In the whirlwind, everyone on the deck felt the darkness in front of them.

Next second.

When they opened their eyes again, they were already in the audience of a huge arena.

“This is…” Sanji looked at the scene in front of him blankly, his whole body stiffened, and he turned his neck inch by inch, looking at the black-clothed young man next to him.

“This is an illusion that I have constructed,” Lu Shen said calmly, “After that, I will let you watch a few battles and choose the power you want.” ”

“Oh hoo! Alive, finally able to talk again! Luffy jumped up with a look of excitement.

“Good, amazing!” Johnny’s face was full of shock: “Is this really an illusion?” ”

Joseph on the side also touched the seat in the audience: “This touch is clearly real!” ”

All five senses feel, all exactly the same as reality!

Can such a fantasy still be called a fantasy?

To exaggerate, this can already be called the second world, right?

In fact, when illusion is powerful to a certain extent, it can indeed create a new world with false reality.

For example, the infinite moon reading in the world of Hokage, why not use illusion to create an ideal town?

“I just want to know what kind of strong people will appear today,” Solon held his knife and stared at the arena, his eyes seeming to flicker.

Any strong fight, he doesn’t want to miss it!

Because watching these strong people make moves, he can always learn something different.

“Then let’s start,” Lu Shen said lightly

“Sanji, I picked out four templates for you, all of them are strong people from another world, look carefully, and after reading them, tell me your choice.”

“Eh…” Yamaji was stunned, before he could answer.


The snapping of fingers sounded.

In the arena, a tall figure appeared out of thin air.

He has short blue messy hair, three scars on his right face, and wears a wide brown coat.

“Food Captive World, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Food, Ah Yu.”

Lu Shen introduced: “With a super sense of smell, the belief is: not to eat, do not kill, once you kill, you must eat.” ”

“So…” Yamaji on the side looked at the figure: “Such a belief is quite compatible with me.” ”

As a chef, he naturally does not taboo killing.

But if you don’t kill for no reason for the sake of eating, it doesn’t fit his concept.

“Wait, you mean, he’s a cook?” Usopp’s eyes widened.

“That’s right,” Lu Shen nodded calmly.

“Can a cook really be a strong man?”

“Hehe,” Lu Shen chuckled, “The strong people in that world are all cooks.” ”

Gourmet Captive World, a fantasy food world full of exotic ingredients.

A tree that bears delicious shrimp and crab meat throughout the year.

A spring of water flowing from an endless stream of fragrant brandy springs.

The whole river is a river of fragrant chocolate.

There are even, roast pigs that roast themselves!

In such a fantasy world, the word ‘chef’ is not a pejorative term.

On the contrary, any qualified chef has the combat power to handle powerful fantasy ingredients!

The blue-haired Ah Yu in front of him is one of the best!

“Well, it’s useless to talk more, and let you see it.”

Lu Shen snapped his fingers again.

Suddenly, the originally suspended picture in the arena came to life.


The ground is shaken!

A real behemoth fell from the sky!

The weight alone has already pressed the ground a little sag.

This is a mammoth, and it carries a primitive, wild atmosphere all over its body.

The most important thing is its size, which can be called a cover from the sky!

The Great Void and the Giant Lion Demon Beast that had appeared in the fantasy realm before could only be regarded as small in front of it!

In the audience.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and looked up at this terrifying giant beast in a daze.

Perhaps it is not as weird as the Great Void, nor as violent as the giant lion monster.

But in terms of body size, strength, vitality, etc., it is definitely the strongest!

“Gollum—” Usopp subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit: “This is too exaggerated…”

“This… Also ingredients? The cigarette in Sanji’s mouth trembled slightly.

“Bigger than a giant sea king…” Solon hugged the long knife in his arms and couldn’t help but think, “Can I cut it off…”

Nami also opened her mouth wide and let out an unconscious sound: “Wow.” ”

Only Luffy’s point of view was different, and the corners of his mouth almost drooled: “This guy, at least enough for me to eat for a month!” ”

In the arena.

The blue-haired Ah Yu raised his head and recognized the big guy in front of him at a glance: “Oh? Is it actually a Ligaru mammoth? ”


With a heaven-shaking elephant groan, the mammoth’s huge feet jerked up and stepped on Ayu.

The weight of terror plus strength is superimposed.

Even the air seemed to be exploded by this foot, emitting a terrible cry!


A kick, falling without suspense, stepped on the surface of the arena into a huge deep pit.

Smoke and dust rose all over the sky.

Cracks spread out like spider webs.

The final word!

“Die…” Usopp’s face was glazed.

“It should be dead…” echoed Nami on the side.

“It’s unlikely to live…” Yamaji left a little leeway.

However, under their gaze.

The behemoth elephant’s foot was violently lifted up and kept moving upwards!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

With a dull sound of footsteps, the entire body of the giant mammoth moved backwards.

A blue-haired figure slowly rose from under the elephant’s feet, supporting the elephant’s feet with both hands, as if lifting a barbell.

Ants resist the mountains!

Exaggeratedly, he actually resisted!


PS: The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, and tips!

Thanks for the gilded cat for the monthly pass!

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