Just open your mouth more, right?

But at this moment, Xiao Yi spoke: "Well, I agree to go to HKUST."


Chapter 33 A high school sophomore becomes the top scorer in the college entrance examination

Chapter 33 #High school sophomore becomes the top scorer in the college entrance examination#

As soon as Xiao Yi said what he said, everyone present was stunned.

Why did you suddenly make a choice?

The admissions teacher at Peking University was anxious at that time and said quickly: "Xiao Yi, don't you think about it again? If you like mathematics very much, the most suitable place for you to go is our School of Mathematics at Peking University. Our School of Mathematics is our The first college of Beijing University is also the best mathematics college in the country. You can find many like-minded friends here. ”

"Although I am not a mathematician, I know that in a subject like mathematics, the most important thing is to communicate with other mathematicians."

Qinghua's teacher was also anxious and said the same: "Yes, classmate Xiao Yi, come to our Qinghua, we have Qiu Chengtong's mathematics elite class. As long as your grades are good enough, I can recommend you to Mr. Qiu Chengtong." There, he’s studying for graduate school.”

"I don't know if you know Mr. Qiu Chengtong. He is the first Chinese winner to win the Fields Medal. He also won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize. He can be regarded as a Grand Slam winner in mathematics. At the same time, Mr. Qiu is also a professor at Harvard University.”

"When you go to graduate school, we can recommend you to Harvard University to study under Mr. Qiu's graduate school. We can even recommend you during your undergraduate period. We can cooperate with Harvard University to train you, and you can directly study If you study for a master's degree and a Ph.D. directly, you will receive degree certificates from our two schools, Tsinghua University and Harvard University."

Peking University teacher: "We at Peking University also have relevant policies, and we can also recommend you to Princeton University. Princeton University is regarded as the best university in the world for mathematics, and there is no shortage of Fields Medal winners there. The academic atmosphere is stronger, and Einstein studied there.”

"We can also recommend Princeton University." Qinghua's teacher argued again.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Yi was a little dumbfounded, but in the end, he coughed twice and said: "Teachers, I am very grateful for your trust, but I have already promised to go to HKUST. If I don't If I go, first of all, it will appear to be a bit of a breach of trust, and secondly, I will let down Professor Liu, who was optimistic about me in the first place.”

"That Professor Liu treated me very well, so I don't want to let him down."


After hearing what Xiao Yi said, the admissions teachers from the two top universities didn't know what to say.

If you continue to persuade him, it will make Xiao Yi's moral failings.

After thinking about it, the only ones who can make Xiao Yi change his mind now are his parents.

Thinking of this, they all turned to look at Father Xiao and Mother Xiao aside, hoping they could say something.

But Xiao Guohua laughed at this time and said: "Well said, he is indeed my son. We really can't break promises to others."

This is why he was still able to keep calm when he first saw these two teachers from top universities coming to his door. After all, they had already agreed at the beginning, and the communication between the two parties was also very good, so Xiao Guohua was also unwilling to break his promise to him. people.

"Teachers, thank you for coming here. As a father, I don't want my son to feel that he is morally deficient in the future."

When the two teachers saw this, they could only sigh.

"Well, after all, we are late, so I wish Xiao Yi's future development will be better and better. When you are in the postgraduate stage, you are very welcome to apply for our school."

"Thank you." Xiao Yi nodded, "I will consider it when the time comes."

Afterwards, the two teachers from Beijing University Qinghua didn't stay any longer and left the house with their people. Next, they had to rush to the homes of other candidates with excellent grades to recruit people.

On the side, Wang Enqing saw that the two major enemies were directly persuaded to retreat, which made him sigh with emotion: "It is worthy of being the home of the number one scholar. On behalf of HKUST, I would like to thank you for your trust in us."

Xiao Guohua smiled and said: "In the final analysis, this is also Xiao Yi's decision. Otherwise, I was still a little moved when I heard the conditions given by Jingda Qinghua just now."

Wang Enqing expressed his understanding.

If those two schools can provide such good resources, which parent association across the country will not be moved?

All I can say is that they, the people in the Admissions Office of HKUST, have to express their gratitude to Professor Liu Bin after returning home.

If Liu Bin hadn't been able to take a fancy to Xiao Yi in advance and at the same time provide Xiao Yi with all kinds of help later, otherwise, compared to the two top schools, their USTC would basically not have much competitiveness.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Wang Enqing also became excited. This was probably the first time that the University of Science and Technology of China was able to win the top prize in the province. It was a stroke of luck.

"Then, let's talk about the specific details of Xiao Yi after he enrolls."

Xiao Guohua nodded, and then they began to talk about these specific matters.

Xiao Yi listened on the side and focused his thoughts on his paper again.

These trivial matters are far less important to him than his thesis.

Time passed quickly, and with the release of college entrance examination scores, public opinion across the country once again paid attention to various college entrance examination results.

The whole family cried after seeing the results, or the rural children were admitted to Qinghua University, etc., etc., which occupied various front pages, or occupied a hot search on Weibo.

However, although the popularity of these news is quite high, it is not the highest in this college entrance examination. Now, the headlines that top the hot search list are like this.

#High school sophomore becomes the top scorer in the college entrance examination#

Obviously, compared to other hot searches, this hot search brings the greatest interest to netizens, and is also the greatest shock.

Let’s not talk about how a high school sophomore took the college entrance examination. Just because a high school sophomore was able to get the top score in the exam is enough to amaze people.

After all, the college entrance examination for sophomores in high school takes one year less than that for seniors in senior high school.

People are still very concerned about things like genius, so they clicked into this hot search one after another.

Then, the news in the hot search became even more shocking.

[The Hui Province college entrance examination results have all been released. According to relevant news, the Hui Province college entrance examination science top scorer is Xiao Yi, a sophomore student from the middle school affiliated to Huaguo University of Science and Technology. He is Xiao Yi, a sophomore in science class three. His college entrance examination score total score is 741 Only 9 points were lost in Chinese language, and the other three subjects were all full marks. This score has far surpassed all other college entrance examination candidates. Even among the candidates with a score of 700 or above, it is still the first among all candidates. At the same time, according to statistics, it is also the second grade of all college entrance examination students. The first place in the volume area.

It is understood that Xiao Yi was actually selected in advance by the junior class of Huaguo University of Science and Technology, so he was able to participate in this college entrance examination. But what everyone did not expect was that he could achieve such results, so on the day when the results were announced , admissions teachers from Qinghua University and Peking University have already come to visit in person...]

After reading this introduction, all netizens exclaimed in their hearts: "Fuck!"

Today’s third update, please collect and recommend votes, thank you readers

Chapter 34 Beijing University Qinghua is okay, but a bit far away

As time went by, the trending search #高second-year students become the top scorers in the college entrance examination# attracted almost all the netizens who clicked on the hot search list, making this hot search extremely popular. Directly surpassing the second most popular search several times.

This hot search has received more than tens of thousands of likes and retweets, and the number of comments below has also exceeded 10,000, and is now heading towards 20,000.

In the comment area, various netizens came out to express their shock at this incident.

"Come to worship the gods."

"I am Diguigui, with a score of 741. What kind of magical score is this? Is this really a score that a person can get?"

"A candidate from the same class came uninvited and scored 741 points, only losing 9 points in Chinese. I feel that it is absolutely fine for the top scholar in Hui Province to be the top scholar in the country. In ancient times, after passing the imperial examination, the emperor The kind of person who is the number one scholar in the country, I can only say that he understands everything."

"This year, the candidates from Yu Province came uninvited and scored 741 points. It's absolutely amazing. Yu Province and Hui Province basically have the same set of test papers. And this year in our Yu Province, everyone should also know that the difficulty level is hellish. The science alone is 700 points. There are 169 people above, and even so, the highest score is only 724, which is 17 points lower than this guy, so you can understand what this score means, right?"

"I don't even speak English, but I can get full marks in math and science. What is this person's brain made of???"

All kinds of exclamations filled the comment area, especially this year's college entrance examination students, who gathered around this hot search to express their exclamations.

They are also college entrance examination students, and they know very well how shocking the score of 741 is, and it can even be called incredible.

Searching the scores of various top picks, no one can get full marks in mathematics and comprehensive science at the same time. Almost no one can even get a perfect score. The vast majority of people have lost a few points. .

After all, this year’s questions are really difficult.

What is even more surprising is that this hot search also explains what happened after the admissions teachers from Qinghua University and Peking University came to the door. Xiao Yi rejected the plans given by these two top universities and chose instead. He kept his promise and still decided to go to the junior class of HKUST, which also aroused the admiration of many netizens.

Especially what Xiao Yi said, he didn't want to let down the professor from the University of Science and Technology, and it was also known by people, and he won a lot of goodwill for a while.

"He is good at studies and has good character. God, it would be great if he was my friend."

"That's great. If it were me, and I heard that teachers from Beijing University and Qinghua University came to snatch people in person and offered such excellent conditions, I would have just signed and agreed."

"So you are not the number one scholar, others are the number one scholar."

"People in this family are also very trustworthy. Xiao Zhuangyuan's parents did not make a choice for him, but supported his choice. They want to be replaced by my parents... Oh, I won't say it anymore, I feel tired."


"I wish Xiao Zhuangyuan can make more achievements even at HKUST. I believe in Xiao Zhuangyuan!"

As the protagonist in these topics, Xiao Yi has been almost restless in recent days.

Reporters from all walks of life wanted to interview him, and various people on the Internet kept sending him private messages. He didn't know how these people knew his contact information!

Various trivial matters have affected the progress of his thesis writing.

He even began to regret it. How could he have gotten the top score?

But there was no way. The results were out and could not be returned.

He could only complain in his heart about why the policy of "not publishing college entrance examination rankings" was always not implemented!

In the end, he could only accept the interview from their Anhui Provincial TV.

The interview took place at the Affiliated High School. As for the time of the interview, it was on June 26, which was also the day when all senior high school students returned to school to participate in the volunteer application suggestion conference.

After all, the application will start tomorrow. In order to select the most suitable university from so many universities, it is customary for their school to hold such a suggestion conference.

However, this kind of thing does not exist for students like Xiao Yi. He came here purely for an interview. In addition to the interview, it was the matter of the 30,000 yuan scholarship that the school promised to give him before-this also reminded him why he wanted to take the top score.

Well, it can only be said that it is painful and happy.

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