The ninja world has no doubts about the strength and merits that Kakashi should have to become the sixth generation Hokage!

Although his peak strength period is short, at least he is the strongest Hokage other than Naruto, right?

TOP4 Konoha Village is strong, worthy of the name!

The screen continues to play.

Naruto was still very excited when he came back from the psychic and saw the Nine-Tails.

"Nine Lamas, I really miss you, do you want me?

The tsundere nine-tails said dissatisfiedly.

"I don't miss you. Besides, half of my chakra is always in you. "

At this time, the nine tails have been completely turned into a mobile emoji.

The tailed beasts burst into laughter.


Seeing the Nine Lamas' arrogant appearance, the Six Dao Immortals were very satisfied and said:

"Yes, yes, the Nine Lamas are a little shy... When I saw that these tailed beasts were so serious and wanted to help and save someone, I felt at ease, and in this ninja world, there was finally such a rare person as Naruto. "

Kakashi said with emotion:

"By the way, Obito was actually woken up by Naruto. "

The Six Dao Immortals muttered to themselves:

"Oh, is that so? Then I'll ask him when I go to another world. "

And at this time.

Kakashi Hachiki also suddenly re-entered the spiritual space!

At this time, Obito was almost 27 years old.

He sighed:

"I've made a mess of the world, and I don't have the face to say anything anymore. "

Kakashiqiang smiled and said:

"In these final moments, I am very satisfied to be able to be with you as a friend. You're still the Obito who was late to help others. I have no regrets in my heart. "

Obito was silent for a while before he said slowly:

"Kakashi! Thank you! Okay, no more talk. Lynn is still waiting for me. "

Kakashi asked slightly sentimentally:

"Then you have figured out the reason for being late, how did you explain it to her?"

Obito smiled faintly and said:

"I told him before I came, I said I was here to help Kakashi. Okay, Kakashi! This time it's really goodbye. "

Finally, at this time, Obito's figure faded away and slowly disappeared.

The sins are deep, the sins are far greater than the merits, and the Uchiha Obito, who woke up before he died, left the ninja world completely!

Kakashi's pair of writing wheels also disappeared completely, leaving only a pair of ordinary eyes oozing blood.

The name of Kakashi will no longer exist.

And at this time, in the real world.

Seeing Madara Uchiha still lying on the ground, Sasuke immediately rushed over!

He never forgets to mend the knife!

This is Sasuke who is the most rational and calm.

Seeing this, the Six Dao Immortals stopped Sasuke.

"Don't worry, he lost 10 chakras, and he is bound to die!"

Sasuke said dismissively:

"He deserves it!"

The Six Dao Immortals said calmly:

"But at the last moment, let the two reincarnated ones have a good exchange. Naruto and you should take a good look too!"

Sasuke stopped and watched as Senju Tsuruma came to Madara Uchiha.

At the same time, Sasuke also recalls his various experiences with Naruto...

The Uchiha Madara, who is most familiar with the Thousand Hands Pillar, knows by feeling that it is the Thousand Hands Pillar.

"Is it Hasi's hot mom?"

"Well, it's me!"

Madara Uchiha let out a long sigh.

"You, and I, can't ask for it. "

The Thousand Hands Pillar spoke earnestly:

"But in this world, there is nothing that can be done overnight, and we can trust our descendants. "

Madara Uchiha smiled bitterly:

"Hassi, you're still so naïve. You've always been so optimistic! But is that probably the right thing to do? My dream has failed, but there is hope for your dream. "

Thousand-handed pillars sighed: (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Madala! You're too anxious. We can raise future generations who have inherited our will and let them accomplish what we cannot do. "

Madara Uchiha's smile was even more bitter.

"Then I really can't do it, I told you, I hate it when people stand behind me..."

Senju Tsuruma recalled the past and looked at Madara Uchiha with a gentle look in his eyes.

"I told you in the past that when we can be honest with each other, we can become brothers and have a good drink!

Madara Uchiha's voice grew weaker.

I don't know if I'm relieved or still unwilling.

"Comrades-in-arms... Have a glass of wine? We're..."

As he spoke, his vitality slowly dissipated, and he finally lost his breath.

A generation of heroes has fallen.


in the real world.

After seeing that this scourge that endangered the ninja world was finally eliminated, countless people were deeply moved.

[Onoki: This is the final fate of Madara Uchiha, it's really ugly. 】

[Madara Uchiha: You kid, you're not qualified to talk about me. 】

[Senju Tsuruma: Madara! I'm right in what I told you, we believe that the latecomers! They will accomplish what we can't do. 】

[Madara Uchiha: My words are the same as my last words, Hashi Hot Mom! You are still too naïve, I really can't trust these juniors. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: It's all at this time, why can't you believe it yet, when will you be able to believe it completely?]

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, this may be our Indra's fate. We will always believe in the power of the individual!From me to Uchiha Itachi, to Obito, and Sasuke... Although I don't know Sasuke well, I think he still looks a lot like me. 】

[Senju Pillar: Maybe I, as an asura, will always believe in everyone's power...]

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, everyone's strength? What kind of strength did you rely on to achieve the apparent peace of the Five Kingdoms in the first place? Isn't it all the deterrent effect of me and you? After you and I are not in the ninja world, the ninja world immediately fell into chaos, it's really funny!]

[Senju Pillar: Madara, if you say that, I have nothing to say. 】

[Madara Uchiha: By the way, I don't know what videos will be played on the next people on the list? I even wonder if this is related to the wars that will continue to appear in the future!!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar Room 567: Ah? Is this really the case?]

[Naruto: Absolutely impossible!The ninja world is very peaceful at this time!]

[Madara Uchiha: What is peace on the surface? The calmer the waves, the more likely there is an undercurrent underneath!]

At this time.

I don't know why, but there is even a dark intuition that tells Madara Uchiha:

Although the Fourth Ninja World War was coming to an end at this time, Sasuke's expression and movements at this time seemed to have some big moves.

[Madara Uchiha: Having said that, Sasuke still wants to mend the knife to me at this time, what a calm person! It's similar to me, a person who always cares about the peace of the ninja world, right? 】

[Nagato: Actually, is there a possibility that he just wants to gouge out your eyes?]

[Madara Uchiha: ???]

[Uchiha Sasuke: That's right, it's not bad to give Kakashi your Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so that Kakashi's copy of the ninja Kakashi's name can continue to be carried forward. 】

[Obito: Well, you once gouged out my and Kakashi's eyes, and dug yours back, of course!]

[Madara Uchiha: No descendants!, I don't live filial piety!]

Madara Uchiha, who has been hit by a series of blows, is full of resentment at this time, and can only look forward to the next video.

Anyway, his reputation and face have been thrown to the bottom.

It shouldn't be any lower.

There is also an inventory of the three characters, and you may be able to see some important events in the ninja world!

When the time comes, you will be able to verify your ideas!

Look at the pillars and your own path, which is right and which is wrong!.

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