The 17-year-old boy in front of him was far from being as talented in mathematics as he had shown before.

If what Xiao Yi showed at the seminar yesterday was his keen insight into mathematical theories, then what he shows now is his true mathematical academic research ability.

Both of these abilities are crucial to mathematics.

However, at this moment, Bombieri suddenly sighed, shook his head and said, "It's just that, unfortunately..."

He stopped mid-sentence.

Schultz and Xiao Yi didn't say anything, while Faltings and Deligne glared at them.

Faltings said rudely: "Don't speak half-heartedly. You are too old."

"Okay, okay, I said." Bombieri shrugged and replied: "Unfortunately, there are not many people in our mathematical community studying distant Abelian sets. If Xiao Yi's idea is really completed, I'm afraid there will be Many people are going to start learning distant Abelian geometry.”

Several people suddenly realized it, and then they all laughed.

This is of course a very normal thing.

If Xiao Yi's theory is really completed, the fields in which far-Abelian geometry can be applied will immediately expand. By then, it is estimated that it will directly become a popular subject in the mathematics world, and it will definitely attract many people to study it.

Just like the seemingly complete space created by Schulz's doctoral thesis, because of its great role, many mathematics scholars immediately began to study it as soon as it was published.

Although it is difficult, if you can’t stand it, it will yield results!

No matter what kind of science it is, be it mathematics, physics or biochemistry, anything that can produce results is a good thing.

"Xiao Yi, our mathematical community is waiting for good news about you."

Schultz patted Xiao Yi's shoulder and teased with a smile.

Xiao Yi suddenly felt ashamed. Looking at the expressions of these people, it seemed that it was a certainty that he would get this thing out.

In fact, he still knows very well how far he is from solving this problem.

At least I have to read a lot of papers and books.

However, when he said this, his eyes lit up again. These four Fields Medal winners in front of him must be able to provide him with a lot of advice, right?

He then said: "This...professors should also know that there is still a long way to go before we can truly solve this problem."

"I plan to start research after I get back. Maybe some professors can provide me with some papers worth reading, or books or something?"


The four big guys all began to think that they might not be able to provide much help to Xiao Yi in terms of research, but in terms of providing recommended readings, they were embarrassed to say that they had nothing to recommend.

Soon, Bombieri clapped his hands: "By the way, didn't James Maynard publish three papers this year? He has already raised the θ value to 0.6!"

"Those three papers of his are well worth reading."

When he heard the name, Faltins raised his eyebrows and said, "James Maynard? This young man is indeed very good. He seems to be only 32 years old this year, right?"

"Yes, I heard that he has a chance to win the Fields Medal at the next International Congress of Mathematicians." Bombieri nodded.

Schultz also said at this time: "His three papers this year are really good, Xiao Yi, you really should take a look."

Xiao Yi nodded and said: "I understand, thank you professor for the recommendation."

He had indeed heard of this mathematician. In fact, he mentioned at the beginning that Tao Zhexuan and Maynard jointly improved Zhang Yitang's method, and finally reduced the prime number difference to the number 246.

"Well, there are some other things worth seeing. I will sort them out for you later." Bombieri said.

The other three big guys also said that they would help Xiao Yi find some relevant information after returning.

"Okay, then we can wait for the good news about Xiao Yi." Faltings smiled and patted Xiao Yi, and then he turned to look at Deligne and Bombieri: "Then, you guys come here What's wrong with me?"

"Can't we talk to you about old times?" Deligne shook his head, "Forget it, I guess you're not the kind of person who likes to talk about old times, so just tell me."

"Will you go to the Princeton Mathematics Conference after Christmas?"

"There's nothing interesting." Faltings shook his head, "If I don't go, I won't be able to withstand such a long flight at my age."

Deligne and Bombieri glared at him angrily, as if they were not on a plane when they came over.

"Forget it if I don't go."

Deligne shook his head, then he turned his head and glanced at Xiao Yi. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked: "So, Xiao Yi, are you interested in making a report or something?"


Xiao Yi pointed at himself with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes." Deligne nodded and said: "If you can complete your idea before then, your report will definitely become the most outstanding report of our conference."

"Even if it is not completed, if you tell the people here about your ideas and progress, it will definitely bring a huge surprise to the mathematics community."



Xiao Yi started to think.

At this time, Faltings, who had just said that he couldn't stand the toss of the plane, spoke: "If Xiao Yi goes, then I will go. What Xiao Yi has to say must be very interesting."

"Then I will go too." Schultz added.

Then, Xiao Yi found that the eyes of the four Fields Award winners were all focused on him.

He was immediately at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

No, you two big guys, one in his sixties and the other in his thirties, why are you still playing this trick of "if you go, I will go"!


[Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets!! T0T]

Chapter 75 I'm learning about market trade!

The plane flew across the sky, leaving a long tail in the air, and finally landed at Shanghai Beijing International Airport.

Although this is an international flight, it is not very eye-catching for the Capital Airport, which ranks among the top ten airports in the world in terms of passenger traffic in 2020.

Of course, the people coming down from it are not so ordinary.

The seventeen-year-old mathematical genius returned to his motherland today.

As Xiao Yi and Hu Guangde left the plane and entered the airport reception hall, a group of people immediately surrounded them.

This group of people were all reporters, including various online media and even official media.

Looking at the microphones, Xiao Yi was a little unresponsive. No one told him that this would be the scene after returning to China?

"Xiao Yi, what do you think of being considered the most outstanding mathematical genius in China in recent years?"

"Xiao Yi, how do you study normally? Why do you have such a deep understanding of mathematics at such a young age?"

"Xiao Yi..."

Various questions came to Xiao Yi, catching him off guard as he had never experienced such a scene.

Other tourists around looked at him in surprise. This man was so young, was he a star?

Why were there reporters?

There was no fan group to welcome him.

Of course, some people soon recognized him from the reporters' names and Xiao Yi's appearance, especially some students who often went online, and they immediately started to discuss him.

"Oh my god! Isn't this the genius mathematician who was on the news a few days ago?"

"Really! I heard he's only 17 years old! He really looks young!"

"Look at him, he should have just returned from a meeting in Germany, right? When he was on the hot search a few days ago, didn't he say that he got that Japanese mathematician in Germany?"

"I really envy those people who are good at math."


Some parents with children said to their children: "Look at him, he can attend international academic conferences at the age of 17, you should learn more from him!"

The child pointed at himself with a confused look: "Me? Learn from him?"

What a joke!

I'm learning from Jimao!

Is this guy something that people can learn from?

These children immediately felt resentful.


After being surrounded by these reporters for a long time, Xiao Yicai and Hu Guangde left the arcade hall and got in the car.

The person who came to pick them up was a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, named Bai Lu.

Researcher refers to the title, not the name. In terms of rank, a researcher is equivalent to a professor.

So the Bai Lu who came to pick them up was not simple at all. Not only was he a senior professional, he was also selected as an outstanding young scholar at the age of 36. He is only 38 years old this year. He is an important leader among the young generation of Chinese mathematics.

As for why he, an outstanding young scholar, came to pick them up, first of all, he was Hu Guangde's student, and he was also the student that Hu Guangde was most proud of. Secondly, it was the arrangement of their School of Mathematics.

[Be sure to pick up Xiao Yi to our School of Mathematics], this is what their dean said to Bai Lu when he came.

"This is Xiao Yi, right? He is really a handsome man! You can tell at a glance that he is a good material for studying mathematics."

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