"Ding!!A special location Star Holy Land has been detected, may I ask if you want to sign in!!" As soon as he stepped into the Star Holy Land, the voice of the system sounded in Sesshomaru's mind.

"Sure enough, will the Star Holy Land of this era become a special location!" Listening to the prompt in his head, Sesshomaru whispered faintly.

Five hundred years ago, when Sesshomaru came here, the system didn't prompt the Star Sanctuary that this place was a special place.


"Ding!!Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for getting three exercise enhancement cards!!"

Exercise Enhancement Card: You can designate an exercise to be strengthened, and you can strengthen the specified exercise to a large realm.

Exercise strengthening?

"System, strengthen my Demon God Record. Looking at the card in his hand, Sesshomaru said lightly.

"Ding!!!The host's Demon God Record is beyond the scope of effect of the Exercise Enhancement Card and cannot be strengthened!!"

Sesshomaru: "..."

Can't you strengthen my Demon God Record?

Is my Demon God Record level too high?

Forget it, if you can't strengthen it, you can't strengthen it, until now I can't see the limit of the Demon God Record, and the level of the Demon God Record should be too high.

However, the appearance of this thing can solve another problem.

"System, strengthen the Great Demon Decision!!" Giving up the plan to strengthen the Demon God Record, Killing Pill instead strengthened the Great Demon Decision.

The Great Demon Duel is a monster cultivation method that Killing Pill obtained a long time ago, and the youkai who cultivate the Great Demon Duel will unconditionally obey Killing Pill's orders.

As long as you cultivate the Great Demon Duel, even if the talent of the monster is very poor, you can rely on time to grind into the realm of the Great Monster and become a big monster that dominates one side.

However, the big youkai can only make the monsters reach the level of the big youkai.

The higher levels depend on the potential of the youkai itself.

This time, the appearance of the exercise enhancement card can just solve the shortcomings of the Great Demon Decision.

As long as the Great Demon Decision is strengthened, it will definitely make the Great Monsters of the West Country not stop at the Great Demon Level, and they can rely on the cultivation of the Great Demon Decision to enter a higher level, that is, the king-level Great Monster level.

Rather than looking at personal potential decisions.

Moreover, there is a cultivation method that can make the big monsters of the West Country take fewer detours.

"Ding!!Enhancement is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ten Thousand Demon Duel-King !!"

"Ten Thousand Demon Duel-King Level: It can allow cultivators to cultivate to the level of king-level big monsters without bottlenecks, and cultivators will unconditionally obey the host's orders. "

"The system reminds that continuing to strengthen will make the Ten Thousand Demons become emperor-level, allowing cultivators to cultivate to the emperor level without bottlenecks, and so on. "

"And so on, that is, do you need a strengthening card for each level of strengthening? "

"It's a philistine, but it's a good way. "

"Now that we've decided to cultivate these guys, naturally we can't collapse in the middle of the road. "

"The system continues to be strengthened. "

"Ding!!Enhancement Success!!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ten Thousand Demon Duel-Emperor Level!!"

"Now, let's keep this last one for now, and use it when you need it. Looking at the last enhancement card in his hand, Sesshomaru waved it into the fur space.

He couldn't find the exercises he needed to strengthen for the time being.

The cultivation level of the great monsters in the West Country is sufficient.

The ten thousand demons that have been strengthened to the emperor level are definitely enough for the great monsters of the Western Kingdom to cultivate for hundreds or even thousands of years.

And the spiritual power of the bellflower they cultivated.

This exercise is the same as the Demon God Record, and the Killing Pill can't see its limit clearly.

The cultivation of spiritual power can at least allow Kikyo and them to reach the realm he is in now or even higher, and there is no need to strengthen it for the time being.

"However, when I came here before, my realm did not reach the current level, and I did not find it. "

"I came here this time, but I understood. "

"No wonder I can absorb the energy in this guy's body and get stronger. "

"The Great King of Will Elves, this guy has the ability to transform the power of heaven and earth into some kind of energy that can improve cultivation, which is similar to the ability to transform the power of heaven and earth that I obtained after breaking through to the emperor level. "

"This Star Sanctuary is filled with a huge amount of heaven and earth power, which has been continuously absorbed by the King of Elves and transformed and stored in his body. "

"However, the speed at which this guy absorbs the power of transforming heaven and earth is too slow, and it takes five hundred years to transform so much, and this little energy can't play much role for me now. "

"I guess it's not enough for me to break through a small realm. "

Sesshomaru: "..."

"Put it away, go back and improve your mother and Kikyo. After a long silence, Sesshomaru made a decision.

Killing Pill can feel that although there is a lot of energy in the body of the king of elves, it is just a drop in the bucket for his current self, and it is estimated that all the absorption will not be able to improve his own small realm, so it is better to collect it and return to the country of the west to use it for his mother Ling Yue Xianji and Kikyo to use them, and raise their cultivation to the imperial level.

Although this energy is very small for yourself, it is very much for others.

Five hundred years ago, he who had not absorbed the energy in the body of the King of Elves was still at the level of the middle level of the Emperor-level Great Monster, but after absorbing the King of the Elves, he directly broke through two levels and reached the peak of the peak of the Emperor-level Great Monster.

Moreover, he broke through with a powerful cultivation technique such as the Demon God Record.

The breakthrough of the Demon God Record is different from other monsters, and the energy required at the same level is more than ten times or even higher.

It was enough to see how terrifying the energy absorbed by the Sesshomaru at that time was.

You must know that the fire spirit that was following behind Sesshomaru at that time had only absorbed less than two or three percent of the energy, and had already broken through from the Great Youkai level to the peak of the King-level Great Youkai.

If these energies are combined with the cultivation obtained by transforming the power of heaven and earth during this period of time, and they are distributed to Mother and Kikyo and others, they will definitely be able to reach the realm of the emperor level.

Mother Ling Yue Xianji, is Lu, Eight Feet, Shirley, Kikyo, Cuizi, Sango, Kagome, Ling, and Sora.

"That's enough!!" After thinking about it for a moment, Sesshomaru confirmed.

"There's still a few days left before we can start absorbing and collecting, so stay here in the meantime. "

"It just so happens that the concentration of the power of heaven and earth here is ridiculously high, and it is also very beneficial for my transformation and cultivation. With a faint mutter, Sesshomaru soared into the air and flew towards the Elven King's location.

The power of heaven and earth in the Star Holy Land is even stronger than the country of the west created by the Killing Pill, which is very helpful for the Killing Pill to transform the power of heaven and earth into cultivation.

Time passed little by little, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

For the past five days, Sesshomaru has been staying in the Star Sanctuary, waiting for the complete birth of the Elven King.

Everything was very peaceful.

Compared to the tranquility of the Star Holy Land, the Pachi clan land in the outside world is completely different.

It can be said that it is bloody and bloody.

Because, King Macang Ye was crazy, and he didn't care about the rules of the Psychic King Contest at all, and brutally tortured the psychic of the contestants, devouring the psychic person's spirit and soul to strengthen his own power.

Most of the psychic people have been killed and devoured by the four elves of the King of Macang Leaves, and the magic power of the King of Macura Leaves is also growing rapidly, with a big change every day.

Many psychics are struggling to survive, avoiding King Ye's pursuit.

However, in the face of the King of Macura Leaves, who is the Great Onmyoji, how could these guys hide, and they were found out by King Macang Leaves one by one, killed and devoured, and became the nutrients for his evolution.

There are only a small number of psychic people with strong strength who rely on their strong strength to avoid the pursuit of King Macang Ye.

However, that's all, they don't have the ability to fight against the King of Asakura Leaves in this state at all.

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