At this time, Naruto and Sasuke had already consumed a huge amount of strength, relieved of the state of the mighty Susanoo, and turned into an ordinary human form.


In the ninja world, everyone is also full of praise.

[Boruto: Wow! This is the power of Dad and Uncle Sasuke!, so envious!]

[Zoryana: I don't know when I will reach this level with Boruto? This armor is so cool, I want to learn, Dad!]

[Sasuke: Haha, this Susanoo is not something that can be opened casually. Seriously, I'd rather Zoryana never turn it on for the rest of your life. Because if you want to evolve the Sharingan, the pain you have to pay is unimaginable to anyone. It's not even something that can be achieved with effort. 】

[Zoryana: Eh~ Okay!]

[Boruto: Haha, actually, I don't know when I'll be able to get Dad's cool giant battle mode, this is not a ninja battle at all, right? 】

[Sakura Haruno: Sure enough, hurting Naruto's friend, Naruto's anger is something that no one can face!]

[Tiantian: It's really blood-pumping, burning to the extreme, and it's also a sweet battle to the extreme!!]

[Black Soil: Whether it's a battle between ninjas or a battle between giants, it's really beautiful to look at when it can be matched so beautifully and pleasing to the eye!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Yes, if you hurt my friends and relatives in front of me, my anger is also not something you can face!]

[Big Barrel Peach Style: It is unforgivable that the hateful inferior human beings have driven me to such a point! This will be your last glory. 】

[Big Barrel Wood Gold Style: Peach Style Lord will definitely make you pay a heavy price!]

Of course, although the big barrel Mu Tao Shi and others put cruel words on the chat group, they are still a little empty in their hearts.

The strength of these humble human beings is indeed far beyond their imagination!

Even if Naruto and Sasuke are not as strong as they were against Kaguya Otsuki, and not as strong as when the two of them fought against each other to the death, they are still extremely tricky after cooperation!

[Madara Uchiha: I've been beaten to such an extent, and I dare to speak ruthlessly? But you are so weak, Naruto and Sasuke should not be in their heyday, they are all beaten like this. This big wooden peach style didn't even make me interested in making a shot. 】

[A thousand hands: Hmph, the cowhide has been blown by you. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Naruto and Sasuke have been tempered for a long time, and they cooperate so well, and their strength is not comparable to before. So Madala you can't underestimate them anymore!]

[Big Barrel Peach Style: Wait, see how the next victory goes! I hope I don't hit you in the face!]


The screen continues to play.

Everything seems to be ready to end.

The other four shadows finally stood up and said to Naruto and Sasuke:

"Is it finally resolved?"

Sasuke shook his head.

"It shouldn't work yet..."

I Airo said with a serious face:

"We need to deal with him quickly, lest he absorb the chakra and it will be bad. "

But as he spoke, an unexpected figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield.


After seeing this person, Naruto was stunned and said loudly:

"Fang Zhu, why are you here?"

I saw Tono Fangsuke holding a scientific ninja and shouted loudly:

"Are you ready, take a picture of me using the scientific ninja and defeat him with my scientific ninja!"

Naruto shouted.

"No! you can't use that!"

But Tono Fangsuke seems to be enchanted, he looks weird, and he can't hear it at all, so he still uses scientific ninja tools!


The attacks of the seven chakra attributes burst out and surged towards the big barrel of wooden peach!

But this is a charcoal in the snow for the big barrel peach style!


He immediately used his reincarnation eye to absorb the chakra attacked by the scientific ninja and regained his combat effectiveness again!

After seeing this situation, Tono Fangsuke was also dumbfounded.

"Uh... Did this guy absorb my chakra?"

This situation and this scene made the entire ninja world in an uproar!

This is a veritable pig teammate!

The big barrel of wooden peach laughed wildly:

"This thing is like our elixir! Haha, although it is a little weaker, I also want to thank you!"

Emperor Gao's Lingzun !!

He once again increased the ninjutsu that devoured and absorbed by hundreds of times, and then released it suddenly!



Boom!!Countless terrifying ninjutsu were suddenly released!

Wind, fire, thunder, water, walls...

Countless natural disasters are all overwhelmingly attacking Naruto and the others!

The terrifying chakra in the air was filled with madness, raging, and roaring, as if it could crush people directly!

Naruto and Sasuke tried their best, and only then could they barely block the big barrel of Komo-style attack, but they were also extremely struggling and panting.

And immediately after, the big barrel of Mu Tao used the shadow bondage technique!


The overwhelming shadows quickly took control of the people below.

Faced with the shadow binding technique that has increased hundreds of times, both Naruto and Sasuke are restrained!

As for the four shadows, they can't move!

At the same time, for the sake of safety, the big barrel peach type also launched a chakra black stick!

to restrain Naruto's movements.

"Hmph, I need to be very careful with you!"

Naruto, who was stuck in the chakra black stick, was immediately imprisoned in his actions.

Naruto frowned even more.

"Damn, it's not good now..."

And at this time.

Boruto saw that Naruto and the others were in danger, and he was as anxious as ants on a hot pot!

Damn it!

How can I help my dad and others?

Uncle Sasuke said before that as long as they fall, they will go up!

But his strength is so weak, it's a lot of trouble to go, right?

In his anxiety, Boruto remembered what Sasuke had said before he set out on the expedition...

"Boruto, what's your ninja way?"

Boruto replied at the time:

"I've never thought about it, I think it's very old-fashioned, it's very emotional..."

Sasuke said with a straight face: (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's true, it's kind of old-fashioned, but in the next battles, and in the future, it will drive you to make the right move!"

Boruto is still a little baffled.

"I still don't understand..."

Sasuke smiled.

"Then you'll understand! I think you can do it! Trust me!"

After remembering Sasuke's words, Boruto in the battlefield rekindled his fighting spirit!

"I want to believe Mr. Sasuke's words!

So, Boruto immediately rubbed the spiral pill!

When Sasuke saw Boruto, he also shouted:

"That's right!

After seeing Boruto's movements, Naruto was also slightly surprised.


After Boruto's roar, the spiral pill bursts out!

"Go for it!!!!"

However, after seeing this attack, the big barrel peach style didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Such a weak attack has no effect at all!"

He is ready to absorb this spiral pill from afar 0.....

However, before this spiral pill could attack the big barrel peach type, it had already slowly disappeared.

"Oh, it's so boring, you can't even attack!"

When the big barrel of wooden peach was triumphant, with a "bang", he was suddenly knocked to the ground!

The big barrel peach style is inexplicable!

Taking this opportunity, Naruto and Sasuke and others also lifted the shadow bondage technique.

Boruto was overjoyed and immediately ran in front of Naruto.


Naruto was still a little confused.

"Boruto, when did you learn the Spiral Pill?"

Sasuke explained:

"I told him that as long as he learned the Spiral Pill, I would take him as an apprentice,"

"It only took him a few days to learn!"

"And he also integrated the thunder escape that he is good at, changed the nature of Chakra, and created an unprecedented new move, the spiral pill that will disappear!"

Upon hearing these words, both Naruto and Boruto were very happy.

Sasuke also said to the big barrel of wood Momo:

"Although you seem to be very powerful, you can't absorb the invisible technique!"

The big barrel of wooden peach panted heavily, and said in a hurry:

"What about you weak and low-level humans, what about attacks that you can't see, as long as I have these pills, I can defeat you!"

In a desperate gamble, he swallowed all the pills in his mouth.

Boom –

An even more terrifying momentum burst out!

The big barrel peach is ready to use the next attack to end the battle once and for all!

Naruto immediately said to Boruto:

"Boruto, use the Spiral Pill again!"

Boruto is very nervous and has no self-confidence.

"But my strength is so weak, it's impossible to hurt him..."

Naruto smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

After Naruto's encouragement, Boruto summoned up his confidence and made a tiny spiral pill.

Looking at this spiral pill, Boruto himself has no confidence.

But next, an incomparably powerful chakra began to surge into Boruto's body!

With Naruto's help, the spiral pill began to grow faster and bigger!

It skyrocketed thousands of times all at once!!

The human body, underneath it, looks very small!

Compared with the 3.9 Lingzun of the high emperor of the big barrel of wood peach, the increase is even more terrifying!

In the surprised eyes of Boruto and the others, Naruto's past also surfaced one by one!

The master who taught him Spiral Pill Jiraiya.

Naruto's father, Bo Feng Shuimon.

Mother Uzumaki Kushina.

Genius Hinata Ninji.

The love of life Uchiha Sasuke.

Wife Hinata Hinata ...

The power of all people is injected into it!

The chakra in the spiral pill can play the role of telepathy, replaying various examples of Naruto's past!

This is the inheritance of the will of the ninja!

Therefore, the power of ninja will continue to develop!

The era of ninjas will never end!

The spirit of ninja will be passed on to countless generations to come!

Then, a huge spiral pill that radiated brilliant light was born!

Heavy pressure filled the air, flickering with tiny cracks in the space.

Boru's hearts were extremely shocked and shocked!

"This is Daddy's Spiral Pill... How much effort and effort did it take to create such a powerful spiral pill?"


The people in the ninja world who had witnessed Naruto's growth process were also in tears, and they wept one after another.

They all silently cheered for Naruto and Boruto:

Naruto!Boruto!Let's go!

Let the people of Otsuki know the power of our ninjas!.

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