Chen Muhua is one of them.

As his photo was posted in the group, a lot of lurkers in the group suddenly appeared.

Danfu-Xu Kangcheng: [Damn, you deserve to die! ]

[You deserve to die! ]*n.

A lot of people expressed envy.

Who wouldn't want to attend this kind of seminar?

Jingda-Lupin: [ @Jingda-Chen Muhua, don't forget, I'm on the same plane with you now. ]

Jingda-Lupin: [photo.jpg]

Another photo on the plane, and also a plane ticket to St. Petersburg.

The group was full of question marks again, and finally all of them said: [You two deserve to die! ]

Then someone tagged the administrator of their group: [ @Qinghua-Jianglong, the administrator came out to take charge, and banned these two people. They didn't bring their brothers to the International Congress of Mathematicians, and they are still showing off here. It's really abominable! 】

As a result, this person was muted.

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Photo.jpg]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Sorry, I am also on this plane now. You scolding them is the same as scolding me. ]

[Dogs cannot be managed in the house! ]*n.

Then Jiang Long began to use the great muting technique and muted these people one by one for 1 minute.

However, seeing that so many of them were going to St. Petersburg and were on the same plane, it also caused many people to ask.

Finally, they learned that it was the mathematics colleges of Beijing University and Qinghua that specially organized this trip. Students who wanted to participate could sign up. Of course, they still had to pay for the expenses themselves. The college was mainly responsible for leading the team.

In fact, every time the International Congress of Mathematicians was held, schools like Beijing University and Qinghua would lead the team to go, and it was not because of Xiao Yi's report that this event was organized.

However, so many of them were willing to spend money to go because of Xiao Yi's report.

Although it takes about 10 days, the round-trip airfare and accommodation will cost at least several W, but considering that you can participate in such a historic meeting, it is worth it.

For a while, people from other schools in the joint examination group expressed envy.

[Damn, is this the treatment of Jingda Qinghua? ]

However, at this time, there are still masters.

Keda-Ye Cheng: [What is yours? If the students in our class want to go, they can go without spending a dime! All contracted! ]

This made the other people in the group even more jealous: [Ah? Why? ]

Keda-Ye Cheng: [Xiao Ge paid for it and contracted it for us! # Proud]

Afterwards, other people from Keda appeared in the group, admitted the matter, and showed their plane tickets.

Now, even the students from Jingda and Qinghua were envious.

Jingda-Lupin: [Damn, you still deserve to die! ]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [ @USTC-Xiao Yi, Xiao Shen, wuwuwu, why are you not from our Jingda~]

USTC-Ye Cheng: [Sorry, Brother Xiao is from our USTC, the soul of USTC, you should stop thinking about our Brother Xiao. ]

USTC-Ye Cheng: [ @USTC-Xiao Yi, Brother Xiao, you must wait for your brother in St. Petersburg! ]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [Look, Brother Xiao doesn't even pay attention to you, you are useless]

USTC-Ye Cheng: [That's because Brother Xiao is busy with all kinds of things, it's normal for him not to reply]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [Bang]

USTC-Ye Cheng: [Urgent]

Xiao Yi has rarely appeared in this group. In most cases, it's because he really doesn't have time to water the group, and he doesn't have time to see what they are talking about in the group. However, the group calls him Xiao Shen and he has an idol burden.

Just when they thought Xiao Yi would not show up this time as usual, Xiao Yi really replied.

HKUST-Xiao Yi: [Thanks for the invitation, I'm in St. Petersburg, just got off the plane. ]

Then he posted a photo, and he was surrounded by a bunch of foreign faces.

If you compare these faces with the members of the organizing committee and the International Mathematical Union Council on the official website of this conference, you will find that most of them can be matched, such as Berezovsky, the chairman of the organizing committee of this conference, and Martin Gretsch, the secretary general of the International Mathematical Union.

In addition, some famous scholars in the Russian mathematics community also came.

These people, of course, came to pick up Xiao Yi at the airport.

Since he announced the proof of the mass gap problem, this is his first public appearance in front of the international mathematics community.

There were also a lot of media around him, and photographers held up cameras to take pictures of him getting off the plane.

"Hello, Xiao Yi. I am Berezovsky. It is a pleasure to meet you. On behalf of the organizing committee of this International Congress of Mathematicians, I would like to welcome you."

"St. Petersburg is the holy land of mathematics in Russia. It has been looking forward to the arrival of a great mathematician like you."

As Xiao Yi got off the plane, Berezovsky smiled and stepped forward, extending his hand to welcome Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi also put down his phone, nodded to the chairman of the organizing committee, and shook hands with him: "Mr. Chairman, I am also very happy to meet you. I have longed for St. Petersburg for a long time. I believe this trip will be a good experience."

"I promise." Berezovsky smiled and patted Xiao Yi's back of the hand, and then began to introduce him to other people around him, such as the Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union, and others.

After getting to know each other, Berezovsky said to Xiao Yi: "We have arranged a room for you at the Parkland Hotel near the EXPOFORUM Convention Center. You can stay there during the conference. Let's go now."

Xiao Yi nodded: "Okay."

Then he said no more, got on the special car arranged by the organizing committee, and went directly to the Parkland Hotel.

Sitting in the car, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the joint examination group. His appearance just now obviously made the students in this group very excited, and more people who were lurking came out.

Now everyone is asking about his situation here, and many people also wish him a complete success in his report in a few days.

With a slight smile, he then sent another message in the group: [Thank you for your blessings. Everyone can pay attention to the report in three days. I won't let you down! 】

Then, there was another excitement in the group.

They all said: [In the future, we can go out and brag that Xiao Shen is our brother! ]

Looking at their excitement, Xiao Yi was so happy that he waved his hand and directly sent a red envelope worth 10,000 yuan in the group, which caused a scramble in the group.

Looking at the hot group chat, he smiled, and finally closed his phone, closed his eyes, and began to relieve the fatigue brought by the almost nine-hour flight.

As for the 10,000 yuan he spent casually, he didn't care at all.

Now, as Yishui Bit gradually dominates half of the Bitcoin mining software market, according to a report issued by JPMorgan Chase some time ago, the market valuation of Yishui Bit has reached 1 billion US dollars, which is more than 6 billion in RMB, a unicorn enterprise.

Therefore, money has gradually lost its meaning to him, and he has achieved financial freedom inadvertently.

Unless he wants to build something outrageous like a private particle accelerator.

This matter has spread throughout the business circle, and it has also caused a discussion in society about whether studying well can make one stand out.

Now, whenever someone raises a question like "What's the point of studying well? You still have to work for those who don't study well", they will be attacked by countless netizens using Xiao Yi as an example.

Although there are many academic giants who are also quite wealthy, none of them is as representative as Xiao Yi, who is both a top scientist and the founder of a unicorn company.

When a master of success comes, you have to call him a master.

And his family has already moved into the mansion they bought in Jade Court last year, and gradually got used to their current life.

In general, there is no "mundane" thing that Xiao Yi can care about now.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, he has reached the last level, and will continue on this level indefinitely.

Just like now, his goal is to let the academic community know that the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problems have been solved by him, and to let everyone know how he proved it - well, the second goal is still a bit too difficult. He can almost foresee that there will be no more than 10 people in the world who can understand his report in a short time, so it is enough to complete the first goal.

Without thinking any more, he entered a meditative state.

And this convoy drove steadily under the midday sun, gradually heading towards the city on the other side of the horizon.

The report meeting also entered the final countdown...


Mathematicians and physicists from all over the world gradually gathered in the city of St. Petersburg.

This city has a very important position in the history of mathematics.

Leonhard Euler once studied the Goldbach conjecture here; Daniel Bernoulli created his "Principles of Fluid Mechanics" here, and the Bernoulli law in it later became the principle for airplanes to fly.

In the future, there will be quite a few Russian Fields Medal winners who also come out of St. Petersburg. At the beginning of the 21st century, less than two years after the seven major problems of the millennium were proposed, a sloppy scholar named Gregory Perelman who lived in St. Petersburg proved the Poincare conjecture with two papers published on arxiv...

The history of mathematics in St. Petersburg is half of the history of mathematics in Russia.

And now, another millennium problem will be proved here.

People are more and more looking forward to it while sighing.

Until the day of July 6th.

At nine o'clock in the morning, people were already coming and going outside the EXPOFORUM exhibition center.

The participants have lined up in a long queue, waiting to enter.

According to the data released on the official website, this conference attracted more than 7,000 participants, which is definitely the highest in history. Of course, this is mainly because there are many theoretical physicists participating. CERN next door, which has thousands of theoretical physicists working there, also gave their scholars several days off to allow them to attend this conference and witness the proof of the mass gap problem.

This is also a test for the coordination ability of the organizing committee of this conference. For example, their EXPOFORUM exhibition center has a standard capacity of 4,000 people in its largest hall No. 1. In order to ensure that more than 7,000 participants can be accommodated, the site must be rearranged.

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