After all, they had understood the last sentence.

The twin prime conjecture has been proved!

And the math masters sitting in the front row did not question the result.

"This is so cool!"

The student from the Department of Mathematics at Rutgers University who had asked questions in Ivanets' class was now sitting with several of his classmates, excited.

"Although I didn't understand anything in the whole report, I declare that Xiao is now my god!"

"Me too!"

"Look! Professor Ivanets' eyes are red with excitement!"

One of the students kept zooming in with his mobile phone, and finally took a picture of Professor Ivanets sitting in front.

The other students took a look and said, "The person next to Professor Ivanets seems to be Professor Goldstone! Professor Goldstone even cried!"

"I really don't know why Professor Goldstone cried."

They were a little confused.

Of course, they really couldn't understand how a mathematician felt when he saw that the problem he had been pursuing for his whole life was finally solved.

Perhaps, many years later, when they have also devoted countless efforts in mathematics, they will probably understand.

"Brothers! The report meeting is basically over. Now it can be confirmed that Xiao Shen's proof is correct. From now on, the twin prime conjecture has become a theorem!"

"Xiao Shen is really awesome!"

"You don't know how handsome Xiao Shen was when he spoke at the end just now. That kind of confidence really made me crazy! If I weren't a man, I would probably fall in love with Xiao Shen!"

In a row of seats, a Chinese audience was holding a mobile phone and live broadcasting the scene in front of him.

This person is the blogger [Mathematical Events] on Weibo. His real name is Guo Xiaoming. After seeing the report meeting ended, he stopped the text live broadcast on Weibo and directly opened the video live broadcast.

A lot of Weibo netizens who had been following his text live broadcast have flooded into the live broadcast room, and they have launched barrages.

[Fuck, this time I really caught up with the live broadcast, let me see Xiao Shen! Quick, quick, quick! ]

[Really? How handsome? Without pictures, there is no truth! 】

[Damn, the first row of seats seems to be full of big guys! I have vaguely recognized several big guys! Is that Professor Deligne? 】

[I also saw Terence Tao! My idol! 】

Seeing these comments, Guo Xiaoming rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not saying anything to these guys, why are you paying attention to those big guys? This conference is not short of big guys. If you want to see, just look at Xiao Shen on the stage!"

Then he zoomed in and took a full shot of Xiao Yi on the stage.

"Look, this is my idol! Isn't he handsome?!"

[Handsome, handsome, handsome! 】*n.

The comments immediately started to fill up.

[I've never seen these big guys before, so I'm expressing my feelings. Xiao Shen is also my idol, okay? 】

[Post photos, post photos! How high can the pixel of your video be, gkd! 】

Guo Xiaoming said: "Don't worry, I will post it on Weibo after I finish the live broadcast. I will only live broadcast for a while. I guess I will go to the dinner prepared by Princeton University later. I will send you a message while eating."

After hearing Guo Xiaoming's words, the netizens in the barrage immediately started to curse.

[You really deserve to die! ]

[You are a dog! ]

[Damn, if you don't let me catch you in China, you will suffer the consequences! ]

[I think you have never seen a black hand! ]

Guo Xiaoming smiled and then said: "In addition, I will take this opportunity to interview my good brother and give you a brief introduction first."

Then his camera turned and turned to the person sitting next to him, who was also a Chinese.

"Wen Chenghua, a doctoral student at Princeton University, has been studying for 5 years..." Before he finished speaking, Wen Chenghua corrected him: "Don't mention that I have been studying for 5 years, okay? I am about to graduate, and the graduation defense will be in half a month, so I am now a quasi-doctoral student who is about to graduate." He is the Chinese student of the Fields Medal winner Okunkov. He solved the most difficult problem in his graduation thesis with Xiao Yi's etale algebraic cluster automorphism theory. Now he has finally completed the thesis and is not far from graduation. "Okay, okay." Wen Chenghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then said: "Then let me introduce this person again. He has been studying at Princeton University for 5 years, but he is about to graduate. He is a doctoral student and a disciple of the Fields Medal winner..." "You..." Wen Chenghua's face turned black. The barrage in the live broadcast room immediately started to brush [hahahaha], and of course, there were people who were amazed that Wen Chenghua was actually a student of the Fields Medal winner. "...In short, I was able to get the ticket to this conference thanks to my brother Wen."

"Okay, Brother Wen, let me interview you first. As a mathematician who can publish a doctoral dissertation in a top mathematics journal..."

"I am not a mathematician now, I can only be called a mathematical scholar." Wen Chenghua waved his hand to correct.

"Okay, okay, then as a professional mathematical scholar, what do you think of today's conference?"

Wen Chenghua thought for a moment, then said: "To be honest, I don't understand this report."

Chapter 106 One hundred faints!

The netizens in the barrage were immediately shocked.

[Oh my god, is this true? Princeton University's mathematics doctor can't understand it? ]

In the eyes of most netizens, Princeton University's mathematics doctor is already a very awesome person.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

However, Wen Chenghua quickly explained: "This is actually a very normal thing. I think at least 90% of the people in this lecture hall dare not say that they fully understand this report. At least for students like us who are almost completely here to make up the numbers, we basically can't understand it."

"Of course, it doesn't include Xiao Shen. I can't say whether he is a student or not. Um... I can't say whether he is a human or not. Ahem, I mean he may really be a god. Don't take my words out of context!"

"Such a report is really too cutting-edge, and for the mathematical community, the mathematical world that can truly study cutting-edge problems is the most important thing. There are only a handful of mathematicians, and most people are still studying things that happened a hundred or even hundreds of years ago. "

"However, although I didn't fully understand the report, I can still evaluate some of the steps. For example, when Xiao Shen first used the self-definition theory of etale algebraic clusters and introduced it into his classification sieve theory, I dare say that if I had a brain like his, I wouldn't have to go to college for five years. Well... it's still not rigorous enough. I should have even one-tenth of such a brain. "

"In short, it's like showing off skills. For example, when we play League of Legends, we all use the same hero, but some people can use this hero to the extreme and combine some technical means that others can never think of. In mathematics, Xiao Shen is just such a person. According to my tutor's evaluation, his ability and talent can probably be ranked at the forefront in the history of the entire mathematics community. "

"In addition, I would like to say that after Xiao Shen's report, there was a question-and-answer session, and no mathematician raised his hand to ask questions in this session. This is actually a very rare thing. "

"In theory, such an important conclusion, and Xiao Shen I also read this paper of God. It has more than 60 pages, which is a very long proof process. As a result, at this report conference, after he finished speaking, no mathematician expressed any problem. "

"This fully proves that Xiao Shen's paper is detailed enough and his report is comprehensive enough."

"In the end, such a perfect situation was formed, which is rarely seen in the history of the entire mathematics community."

"The above is my evaluation of this report conference."

"Well...if I were to give a score, it would be 100 faints!"

"The best of the best!"

Finally, Wen Chenghua made a joke.

There were already nearly 10,000 viewers in the live broadcast room. After hearing Wen Chenghua's evaluation, they all brushed [100 faints] and [the best of the best] in the barrage.

Of course, it also made them clear how awesome Xiao Yi's report was.

Guo Xiaoming snapped his fingers at this time, and then said: "Very good, then thank our docter Wen for his answer. Finally, please predict how much impact Xiao Shen's proof will have on the mathematics community."

"Do I need to predict this, brother?" Wen Chenghua shrugged helplessly, and finally said: "Not to mention the mathematics community, the entire scientific community, and even the entire world, will probably be very excited for a few days."

"You should know that this is the twin prime conjecture!"


Just as Wen Chenghua said.

The influence of the twin prime conjecture being proved is extremely huge.

As this report meeting has not even ended, the news has already begun to sweep the world.

First of all, on major social media in China, this matter has basically occupied the top of the hot list.

Whether it is Weibo, Zhihu, or Tieba.

For example, on Weibo, the hot search term # Twin Prime Theorem # directly landed at the first place.

And the second place is # Xiao Shen # .

The third place is # a perfect report meeting # .

The popularity values ​​of the three hot search terms far exceed the other hot searches below them.

Clicking in, it is no longer ordinary bloggers like [Mathematical Events] who publish these news, but the real official media, CCTV News.

[On January 8, 2021, at 13:43 local time, the first day of the Princeton Mathematics Annual Conference held at Princeton University in the United States has ended.

This report meeting is a special report meeting on the twin prime conjecture. The speaker of the report meeting is Xiao Yi, a freshman from my country University of Science and Technology. He published a paper titled "Parity Check Sorting Sieve and Twin Prime Conjecture" in early December 2020, in which he successfully proved an important problem in mathematics: the twin prime conjecture, which attracted a lot of attention in the mathematics community.

It is reported that twin primes refer to pairs of prime numbers whose difference is only 2, such as 3 and 5, 5 and 7, 11 and 13. The purpose of the twin prime conjecture is to prove that there are infinite pairs of twin prime numbers.

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