At this time.

Both Naruto and Sasuke are at stake!

But fortunately, thanks to Naruto and Sasuke's previous experience of Otsuki Ichiki's moves, they have a plan to deal with it.

Sasuke gave up the attack and used the power of heaven to teleport and escape!

He thought about Naruto and shouted:

"Naruto, are you alright?"

"I'm fine!"

Fortunately, Naruto carefully hid his true body, and the Naruto who was smashed before was just a shadow clone, so Naruto did not die.

And after that, Otsuki teleported behind Sasuke and smashed Sasuke into a mountain with one kick!

Even in mid-air, he caught up with Sasuke, who was knocked away, and mended the knife again!

Boom ———

Sasuke's entire being is embedded in the solid mountain.

Naruto was just anxious to save Sasuke, and Otsuki had already grabbed his face with one hand.


The big barrel of wood pressed him to the ground and rubbed him, ploughed out a deep ditch of hundreds of meters, and then smashed him to the ground!

Naruto immediately used two spiral pills and ran towards the big barrel wood!


However, the pupil power of the yellow rice character of the big barrel wood type blooms!

Naruto's spiral pill disappeared in an instant!

When Naruto was slightly stunned, Otsuki hit another punch!


A sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, and the air was directly shaken to the buzz!

Naruto was knocked to the ground with another hard punch.

In Naruto's eyes, Otsuki's body and attacks were instantaneous, making it difficult to keep up, let alone fight with them.

He could only do his best, on top of a black cube, and fight hard against the big barrel wood type 05.

But in just a few rounds, his body was filled with chakra black rods, and he was restrained from moving, unable to move.

Otsuki stood beside the fallen Naruto and said coldly:

"You're so weak!!It's all over. "


Another cube fell from the sky.

As for the big barrel wood Ichishiki, he has long since shrunk himself and reappeared from other places.


The new black cube overlaps the cube underneath, as if there is no gap left at all!

Naruto at this moment is almost inevitably shattered, and there is no possibility of survival!


After seeing this series of battle scenes, the entire ninja world was shocked, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them at all!!

This big wooden style is really terrifying!

Naruto and Sasuke, plus Boruto, are not his enemies at all!

[Boruto: Ahhhhh

[Zoryana: This should be the true body of the Seventh Hokage, is it...]

[Onoki: It's over, if you lose Naruto, the ninja world will inevitably fall into darkness!]

[Sasuke: Alas, I can only think in a good direction, Naruto has an immortal body, and his life should still be very tenacious!

[Naruto: I didn't expect that even Sasuke and I would fight him again without the power to resist!]

[Sasuke: That's right, he's much stronger than when he was in the state of Jixian before!]

[Senju Tsuruma: Yes, he has been officially resurrected, and although he only has two days to live, he also has a strength far beyond that of an ordinary container! Naruto and Sasuke can't pose a threat to him at all!]

[Kakashi: When he officially obtains the container of Kawaki, it will be even more invincible!]

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, I'll just say, it's impossible for the two of you to save the ninja world, you still have to count on me!]

[Hei Jue: Hmph, you are nothing, it is my mother who has been resurrected to solve him!] Mother's power is far beyond your imagination!]

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, even if the Otsuki Kaguya is resurrected, it may not be able to deal with this Otsuki Kaguya, right? Besides, Otsuki Kaguya and Otsuki Ichiki may be all the way!]

[Senjuma: I really have to guard against it! Is it really for our ninja world? Otsuki Kaguya may only stand in the Otsuki clan! As the so-called non-I race, their hearts must be different!!]

[Madara Uchiha: I agree!Even people from the same ninja world can't work together, let alone people of different species? It's impossible to unite at all! Count on me to save the ninja world!!]

[Sasuke: But I still have to say that the oppressive force of this Otsuki style is, to some extent, much stronger than Otsuki Kaguya!]

[Boruto: I didn't expect to join the battle as well, so it seems that I can also protect the ninja world!

[Naruto: Boruto, it's already very good that you can do it to this extent. At least it allows us to let go of our fists and kicks and fight with the big barrel wood, without worrying about harming the innocent. 】

In addition, thinking of the wedge on Boruto, everyone is still very worried.

[Uzumaki Kushina: Boruto is indeed very good!, but it is inevitable to worry that if this Boruto loses control, will it become the next big barrel of peach style?]

[Zoryana: Indeed, in that case, it will be even more tricky!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: And there are Boruto, Naruto and Sasuke and others, and it is inevitable that they will cast a rat bogey. 】

[Naruto: Sasuke, I really didn't expect you to come to your senses and kill my son. But I won't blame you, because you're doing this for the sake of this ninja world! Or maybe I'm the one who doesn't have enough consciousness, and I'm not as good as you!]

[Senjuma: Indeed, Sasuke has always been a very calm and rational person, and he will definitely kill his beloved for the sake of the ninja world. 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Although it's a bit bad to say that, in the face of peace in the ninja world, you have to kill it. It may be necessary to sacrifice anyone. 】

[I Airo: It's really cruel! If this person is my family, I don't know if I can do it. 】

[Temari: Yes, exchanging the life of one person for the life of the entire ninja world is really too entangled! Naruto is really heart-wrenching!]

[Boruto: If that time really comes, I hope everyone can also kill the killer, I don't want to affect the entire ninja world because of me. 】

[Sasuke: Me too, if it is me who becomes the carrier of the wedge in the end, I also hope that others will be able to kill the killer at the right time.] 】


At this time, Sasuke is driven into the rock, and Boruto still wants to save him.

But Otsuki Ichishiki has already arrived here and attacked Boruto with a chakra black stick.


Sasuke was only able to use his heavenly hand power to directly swap bodies with Boruto and block this move.

But at this time, Otsuki kicked Sasuke with a relaxed kick, showing a confident expression, and said to Boruto: (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I knew you were going to do it! "

He had planned to let Boruto suck himself into this alien dimension.

As he spoke, he prepared to summon the cube again to crush Sasuke.

Boruto's eyes were split, and he immediately rushed over to save his master.

Spiral Pill !!

But his tiny spiral pill had no way to stop the cube from descending.


Boruto shouted hoarsely, wanting to die to protect his master.

But all in vain!

In just a few moments, Sasuke and Boruto will be crushed to pieces!

But when Boruto reaches his limit.


The big barrel wood flashed yellow rice again, and the cube became smaller, so it didn't kill Boruto.

Boruto fell to the ground, panting, and at the same time very happy in his heart.

"Sure enough, what I thought was right, you don't want to kill me, do you?"

"There used to be a guy named Boro who said they wanted to use me to make that plan. "

Hearing this, the big barrel of wood's eyes was cold.

He didn't expect that all the thoughts in his heart would be known by Boruto!


And on the other side.

In the Root Organization base in Konoha Village.

Kawaki, who has fainted, is experiencing a nightmare!

He dreamed of what Otsuki had said to him.

Otsuki is proficient in PUA technology, and has always wanted to completely destroy Kawaki's beliefs, making him a puppet willing to be controlled by himself.

"Kawaki, you're a hollow in your heart, and you hate yourself for having nothing,"

"There's no way to be satisfied with whatever you get. "

That's why I'm giving you this wedge to fill your empty heart. "

Kawaki shouted in agony:


Finally, Kawaki woke up from his dream.

And after Kawaki woke up, he learned about the situation of Naruto and the others at this time through the people of Konoha Village.

903 Kawaki, who was in a hurry, still wanted to use his wedge to follow him.

But he found that his wedge was gone.

Amado and others explained that because Otsuki was forced to resurrect on top of the Tzu string, the wedge on Kawaki's body also disappeared.

However, Kawaki still knows very well that Otsuki still wants to come to Konoha Village and punch the wedge into his body.

Thinking of Naruto and the others, fighting Otsuki for his own sake, it was very difficult for him to accept it in his heart.

Amado told him in a calm tone that if he delayed for a day or two, he would die.

Later, Amado also began to tell more about the sacred tree.

"There are some things I didn't say before..."

"There is also an important condition for awakening the sacred tree, and that is to make the Ten Tails swallow the body of a large barrel of wood. "

"That's why I let the two big barrels come to other planets. "

"One of the large barrels of wood is to sacrifice the sacred tree that he feeds, and the other is to guard the sacred tree until it bears fruit. "

"But they still have wedges, so they can prepare containers for themselves in advance for the resurrection. "

"Kaguya, who was originally of low status, wanted to sacrifice himself as a body. "

But in the process of implementation, Kaguya betrayed Otsuki Ichiki. "

"Otsuki can only escape, and then complete the task alone without Kaguya's cooperation. "

"Therefore, the big barrel wood wants to find someone to become the big barrel wood and become a sacrifice instead of himself. "

"And there were good and bad sacrifices. "

"Good sacrifices can make the sacred tree grow better and bear better fruits!!"


As soon as they heard these words, the people in the ninja world could be said to have understood most of the information about Otsuki.

They began to talk about it:

[Boruto: I see, there are so many secrets in this big barrel of wood, we finally know why they did it.] It seems that I can still be an important bargaining chip for victory in the war!]

At this moment, everyone is very excited!

They finally saw the possibility of restricting the big barrel of wood!

It seems that the ninja world is not completely desperate!

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