
In the face of Uchiha Zoryana's words, Nara Shikamaru still shook his head in denial.


He had more important things to say.


At this time.

The other side.

Ada, Amado and the others are in the process of going to Konoha Village.

They were on a train.

It's hard to imagine what each of them thinks.

It seems that they all have something on their minds.

The little kid looked at the guy.

"Four zero three" actually doesn't know what to think in his heart.

I really feel that the presence of this Amado will make him extremely unhappy.

If he has the chance, he really doesn't want to continue to be with such a person, lest he only cause himself to be bad.

Very depressed.

Dumont didn't care about any of these things.

Still digging nostrils here.

Seems to be careless about everything around him.

Because we thought he cared.

You may be looking forward to the next trip.

I think going to Konoha Village will be a very fun thing to do.

And at this time.

Ida is actually able to see distant places with her own eyes.

I also saw the scene of Konoha Village.

So the dialogue between Nara Shikamaru and the people of Boruto Uzumaki will be heard by them.

Uchiha Zoryana was also dumbfounded at this time.

"Is it other than this terrible Ida.

We still have a lot of things to deal with? So what should we do? So many enemies.

How can we handle it?

Can there still be peace in our village?"

This time.

Nara Shikamaru spoke lightly.

"Don't be in such a hurry.

We still have a chance to deal with all of this. "

The next time.

People all over the world are probably very worried.

I don't know what I'm going to do next.

The challenges they face are really getting tougher.

It is simply impossible to describe the estimation with the thinking of a normal person.

These terrifying aliens will really have the power to destroy the world!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

As long as they are still in this world.

It is really difficult to achieve true peace in this world.

So, Nara Shikamaru at this time, let them calm down.

And said a good thing.

"Don't worry!

This Ada seems to be very scary, though.

But there is also a benefit.

He is not going to come to us and embarrass us now.

And he's in a way.

has already torn his face with Calder.

So they won't continue to attack us in ........the future."

After hearing this.

Ida is no longer a threat.

Boru Uzumaki and Uchiha Zoryana were very happy.

But they still have a little bit of a doubt.

I don't know why there is a huge crisis.

If Ada really doesn't continue to appear, then this world is indeed a good world.

So what else do they need to worry about?

At this time, Nara Shikamaru's expression became very strange.

He hesitated for a moment.

I decided to reluctantly tell what I knew.

"I tell you.

There's another thing you can't imagine.

Ada will next come to our Konoha Village.

And meet us.

I guess you're all very surprised, right?"

When I heard this. 5.3

They were really surprised.

There's no way to imagine what Ada is doing here.

If Ada tore her face with them, the world would be very bad.

It's going to be a lot of trouble for them!

Kawaki is also extremely unimaginable about this.

If this guy does appear, then this world is really difficult to solve!

The only one who can deal with him is himself.

There are also two people in Boruto Uzumaki.。。

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