At this moment, the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals were blazing.

He suddenly remembered that when he watched the live broadcast room before, he learned:

Naruto's wife, Hinata inherited the power of Otsuki Hamura.

In this case, if you inherit the power of Otsuki Hayo and Otsuki Hamura at the same time, will it also open up more powerful power?

Can you turn on the power comparable to your mother?

You must know that your two sons, Indra and Asura, who have immortal eyes and immortal bodies, will be able to unlock their own power if they are combined.

And the combination of the power of the Otsuki clan and the Hyuga clan on the moon can also open the eye of reincarnation.

If you combine your own strength with your brother's strength, it will definitely be even more terrifying!!

It may even be outstanding among the big barrel wood clan, and have the ultimate eye in the big barrel wood family!

From this point of view, this Boruto is a surprise, and he is likely to become an important figure in the ninja world in the future.

I hope he can awaken his power soon, and have the power to compete with the Otsuki clan.

The six immortals looked at the next video with deep meaning in their eyes, full of anticipation.


And on the other side.

A similar idea was born in the big barrel peach style.

From the video, he can also see that the powerful eyes that this Boruto has don't seem to be simple.

It should be because he has the power of the big barrel of wood feather coat, and he also has the power of the big barrel of wood feather village, so there is a mutation.

If you want to invade the ninja world, you must first take down this Boruto!

He could well be a significant bargaining chip for victory in the war.

The battle with this ninja world cannot be sloppy at all!!


On the other side, the big wooden one also noticed something very wonderful.

The eyes that this Boruto possesses are indeed extraordinary.

A part of the power of the Otsuki clan has been revealed. 603 And as a style of the big barrel wood family, it can also be seen that Boruto was wedged by the big barrel wood peach style.

After that, there should also be a chance to use the power of the big barrel peach style!

His future achievements are immeasurable.

In this case, there are two wedges in the ninja world!!

Thinking of this, Da Zhumu's eyes were burning.

I have to hurry up and find a way to officially resurrect myself.

If necessary, even now, show up right now and resurrect yourself in your own container.

I've been lurking in the ninja world for so long, and it's time to re-enter the ninja world!!


In the ninja world.

At this time, everyone was still talking in the chat group.

[Senju Pillar: Madara! Do you see it? These people who think that the current ninja world is not good, the Otsuki Kisha people, and the past Obito and you and others, have all paid a heavy price!!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Don't be obsessed anymore, the current ninja world is the best ninja world. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: You have also seen it more than ten years later, the ninja world is extremely peaceful and tranquil, and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, living in a very beautiful ninja world. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: The people of the big barrel wooden house have misunderstood the meaning of their ancestors, and you have also been fooled and lame by the black, which is very ridiculous!]

Senju Tsuruma is still trying to convince Madara Uchiha to turn his way back.

[Orochimaru: That's right, it seems that my various scientific studies are also quite effective. Also, the Uchiha clan's writing wheel eye has not become a sound. Not even much worse than the Uchiha clan in its heyday. That's the power of technology. 】

[Boruto: In Dad's time, there didn't seem to be much entertainment, there were very few TV shows, and there were almost no game consoles, so it was the best in our time. (afbe)】

[Zoryana: Whether it is the standard of living or ninjutsu, the level of promotion is much stronger than in the past. 】

[Senju Pillar: Yes, and our main enemy now is the Otsuki clan, not our internal enemies in the ninja world, so don't think about the wrong thoughts of the past. Let's deal with the enemy outside, don't fight in the nest. 】

[Madara Uchiha: So what, people's selfish nature will not change, even if all these Otsuki clans are defeated, it is difficult to guarantee that the ninja world will be completely peaceful in the future. 】

[Senju Pillar: Madara, you are hard-mouthed, I can see that your own heart is empty. 】

[Senju Tsuruma: Even if you have ideas about your future ninja world, you don't have to contradict us, you can learn from each other and slowly improve our ninja world. 】

[Senju Pillar: Your strength alone is very weak, even if there are correct places, there must be more mistakes, you still have to help others, don't you see the strength of our ninja world united?]

The battle between Indra and Asura is still ongoing.

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, I really didn't see it. 】

[Madara Uchiha: I only know about this ninja world, and at most there are only two people protecting the ninja world. 】

[Madara Uchiha: One is my next generation reincarnation, Sasuke, and the other is my lifelong enemy, Naruto, the reincarnation. 】

[Madara Uchiha: You have to be a god-level person. 】

[Madara Uchiha: And this son of yours, Boruto, seems to be very difficult. 】

[Madara Uchiha: He has the blood of Kaguya's two sons in Otsuki Kaguya!, who is also a god-level character!]

[Madara Uchiha: So even the big barrel peach style, I think Boruto is very not simple. 】

[Madara Uchiha: In front of the gods, what are these mortals?]

Madara Uchiha felt that he had seen through this ninja world.

Only the bloodline of the gods, that is, the bloodline of the Otsuki clan, can have the most powerful power to change this ninja world!!

So there are only a few opponents at most.

You are always so arrogant, and sure enough, you Uchiha people are all like this, and you worship power excessively, especially the power of the individual. It seems that you have definitely inherited the arrogance of the Otsuki clan. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[A Thousand Hands: My eldest brother rarely hits the nail on the head, I think it is, I only saw the evil side of them before, and there is another trait that I didn't notice, which is their arrogant side. 】

[Zilaiye: They do all faintly reveal the arrogance engraved in their genes, unwilling to believe in the power of their peers, only willing to believe in the power of individuals. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, I want you to take care of it!]

While everyone was talking, the picture appeared again in the picture.

After seeing this picture, everyone boiled again.

Could it be that Naruto still has a performance in the next moment?

I wonder what powerful enemy Naruto is going to fight again?

I can't think of any other battles.

Could it be someone from the future?

In the middle of the screen, a black space-time portal appeared.

Sasuke appeared and began to look around.


[Terumi Ming: Sasuke actually appeared, I wonder who the next battle will be?]

[Yamanaka Ino: I can't see Naruto Sasuke's peak showdown again, I'm looking forward to it just thinking about it. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Naruto Sasuke, come on! 】

[Kuroto: By the way, what kind of place is this?Does it look like Sasuke is investigating the affairs of the Otsuki clan?]


in the picture.

Sasuke recalled the past at this time.

He had a conversation with Sakai before he left.

"This is the result obtained after the study of the materials brought back from the crash site. Only those who possess space-time ninjutsu will be able to travel to these places. "

Sasuke nodded, and continued:

"Is this where the shell is located? It could be a trap that lured us into the past. But even then, we can only take one step at a time. "

Sakai added another important piece of information:

"By the way, I also know the name of a core figure in the shell organization, and his name is Cixian. "

Sasuke fell into deep thought and set off for another plane.


When they saw this, everyone was in an uproar.

[Onoki: This shell organization sounds quite powerful, it can't be some mysterious powerhouse group. 】

[Sasuke: I guessed what it might be.] 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: This is definitely a powerful enemy in the future of the ninja world, and it seems that the future of the ninja world is about to fall into disaster again. 】

This can be said to be the vanguard organization of the resurrection of the Otsuki clan, although it was fooled... It seems that this new organization should be similar. 】

[Deidara: It sounds great, but I don't know what the artistic skills of the people in this organization are. 】

[Onoki: Did you say enough of Deidara? Don't talk about such funny things. 】

[Sasuke: You've all seen the furnishings of this space, and there are indeed many characteristics of the Otsuki clan, which is definitely related to the Otsuki clan. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: I don't know what kind of terrible people the ninja world will usher in in the future, you have to continue to work hard. 】

[Hei Jue: Hehe, you better hurry up and resurrect your mother, this is definitely not an enemy you can deal with, and we have to make a move. Don't blame me for not warning you sooner. 】

[Madara Uchiha: The people of the Otsuki clan are still very mysterious, who knows the truth or falsehood of their words. Don't think that Otsuki Kaguya must be a good person, he is still an alien after all, and he may not be good to us in the ninja world, so I still expect me to be better. 】

[Senjukuma: Forget it, you're not a person to count on. 】


on the screen.

Sasuke arrives on a different plane and begins to take a closer look at the environment.

In the center of this place, there is a large platform with a six-hooked jade reincarnation eye pattern.

There are also several doors around the area, and the doors are painted with very strange patterns.

As he walked, he also seemed to see something wrong, and came to a door.

"I've seen this shape before..."

As soon as Sasuke wanted to open the door, he suddenly found that a familiar opponent appeared behind him.

Big barrel wood gold type!

Sasuke shouted coldly:

"It's a trap, weren't you dead before, why are you still here?"

Without saying a word, the big barrel of wood gold style immediately swept his body and attacked Sasuke violently!.

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