The Prince of Mathematics, Gauss, a mathematical genius in the 19th century, is a well-known figure in the mathematical world... No, it should be said that he is a famous figure in the world.

And now, Hu Guangde actually used Gauss to compare Xiao Yi, which shows how much he thinks of Xiao Yi's talent.

Liu Bin, who was standing aside, also showed surprise in his eyes, but soon, his surprise was restrained and turned into an expression of "it is true".

At the age of 19, Gauss proved the ruler and compass construction of a regular 17-gon, while Xiao Yi, who is only 17 years old this year, completed the proof of the absolute far Abel conjecture.

No one can tell who is better or worse. We can only wait for a few years or decades later when Xiao Yi gradually makes more achievements in mathematics before we can make another judgment.

"Okay, Xiao Yi, there is no need to say anything else. Next, you should start translating this paper into English."

Hu Guangde said.

"Okay!" Xiao Yi answered first, but then he was stunned again. Translate into English?

"Why do we need to translate it into English? Do our domestic core journals also need to be written in English?"


Hearing Xiao Yi's question, Hu Guangde and Liu Bin looked at each other in bewilderment.

Is this young man still thinking about publishing his paper in a core journal?

Such a "newbie" question, compared with the quality of this paper, this professor and an academician, I don't know how to evaluate it for a while.

Even though Xiao Yi is only their junior now, he treats them with respect, and they are all seniors in the academic world. Not to mention that Hu Guangde is an academician, Liu Bin is also an outstanding scholar who has been rated as a young outstanding scholar. Their talent in mathematics is naturally quite good.

But at this time, facing such a young genius...

It's really... It makes people want to curse.

Why is the thief God so unfair?

Hu Guangde suddenly felt a little tired, waved his hand with a lack of interest, handed the phone back to Liu Bin, and said: "You tell him, I... slow down."

Liu Bin was helpless, he also wanted to slow down.

But there is no way, who let him be the leader?

He could only explain to Xiao Yi: "Your paper may not be published in our domestic core journals... It's not good enough. You can publish it in international core journals."

"Just like the journal where the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem you read before is published, "Annals of Mathematics", which is the most core and authoritative journal in the entire international mathematics community."

"And since Academician Hu said that your paper is the best paper in the field of far-Abelian geometry in recent times, you can definitely publish it in some of the top international mathematics journals."

"Although it's a bit far-fetched for the top journals like "Annals of Mathematics", it's completely fine for the second-top journals."

"Academician Hu and I both recommend that you publish it in "Publications mathématiques de l'IHS", this journal is a mathematics journal of the French Institute of Advanced Scientific Research. It is very famous in our mathematics community, and the quality of the papers in the journal is also very good, without the kind of water text. "

"In addition, after you submit your paper, Academician Hu will also provide you with some help, so that your paper can jump the review queue, and then you don't have to wait too long."

"What do you think?"

After hearing Liu Bin's words, what else can Xiao Yi say?

He is not completely ignorant of these journals. He knows that the "Annals of Mathematics" is one of the four top journals in the mathematics community.

But he didn't expect that his paper could be submitted to a journal second only to the "Annals of Mathematics".

The elementary value defined by the voice in his mind is a bit too exaggerated, right?

According to his guess, if he wants to continue to upgrade the buff of [Ruthless Lianxue], he probably has to publish at least a medium-valued paper.

Now, even the elementary value is already a paper in a second-top journal, and the medium value must be at least the level of the "Annals of Mathematics"?

If it goes up, the value is higher...

Could it be a heavyweight paper like the one that proved Fermat's Last Theorem?

Xiao Yi felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"Hmm? Xiao Yi, is it okay?"

Liu Bin on the other side saw that Xiao Yi had not said anything for a long time, so he asked again.

Xiao Yi came back to his senses and quickly responded: "Oh, no problem, I will start translating in the next two days."

"Well, send it to me after the translation, and I will help you take a look."

"Okay, thank you Professor Liu."


Soon, a few days later, Xiao Yi completed the translation of the paper. It took him a lot of effort to do this kind of English translation for the first time.

Then he sent the translated paper to Liu Bin and asked the professor to help take a look.

Under Liu Bin's guidance, Xiao Yi modified the format and changed the terms in many places, making it more like an SCI paper.

"Okay, it's almost like this. In terms of paper writing, the more you write, the more experience you will have, and you will become more proficient in the future."

Liu Bin said with a smile on the phone.

"Thank you, Professor Liu!" Xiao Yi thanked.

"Well, that's it. You can submit your paper to IHES. If you have any questions during the submission process, just ask me." Liu Bin said.

At this time, Xiao Yi suddenly asked: "Well, Professor Liu, if I want to be the corresponding author, should I fill in your name? I saw on the Internet that the corresponding author is usually the name of the tutor."

After hearing Xiao Yi's words, Liu Bin was stunned, and then he was moved.

However, although what Xiao Yi said made Liu Bin a little moved, after all, this was an IHES!

But he still resisted the urge and hurriedly said, "No, don't fill in my name. Just fill in your own name as the author information. Don't fill in any other names."

"This paper was completed entirely by you, so you are the only author."

Xiao Yi said, "But, after all, you chose this topic for me."

Liu Bin laughed and then said, "It's just a topic. It's no big deal. I didn't provide you with any guidance during the process. In fact, this topic was given to me by Academician Hu. I don't understand it myself, so how can I be the corresponding author?"

"If it's yours, it's always yours."

"In addition, don't send your papers to others casually in the future. The academic world is not clean, and it's even a little dirty. Protect yourself and your achievements."

"This is also my advice to you as a professor."

Listening to Liu Bin's words, Xiao Yi on the other end of the phone was moved. At the end, he said very sincerely, "Thank you!"

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Chapter 42 I'm not a devil

Enter the official website of "Publications mathématiques de l'IHS" and find the submission interface.

According to the submission steps, Xiao Yi successfully submitted the paper.

"Finally it's done."

Xiao Yi shook his head. In order to submit a paper, he also applied for various accounts, which really took a lot of effort.

"Then, according to what Professor Liu said, the next step is to wait for news slowly."

Xiao Yi was a little excited.

After all, it was the first time in his life to publish a paper, and it was also the first time to submit to SCI. It was difficult not to be excited.

According to the information he found on the Internet, for most people, submitting to SCI is a very difficult thing.

In some worse colleges and universities, perhaps submitting a paper in the third or fourth zone can make a lecturer promoted to associate professor, and associate professor promoted to full professor.

And a paper in the first zone is even more powerful. When applying for a job at a 985 university, a paper in the first zone published as an independent author is estimated to be directly noticed by the dean.

As for the top journals, basically all top universities will express their warm welcome.

It is not a fabrication that a paper can make a living for a lifetime.

"I just don't know if this paper can pass the review."

Xiao Yi was a little nervous about this.

"Forget it, let's not think about these things, it's time to study."

"I haven't finished reading the paper on the twin prime conjecture yet."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi put the paper aside for the time being and continued to study according to the original study plan.

Of course, he did not forget to tell Professor Liu Bin that he had submitted the paper.

[Okay, I know. ]

After receiving Xiao Yi's message, Liu Bin also quickly responded, and then left the office and went to Hu Guangde's office again to tell him the news.

Hu Guangde nodded, and then said: "OK, I think his paper will be delivered tomorrow, and I will call IHES editor-in-chief Bergeron at that time."

"If everything goes well, his paper may be published within three months."

Liu Bin nodded slightly, as if he could already imagine what kind of waves this paper would bring to their academic community when it was published.

However, at this moment, the office door was knocked again.

"Come in."

The door was opened, and a vice dean of the School of Mathematics walked in.

"Dean Chen."

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