mathematics circles. After all, it is not only a physical problem, but also a mathematical problem.

If solving which problem is most likely to make a scholar win both the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize in Physics, then the mass gap problem of the Yang-Mills equation must be the first.

For a time, the mathematics community was also in an uproar.

Although the pure mathematics community often does not care much about research in other fields, the Millennium Problem is still worthy of their attention.

A Millennium Problem is equal to a Fields Medal, and it is difficult for them not to care.

Not to mention that the person who is going to solve this problem now is Xiao Yi.

Looking at the International Congress of Mathematicians that is about to be held, Xiao Yi is also the invited speaker of the conference.

Therefore, Professor Edward Witten's speculation that Xiao Yi will prove the mass gap problem in this report has almost become a fact in the mathematics community.

The major news media also rushed in like sharks smelling blood and reported on this matter.

After the CERN meeting, Professor Witten was interviewed by Euronews.

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