“Team Thirteen of the Guardian Court, captain of the sixth team, Shiraya Immortal.”

Lu Shen’s voice sounded unhurriedly: “Slashing knife name – Senbon Sakura.” ”

If the two in front of us, one is a primary school student, and the other is a villain temperament.

Then this one in front of him is a nobleman with excellent temperament.

Together with his slashing knife and moves, it is also the most gorgeous one of them.

Of course, his opponent is also a big head.


The familiar snapping of fingers sounded again.

Suddenly, the picture in the arena came to life.


A roar full of desire for destruction echoed in the field.

Da Void’s extremely oppressive huge body suddenly moved and rushed forward.

Like a dragon hunting, it carries an unstoppable force.

“Scatter, Senbon Sakura.”

An indifferent voice came out.

Shiraki Baiya stood in place without moving, and only one hilt remained of the knife in his hand.

The next moment, pink cherry blossom petals fell from the sky.

Solon originally watched intently, and at this time, his eyes could not help but be full of doubts: “Flowers? ”

This scene is beautiful and dreamy.

But it has nothing to do with the ‘battle’ in front of you!

Until a petal crossed the body of the big void.

Blood spills.


As if cut by a sharp blade, the Great Void fell into more and more frenzy.

Seemingly beautiful cherry blossom petals continue to fall from its body.

Every piece hides a deadly edge!

“Senbon Sakura, the blade body can be broken down into a thousand sharp blades that are invisible to the naked eye.”

Lu Shen introduced: “The blade refracts light when flying, so it looks very much like a thousand withering cherry blossoms. ”

In the beauty, it carries a deadly murderous chance.

Solon nodded, his hands pressed on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and the fighting intent in his eyes was about to come out: “They are all very strong swordsmen…”

Looking at the battle after battle, he was not hit, but became more and more wary.

This is not surprising.

After all, this guy dared to swing a knife at Hawkeye when he was still in the East China Sea.

The degree of head iron is comparable to Luffy’s kid.


The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground came from the field.

The dust in the sky was raised, obscuring the view.

Da Wan’s huge body fell abruptly against the ‘petals’ in the sky, trying to crush Bai Ya directly to death.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

The indifferent voice sounded again: “Senbon Sakura Yanjing.” ”

For a while, all the cherry blossom petals that had been scattered in the sky disappeared, returned to Bai Ya’s hand, and turned back into a knife.

The next moment, the hand holding the handle of the knife was released.

The blade stood upright downwards and sank into the ground and disappeared.


The entire ground of the arena rippled.

It’s like someone throwing stones on the surface of the water, and the ripples keep rising.

“This is…” Solon’s eyes widened as he watched as a huge blade slowly rose from the ripples of the ground.

One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand…

The list goes on!

Countless blades rose up, enveloping the entire vast arena.

Senhan’s edge can make anyone’s scalp tingle.


Even the irrational Great Void seemed to feel afraid at this time and couldn’t help retreating.

The impact of this scene.

No less than being held high above your head by the sword of Damocles.

At least both can give people a tangible sense of the threat of imminent death.

Immortal Mu Baiya was expressionless, and his voice did not fluctuate, as if it was just a natural victory: “Chop.” ”


Thousands of blades in unison.

There was no effective resistance, and in an instant, the battle was over.

Compared with the first two big voids, the one in front of him is undoubtedly the most tragic death.

Because it was chopped to pieces….

The darkness dissipated, leaving only Baiya standing in the center of the field, his eyes indifferent and calm.

This battle, for him, seemed to be just an understatement.

Even Solon could see that this person’s strength was probably a notch stronger than the previous two.

At the same time, the picture froze and fell into a pause.

“Senbon Sakura, how do you feel?” Lu Shen asked as usual.

Solon pondered for a moment, but still shook his head and said, “It feels far from my kendo. ”

Don’t forget, he’s a three-bladed swordsman.

In fact, whether it is Orochimaru, Sharpshooter, or Senbon Sakura, for Solon, it is a new and powerful force.

The strength of each one is extremely impressive.

But he still wanted to find the one that best fit him.

Lu Shen nodded: “Then look at the last one.” ”

He waved his hand, erased the scene in the arena, and then continued: “Actually, this one is also the one I think is the most suitable for you. ”

Because the next one is a double knife.

“yes,” Solon gave him a somewhat surprised look, and then looked seriously at the arena.

Soon, the last figure appeared in the field.

This is a middle-aged man.

Her long brown hair is tied into a ponytail and pinned with two fancy hairpins.

He wears a pink feather jacket embroidered with embroidered patterns, often wears a hood on his head, and has a slight beard on his chin.

As soon as he appeared, people felt the lazy and unobtrusive temperament in him.

Of course, this is not the most eye-catching.

“This is…” In the audience, Solon’s eyes were full of confusion: “What situation?” ”

Beside the middle-aged man, there were still two figures standing!

One is a dignified woman wearing an eye patch.

One is a girl with short hair wearing a mask.

“Why three people?” Solon turned to look at Lu Shen and asked.

“There are three people,” Lu Shen smiled lightly: “There is clearly only one, those two women are not people.” ”

“What’s that?!” Solon was confused.


Lu Shen glanced at him with deep meaning, and then explained with a smile: “I seem to have forgotten to tell you, just take this opportunity to tell you about the slashing knife.” ”

One of his index fingers was raised: “The so-called chopping knife is generally divided into two stages, the first solution and the swastika solution.” ”

“The initial solution, as the name suggests, is the initial release of the true form and power of the slashing knife.”

“The swastika is the final form of the slashing knife, and its power is five to ten times that of the first solution.”

“The prerequisite for swastika is that the body of the slashing knife can be embodied and subjugated.”

Lu Shen raised his chin in the direction of the arena: “Those two women are the form of his slashing knife symbol. ”


PS: The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, and tips!

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