When I heard this.

Calder's mood was very depressed.

There was also a very strange expression on his face.

It seems to have heard something very unusual.

Feel this terrible Ida.

It's really going to be an extremely strange existence.

He began to cautiously inquire about this Ida.

"If you heard me right, you're probably very interested in this guy!

Because Kawaki he is able not to be affected by your psychology.

So you're desperate to be able to have a normal relationship with him, right? I guess I'm not wrong.

Right! for you. Now Kawaki is like a prince.

You're sure to like him a lot. "

At this time, Ida did not deny it.

Stone hammer's own thoughts!!

He felt that he really thought so.

So he had to meet this Kawaki quickly.

This is a way to express your feelings.

Although this sounds very pompous.

But it's also what he really thinks.

At that time, he was indeed interfering with his future actions because of his thoughts and feelings.

It's not even an exaggeration.

Ida is now a love brain.

will only dominate his thoughts because he is in love.

If the people who let Naruto Uzumaki hear it, it is estimated that they will only be very speechless.

I think this terrible Ida is really uncomfortable!

Inexplicably possessed such a powerful power.

But I'm just thinking about using this power to fall in love.

Could it be that he interferes with this world in the future.

Is it because you want to fall in love? It's extremely uncomfortable to think about.

If you think about it carefully, his presence is indeed very speechless.

When you hear it, you will think that it is a mistake.

Boruto Uzumaki at this time, if only he knew such a thing.

I guess I'm going to vomit blood.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen in this world.

This time.

Calder himself felt very depressed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I started asking him.

"Ada...... Then again.

I have a question for you.

If you can answer, answer me!

Another person, Boruto Uzumaki, also seems to have the power of a large barrel of wood!

If you meet him.

Will you be very interested in him, and will you want to be with him too?

He won't be one of your Prince Charming too.~. "

After hearing this.

This Ada really nodded.

Say the following!

"'That's right!' If I had such a rare chance to see Kawaki and Boruto, I would have to get in touch with him.

After all, he is one of the few people in the world who has a normal human mind.

Even top masters like Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha can't refuse my charm.

So only this kind of person who can ignore my charm will make me very interested.

If you don't (good Zhao's) have a good relationship, I'm really sorry that I worked so hard to come to this world!

I finally had the opportunity to come back into this world again.

Why miss such a great opportunity? Of course, you have to take a good look!

You say I'm right, right?"

Calder: "......"

At this time, he could only feel very speechless.

Even if it's the same person with a shell organization.

I don't have anything to say about this Ada!.

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