The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 64 What is a happy person?

Compared to the fight between Higashino Takeshi and Wakana, Akutsu is really crying without tears.

His subordinate Qiang Himuro, who was making money with him, was killed a few days ago.

And today I also encountered the pink triceratops dopant.

"A sparrow fell into the water, fell into the water~~~"

It whistled the same as Mizoguchi, and its sound was exactly the same as Mizoguchi's.

But Akutsu was absolutely certain that this was impossible. Mizoguchi was tied up by Himuro and himself and thrown off the Fudu Fukuki Cape!

On such a high cliff, there should be nothing left after the fall!

But the new annoying section chief Terui Ryuu and that Kamen Rider saved him, otherwise he would have been killed by that Triceratops!

The frightened Akutsu immediately asked his partner museum for help.

Fortunately, his partner, the Sonosaki family, is reliable, and I heard that a big shot will be sent to protect him.

This big man is Takeshi Higashino. If Takeshi Higashikata is not available, it will be Mick who will do this.

Humans are not as good as cats, right?

However, Akutsu also knew that he had been exposed in the police station and could no longer survive.

Running away is the only way.

"Before I run away, I need you to do something for me, Mr. Akutsu."

Faced with Higashino Takeshi's request, Akutsu completely lost his posture as a rogue police officer and humbly said: "You tell me, just ask me if you have anything to do."

"Please introduce me to Police Officer Sagami Hiroshi from the Third Investigation Division of your Fengdu Bureau. I wonder if that's okay?"

"Are you looking for someone to replace me?" Akutsu couldn't help but feel a sense of desolation in his heart, "But I want to remind you that Sagami Hiroshi and Terui Ryu are the same, both... both... both don't understand change. Deadheaded."

Akutsu also knew that he was a complete bad guy, but he still didn't want to bow his head in front of Sagami Hiroshi and Terui Ryu, but after thinking about it, there was really nothing bad about the ideological and moral character of these two people.

"You don't have to worry about this." Higashikata smiled, "I will make him surrender with peace of mind."

Looking at Higashino Takeshi smiling like a pervert, even Akutsu himself, a pervert, thought he was perverted.

Akutsu's work efficiency is still very high. Even though he was wanted by the Fengdu Bureau, he still made an appointment with Sagami Hiroshi.

The location was set in a cafe with not many customers.

"If you want me to become the second Akutsu, then don't talk about it!"

Looking at the upright detective in front of him, Takeshi Higashino just smiled and said: "Mr. Hiroshi, don't refuse in a hurry. You can't become a person like Akutsu. After all, ordinary people can't do such a thing as giving up their personality."

Akutsu: I will take it as your compliment.

"I just want to provide Mr. Hiroshi with another path, a path that you haven't paid attention to yet." After Higashino finished speaking, he threw out a photo and said, "The wedding anniversary of Mr. Hiroshi and your wife is coming soon. It"

"You are so shameless to attack my family!"

His wife is Sagami Hiroshi's true love and cannot be tainted or threatened by anyone!

Akutsu was also shocked.

No harm to my wife and children! It seems that Higashino Takeshi's moral bottom line is not too high.

"Mr. Hiroshi, I also want to make it clear that I am not a person who gives up on my personality like Akutsu."

Akutsu: Thank you for the second compliment.

"You should know the person in the photo. He is a criminal you sent in a few years ago." Higashino Takeshi continued, "Now he has been released from prison through some means to reduce his sentence, but according to the information from our museum, he seems to want to buy a gun. I’ll take revenge on you.”

Having said this, Takeshi Higashino took out an orange Gaia memory and a Gaia drive.

"I'll tell you something secretly. He didn't buy a gun, but a Gaia memory that is compatible with him."

"Let me tell you one more thing. He is planning to attack your wife tonight, the night of your wedding anniversary."

"After the attack is completed, he will surrender, so that no matter how strict Neon's laws are, he will not be killed."

"And you will fall into the endless abyss in the pain of losing your wife."

These are things that haven't happened yet, but even if Higashino Takeshi just dictates, Sagami Hiroshi wants to punch him in the face!

"Now I'll give you a second way."

Having said this, Takeshi Higashino placed the memory and drive on the table, stood up and said, "The drive and memory are all placed here."

"The one who can stop this devil is never an angel, but another devil."

"The choice is given to you. There are not many opportunities to change your destiny in a person's life."

After Higashino said this, he tasted the coffee silently alone.

The best dessert is Sagami Hiroshi who is pinching him in a daze on the opposite side.

I don’t know how long I was in a daze, but my wife called me.

"Anada, where are you! You haven't forgotten what day it is today!"

Higashino Takeshi: If it weren’t for me, today would be your anniversary next year.

"How could I forget?" His wife's voice added a little more color to Sagami Hiroshi's pale face, "I just got off work, so I'm going to pick you up."

After saying this, Sagami Hiroshi put the drive and memory in his hands.

"What will it cost me to take them away?"

The neon law cannot protect your wife, so you can only strengthen yourself and protect the one you love.

"Let's inspect the goods first." Higashino stood up and was about to leave, "I believe you will fall in love with this power."

Although Takeshi Higashino knew that if he did not give Sagami Hiroshi the memory and transformer, his wife would be killed by the gangster tonight, and he would also become a punisher-type anti-hero, and eventually be completely destroyed by Gaia's memory. Devour.

But what is shown is that a lot of talk made Hiroshi Sagami, a persevering policeman, completely degraded.

Akutsu followed Higashinotake out of the cafe in a daze.

I feel that I have no limits and am invincible, but the man in front of me is the real devil!

Absolutely, absolutely, don't mess with this man.

The reason why Higashino Takeshi left at this time is also very simple. He was sneak attacked by the Lezi people.

"The cosmic abyss consciousness is very interested in your behavior."

"Received: A congratulatory gift from the consciousness of the abyss of the universe."

"The physique and cosmic energy adapted body evolved and evolved into: the physique and cosmic power enhanced body."

"Cosmic Power Enhanced Body: Your body has adapted to the cosmic power, so the cosmic power will no longer harm your body. Instead, it will gradually become stronger by absorbing the cosmic power until you can walk in the universe."

With his strengthened physique, the free cosmic power around him also entered Higashino Takeshi's body, and was no longer blocked at all.

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?

Higashino Takeshi became more and more aware of what kind of people these cosmic abyss consciousnesses were.

This group of beeps is just like the future audience of DGP, they are all a group of fun-loving people.

What do Lezi people like to watch the most?

Of course it's fun.

What is fun?

The libertine dies from loyalty, the schemer dies from loyalty, the thief dies from dedication, the selfish person dies from sacrifice, the sunflower dies before dawn, the weed dies from the wind that no one cares about, the sturdy man dies from tenderness, the passionate child dies from loyalty.

Higashino Takeshi: I am really saving others, and I am definitely not a fun-loving person! You believe me! You must believe me!

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Hiroshi Sagami: The villain from W's theatrical version of "Kamen Rider ACCEL: Return".

Because his wife was shot dead in revenge by the criminal he captured, he bought a memory and became an anti-hero.

Even ordinary petty theft would be wiped out in the hands of him, the executor of Fengdu.

Using memory commander,

2. Triceratops Memory, user Kujo Aya, a beautiful police officer, came back to destroy Fengdu in order to avenge her boyfriend.

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