【After inquiring from many sources, I also contacted the editorial department of IHES and asked the editor there. Finally, it can be confirmed that the author of "Non-singularity Analysis and Absolute Distant Abel Conjecture" is Xiao Yi, a graduate of the Affiliated Middle School of Huaguo University of Science and Technology this year, who is also the science champion of Anhui Province and won the title of "National Champion" with a total score of 741 in the college entrance examination.

When I confirmed this, my heart was full of incredible, because friends who have paid attention to the hot searches during the college entrance examination should know that this classmate Xiao Yi did not take the college entrance examination as a senior high school student, but as a sophomore high school student, which means that he is not 18 years old this year, but 17 years old.

To be honest, I was deeply shocked. Old fans who are familiar with me should also know my academic qualifications, a master's degree in mathematics and a doctorate in physics from the National University of Singapore. As for why I studied mathematics for my master's degree and physics for my doctorate, I believe those who understand will understand that pure mathematics is too difficult. As a last resort, I can only study theoretical physics.

IHES is a journal that I dreamed of when I was still studying pure mathematics. Unfortunately, I was not able to publish in Zone 1 until I graduated with my master's degree, with the help of my supervisor.

Today, after seeing this news, I deeply realized how huge the gap between people can be. He achieved my dream at the age of 17. I can only say...

Is this reasonable?

Oh, forget it, I won't say too much.

You can feel it yourself. Now I just want to smoke a cigarette and calm down.

Of course, I am also very happy that such a mathematical genius can appear in our country. I also hope that he can continue to exert his talent. Maybe, at a certain International Congress of Mathematicians in the future, we can see a young Chinese figure walking up to the podium of the Fields Medal. 】


Chapter 58 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

After this new blog post [Mathematical Events] was on the hot search, the popularity continued to rise.

It didn't take long for it to enter the top ten of the hot search list with tens of thousands of likes, reposts and comments. Almost all netizens who entered the Weibo hot search tonight were attracted by this hot search.

Below, the most popular comment is [No more, accompany one, the doctoral student who is in the top ten of QS mathematics in the world, now has a very complicated mood. ]

In the replies below this comment, there are also various replies from graduate students from the world's top mathematics schools, all kinds of [accompany one].

There are Princeton, UC Berkeley, Cambridge, etc.

No matter which famous school students come from, facing the achievement of a 17-year-old minor who wrote such a paper, they can only sigh deeply in their hearts. The gap between people may sometimes be bigger than that of dogs.

Fortunately, most people who study mathematics will become Buddhists in the end, so although they feel a deep blow, it's not a big problem.

After all, those who can enter top universities to study mathematics may feel pretentious at first, but when they encounter more and more incomprehensible questions in the process of research, they will naturally become Buddhist.

So it did not cause these math masters to [dare not read mathematics from now on].

In addition to math masters, most of these comments are from netizens who just come to join in the fun. Even if they don’t understand what "Non-singularity Analysis and Absolute Distant Abel Conjecture" means, or what IHES is, but just the "top international mathematics journal" is enough to make them scream.

[What what what? 17 years old can publish papers in international journals? I had a hard time writing a graduation thesis back then. ]

[He can publish in top international journals, so his English must be very good, right? ]

[People say that they published in top international journals, you ask if their English is good? ]

[Damn, it turns out that he is the top scorer in the country this year! I played for three months during the holiday after the college entrance examination, and he wrote a paper directly? 】

【Oh my god, that means he is a 17-year-old student, but he has inspired Schultz, the Fields Medal winner? Am I reading a fantasy novel? 】

【Cheating, it must be cheating! It is recommended to check whether he has any spirit weapon! 】


Amidst all kinds of surprises, the news gradually spread, and it was no longer just spread in China, even the foreign mathematics community began to know this news.

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany.

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, affiliated to the Max Planck Society.

The Max Planck Society is the largest academic research institution in Germany, and its scale ranks among the best in the world, just like the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China, covering the whole country.

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics is also one of the most famous mathematics institutes in the world, almost equivalent to the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, the French Institute of Advanced Sciences and other research institutions.

After all, Germany was also worthy of being called the world's mathematics center back then.

Even though the status of mathematics declined due to the war, many talented mathematicians still emerged after the war.

For example, Gerd Faltings.

Faltings is the former director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. His greatest achievement is to prove the Model conjecture, which is a key step in proving Fermat's Last Theorem. So it can be said that Fermat's Last Theorem can be proved, and it is also based on the predecessors like Faltings that the final relay was completed.

In 2018, Faltings finally found an ideal successor and handed over the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics to Peter Schulz, a genius who is expected to inherit the glory of Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics, and bring new glory to mathematics.

"... In Shinichi Mochizuki's IUTT paper, there is such a key problem in the global reconstruction algorithm of absolute tele-Abelian geometry."

"We can't find the necessary point to interact with the fundamental group - there is no other fundamental group isomorphism that does not come from the isomorphism of the scheme, which also comes from Shinichi Mochizuki's theorem."

"Further, the frobenius-like graph is an enhancement of the etale-like graph, which is essentially composed of a topological group π1(X) and an action on a simple group, such as: the group k× of units in k.5. Here, in many cases, from the action on the topological unit..."


In the institute, in a research room, two men were talking around a blackboard full of various mathematical formulas.

The man with long hair explained the formula on the blackboard to another man with more touching hair.

The former was Peter Schulz, and the latter was Jacob Stix.

After listening to Schultz's story, Stix smiled, "Yes, that's it!"

"Obviously, we have grasped the key point. In these isomorphisms, the abstract θ-pilot object does not define the arithmetic level of the θ-divisor."

"Yes." Schultz smiled and nodded: "I believe that we are not far from the goal of thoroughly proving that the abc conjecture is still a conjecture."

"Now we should wait for the official publication of that paper, right?" Stix asked.

That paper, of course, refers to the paper that gave Schultz important inspiration.

"Yes, I hope IHES can be faster." Schultz said: "Speaking of which, I really want to communicate with the Chinese author named YiXiao... But now I am a little doubtful whether the name of the author is real, because I searched for the staff of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Science and Technology of China, but did not find anyone with this name."

Stix frowned: "This is indeed a problem."

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door, and the two turned their heads and looked, and then they were both stunned.

"Professor Faltings, why are you here?" Schulz greeted with a smile.

The person who came was Gerd Faltings.

Although he had resigned from the position of director two years ago, he was still a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, so it was not surprising that he appeared here.

Faltings said: "Come to see how your discussion is going, and bring you some new news."

"What news?"

"IHES has put the paper online a few hours ago."

"Finally online?" Schultz's face lit up: "Then it seems that we can start preparing for the mathematics conference."

"By the way! I have to send an invitation letter to the author of the paper and invite him to attend this conference. Professor, do you have any information about the author? To be honest, I even doubt whether he is from that Huaguo University."

Hearing this question, Faltings laughed: "He is indeed from that school-well, Peter, I think you may meet a match for mathematical talent. This YiXiao is 17 years old this year. He has just completed the college entrance examination and is about to study at Huaguo University of Science and Technology."

Schultz, Stix: "Wang Defa??"

Thanks to Ali for the 1,000 starting coins reward!

Chapter 59 Schultz's invitation letter

"Professor, are you really sure?"

Peter Schultz said in disbelief.

At the age of 17, he was able to write such a paper?

Recalling when he was 17 years old...

To be honest, at that time, he had just started middle school and was held back in middle school.

Of course, he was held back not because his grades were bad, but because his grades were too good.

Because he was very talented in mathematics and could win a gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad, he specifically held back to participate in the Olympiad. He won a silver medal in the first year and gold medals in the next three years.

Then, he entered university at the age of 20.

It seems that he started much later than others, but it did not affect him. He only spent two and a half years to complete all the learning content from undergraduate to master's degree, and then completed his doctoral degree at the age of 24, and his graduation thesis directly sent him to the chairmanship of the Fields Medal seven years later.

His experience can obviously be called a dazzling genius.

But at this moment, he had to be surprised by what Faltings said. After all, being able to publish an article in IHES at the age of 17 was indeed much better than he was back then.

"Of course it's true. This matter has become big news in China. I also learned about this from my friends in China."

Faltings said with a smile: "How is it? Do you feel challenged?"

Schultz came back to his senses, accepted this fact, and shook his head helplessly, "Professor, please don't joke. I hope that there will be more geniuses in our mathematics. If more and more geniuses challenge me, it means that the future development of our mathematics will become better and better."

"If they surpass me, it will be even more worth celebrating."

Faltings laughed: "You kid, It taught me a lesson."

"But you are right."

The 66-year-old mathematician sighed: "I don't know what results I can produce in the last period of time in the future. I may never produce anything that can satisfy me. So I can only hope that you young mathematicians can achieve more outstanding results, so that when I meet Grothendieck, I can talk to him about things that he would be interested in. "

"Well... maybe this guy changed his personality after his death, and started to study mathematics again, and gave mathematics lessons to God himself?"

The three people laughed.

Faltings and Grothendieck had a good relationship and had exchanged letters many times, although Grothendieck was nearly 30 years older than the former.

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