"Is this really a high school student?" David couldn't help but say.

"Maybe we can't look at him as a high school student, but as a rising star who is about to rise in the world of mathematics."

Evans turned his eyes back to the paper in front of him, his face showing some regret that he couldn't understand the paper.

He was very interested in far Abelian geometry, and he was really interested in this paper. This paper brought him a new vision, and for a while he even rekindled his interest in studying far Abelian geometry. thoughts.

"Okay, let me go to Editor-in-Chief Bergeron after I finish reading this paper."

Please collect it, recommend it, vote for it, and read it! ! ! !

Chapter 45 The Attention of Fields Medal Winner Peter Schultz

Chapter 45 The attention of Fields Medalist Peter Schultz

Next, Evans continued to read the paper, but if he didn't understand it at the beginning, it would naturally become more difficult to understand later, so he gave up the idea of ​​trying to understand the paper and quickly confirmed the format specifications and other aspects of the paper. After there were no questions, he got up and went to Editor-in-Chief Bergeron to report the matter.

After knocking on the door of the editor-in-chief's office, Bergeron saw it was Evans and said with a smile: "Evans, it seems you have completed the task."

After saying that, Bergeron stood up, took out a 50-euro note from his trouser pocket, and handed it to Evans.

At the same time, he also asked: "How did you write your rejection email?"

Evans calmly accepted the 50 euros and replied: "I did not write a rejection email."

Hearing this, Bergeron reached out to take back the 50 euros from Evans' pocket: "Then give me the money back."

Evans turned around, stared at Bergeron, and said, "And I'm ready to contact Peter Schultz or Jacob Sticks to review this paper."

Bergeron was stunned for a moment, then spread his hands and said helplessly: "Are you crazy? If the two of them knew that we asked them to review a paper written by a high school student, they would probably be severely punished at the mathematics conference. laugh at us!"

Seeing Bergeron like this, Evans was convinced that he had not read this paper.

"My dear editor-in-chief, haven't you read this paper before?"

Bergeron said: "Please, I'm reading Professor Tracy's paper recently. I don't have time to read this kind of paper. How much better can a high school student, even if he is a genius, write a paper? We are IHES! Don't say that He is a high school student. Even if an undergraduate publishes a paper here, unless someone proves the Riemann Hypothesis, it will be the headline news in the mathematics world this year. "

Evans suddenly laughed: "In this case, it seems that Mr. Bergeron, your judgment has been wrong."

"This paper may actually be published in our journal."

Bergeron's eyes widened: "Are you sure you're not kidding?"

How can this be?

It is considered very good for high school students to be able to write a complete paper. But now you tell me the quality of this paper actually has a chance to be included in their journals?

The top journal in mathematics?

"Let me see."

Immediately, Bergeron went back to his computer and found the paper from the background.

He squinted and watched until ten minutes later - he gave up.

Because he could hardly understand it at all, the knowledge involved in the paper was completely different from his research direction, especially in the aspect of far Abelian geometry, he was even more knowledgeable about everything - he knew nothing about it.

It's just that although he couldn't understand the content of the paper, his many years of experience in editing mathematics journals allowed him to tell from the writing of this paper that its author was very professional.

"you are right."

Bergeron exclaimed in amazement: "There is such a mathematical genius in the world."

His old friend Hu Guangde did not lie to him.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Okay, then as you said, send this paper to Professor Schultz and Professor Sticks. No matter what, whether it can be published in our journal still needs to be It has to pass expert review—but are you sure they will be willing to accept this paper?”

Peter Schulz, an upstart in mathematics and winner of the 2018 Fields Medal.

Jacob Stix, an authority on far-Abelian geometry and an expert in arithmetic algebraic geometry.

Evans patted his chest and said, "They will definitely be willing to accept it."

"Okay, then let's ask Schulz if he is willing."

Bergeron nodded, then opened various contact information for their journal and found Schultz.

After the call was made, he explained his reasons.

"Oh? A paper on far Abelian geometry?"

After listening to Bergeron's introduction to the paper, Schultz on the other end of the phone immediately became interested: "Since the author of this paper dared to submit it to your IHES and you asked me to review it, it seems that this paper should be It will be great.”

"Well, I happen to have not seen any excellent papers on distant Abelian geometry published recently, so please ask Mr. Bergeron to send it over, and I will try to give a reply within two to three weeks. ”

"Thank you very much Mr. Schultz, I will send it to you now."

Bergeron responded with a smile.

Then he stopped talking nonsense and after hanging up the phone, he sent the paper directly to Schultz.

Bergeron said with emotion: "Okay, I really didn't expect Schulz to directly accept this paper."

Evans thought for a while and guessed: "Maybe it's because of Mochizuki Shinichi's paper that proved the ABC conjecture?"

"Oh? Are you talking about the Japanese?" Bergeron raised an eyebrow, "I remember that Schultz and Sticks jointly published an article in 2018, denying his proof of abc, but But this guy doesn’t agree.”

"Yes." Evans nodded and said, "Before Mochizuki Shinichi published his paper proving the abc conjecture, he also wrote more than 700 pages of articles on distant Abelian geometry, so I guess Schultz is right. I am interested in this paper because I want to find definite evidence that proves Mochizuki Shinichi is wrong.”

Bergeron was stunned and hesitated: "Isn't it possible...? Mochizuki Shinichi's paper was published in 2012. No one can say for sure that he is wrong. Now this paper is just a high school paper. Written by a student..."

Evans was silent for a moment and said, "Maybe?"

"Hahaha, it should be impossible." Bergeron laughed.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Otherwise, their self-confidence will be shattered to pieces.

He immediately changed the subject: "But having said that, the 50 euros...should you pay me back? And then you have to give me 50 euros?"

Evans' expression changed and he turned around and left: "What 50 euros? I don't know anything. I have to go to work."

Then he quickly left the office.

Bergeron shook his head with a smile, but he didn't care about the 50 euros. After all, it was originally intended to be given to Evans.

Now this paper has entered the expert review stage, which can be regarded as a certain explanation to my old friend Hu Guangde.

Then he stopped thinking about it and continued to work.

As for whether Xiao Yi's paper could really be the "final spear" that ended Mochizuki Shinichi's paper, he quickly forgot about it.

Anyway, this is absolutely impossible.

Please collect it, please recommend it, please give it a monthly pass, and please keep reading! ! ! !

Chapter 46 Academicians pose questions, joint entrance examination for college mathematics classes

Time passed and it was late August.

"What's the status of your paper now?"

Xiao Yi received a call from Professor Liu Bin.

Regarding the situation of his paper, Liu Bin can be said to be more concerned than the author himself.

"It's still under expert review and it's not over yet."

Xiao Yi replied.

"That's good."

Liu Bin said happily.

Xiao Yi's paper has been under expert review for two weeks, which shows that there are no major problems in terms of basic quality. All that is left is to wait.

"You don't have to be too anxious. The longer the reviewers look at it, the more they value the paper. There may not be too many problems with the manuscript."

Xiao Yi complained in his heart, you are obviously more anxious than me, okay...

Of course, he still said on the surface: "Thank you, Professor, I understand."

"Yeah." Liu Bin said, "Also, let me tell you that the assessment time for your math class has been set. It's August 29th. There are still 8 days left, and..."

Liu Bin paused and said, "Get ready."

"Okay." Xiao Yi replied.

Liu Bin hesitated for a moment, worried that Xiao Yi just agreed but didn't take it seriously, so he reminded him again: "In this exam, some questions may be unusual. The questions this time were asked by many academicians."

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment.

What the hell?

Many academicians came out?

Although he did not despise this exam because his ability was already very strong, when he heard Liu Bin's words at first glance, his mind was still a little confused.

He couldn't help but ask: "Why are there so many academicians?"

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