Chapter 58: The Dragon Extinguished! The navy shook, and the wanted order came out!!

As early as when Lu Shen customized a training plan for Solon. I once asked Nami together.

But her answer at the time was: you don’t need to be stronger as a navigator.


Nami opened her mouth.


At this moment, a huge cow roar came from the sea. The sound of the water rushed, and a huge bull’s head rushed out of the sea.


Solon’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and his hand went to the hilt: “Sea Kings? ”

He has not forgotten that his training mission is to fight a large sea king. But soon, he shook his head in disappointment: “No, it’s too small.” ”

Lu Shen, who was originally talking to Nami, also looked over and raised his eyebrows: “Small sea kings.” ”

“Well, exactly, you lead the way.”

As he spoke, a scarlet blood color filled his eyes. Huge pupil power gushed out.

When it comes to controlling such large creatures, the kaleidoscope chakra eye is invincible.

After all, even existences such as tailed beasts could not break free.


The next moment, in the huge eyes of the giant manatee, a strange blood-colored pattern also appeared, slowly rotating.

Lu Shen calmly ordered: “Lead the way, rush into Aaron Paradise.” ”

The so-called Aaron Paradise is the station of the Evil Dragon Pirates in Cocosia Village. It was also the goal of their trip.


With a response, the giant manatee turned its head on the spot and rushed in the direction of Cocosia Village.

Everyone on the deck was shocked: “No matter how many times I see it, I still think that Lu Shen’s ability is so strange…”

“Is it time to say this?”

Lu Shen said helplessly, “Hurry up and keep up.” ”


Joseph and Johnny hurried to control the ship.

Soon, the Golden Melly followed behind the giant manatee and rushed all the way into a bay.

And this bay is located in the Aaron Paradise! At this time, inside Aaron Paradise.

Aaron, with a jagged nose, is drinking tea with a Navy colonel with a hood and a lewd appearance like a mouse.

Around the two, there were fish people with different appearances, all of whom were cadres of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group.

Aaron handed over a bag of money: “Hehe, hey, take care of it this year, Colonel Mouse”

“Of course, you’re my partner.”

Colonel Rat proudly took the money bag.

Right at this moment.


A violent sound of water came from the bay not far from the two.

“What’s going on?”

Aaron’s eyes widened.


The high-pitched cow roar resounded, and the giant manatee rushed out of the sea. Immediately after, the Golden Melly also rushed into the bay.

“What man!”

Aaron abruptly got up.

“Oooh hoo!”

Usopp’s voice came from the bow of the ship: “It’s arrived! ”

“Those fish people are the Evil Dragon Pirates, right?”

Yamaji spat out a smoke ring: “Miss Nami, don’t worry, I will definitely help you solve their ~~!” ”

The group jumped violently from the boat.

“I thought it was something.”

Along stood in place, with a sneer on his face: “It turns out to be some lowly humans, shrimp hahahaha!” ”

He glanced at these people, locked his gaze on Nami among them, and said with a smile: “Oh, Nami, you are back, are these people the gifts you brought me?” ”

Nami’s expression turned cold for a moment: “Along, I’ve found a real partner!” ”

“Shrimp hahaha!”

Along laughed heartily: “Are you telling a joke? Just by these lowly humans? ”

“It’s useless to talk more.”

Lu Shen glanced at the other side lightly, and spoke: “Luffy, you go together, these fish people are handed over to you.” ”

Luffy, who has mastered the second gear, and Solon, who has been insisting on exercising. There is also Usopp, which has improved a lot of ammunition.

Their combat power is already much stronger than their contemporaries in the ‘original trajectory’.

It’s easy enough to deal with the Evil Dragon Pirates.


Luffy nodded confidently, immediately compressed his feet, and flew out like a spring.

“Gee, trouble.”

Solon carried the knife and also walked forward slowly.

Behind, Sanji, Usopp, and even Johnny, Joseph and others hurriedly followed.

“Miss Nami’s enemy is my enemy!”

“Dare to bully Nami’s eldest sister, I won’t agree!”


Nami had tears in her eyes and gritted her teeth and took out one. A wooden stick rushed up with it.

A big war began. The other side.

Colonel Rat tiptoed outside.

“Where do you want to go? Captain. ”

A voice came from the front.


Colonel Rat quickly looked up.

I saw a young man in black leaning lazily against the railing, as if waiting for him.

“You, what do you want to do!”

Colonel Mouse’s expression was very flustered: “I’m a naval colonel!” ”

“I know.”

Lu Shen nodded: “A navy that cooperates with pirates is quite interesting.” ”

“What are you talking nonsense!”

Colonel Mouse raised the gun in his hand: “Get out of the way, or I’m welcome!” ”

“Before saying this, let’s hide the money you just collected.”

Lu Shen’s gaze looked at his chest.

There, a money bag looms.


Colonel Mouse’s face sank and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet spun and flew out, passing directly through Lu Shen’s body.

“How, how is it possible!”

Colonel Mouse’s eyes widened sharply.


A hand pressed directly on his head.

Lu Shen’s expression was leisurely: “I said that I want to help Nami, naturally I have to solve this scourge of yours together.” ”

By the time he let go of his hand, Colonel Rat had completely fainted. On his head, five deep fingerprints stand out.

“Well, it should be almost over there.”

Lu Shen withdrew his gaze and looked in the direction of the paradise.

As he expected.

The battle between Luffy and the others and Aaron and the others ended quickly. Especially after Luffy used the second gear.

One punch bends Aaron’s supposedly indestructible jagged nose.

“Great! The Evil Dragon Pirates have really been defeated! ”

At this moment, the cheers of the villagers came from outside the park.

Obviously, the movement of this battle is not small, attracting many villagers.

Nami opened the gate of the paradise and loudly announced to the villagers: “That ‘sea thief’ Aaron who offered a reward of 20 million Bailey has been solved!” ”

“From now on, the Evil Dragon Pirate Group will never appear again!”

For a while, the entire village of Cocosia fell into a carnival.

At the same time, the news of what happened in the East China Sea has also been transmitted back to the naval headquarters. Marin Fandor, in a conference room.

A meeting about the ‘Straw Hat Pirates’ is being held. The meeting was chaired by a major general of the Ministry.

“This group of people is no longer something that the branch can deal with.”

The major general posted a wanted warrant on the board: “Bucky the Clown, 15 million Bailey.” ”

“Governor Creek, 17 million Baileys.”

“Evil Dragon Pirates, Along, 20 million Bailey.”

The major general’s voice was calm: “In the East China Sea, where the average reward is only 3 million, these people are undoubtedly sea thieves, but they have lost in the hands of those people. ”

“In addition to the captain, there is one person who needs special attention.”

The major general pointed to a photo of a young man in black: “This person is a cadre of the Straw Hat Pirates, and he is very dangerous.” ”

“So this time, even if it was just the first reward, we gave an extremely high bounty!”

“The signs of evil must be completely stifled!”

For a while, everyone in the conference room looked solemn.

Subsequently, a new bounty wanted was posted all over the world.

In the original trajectory, only Luffy’s wanted warrant at this time, and everyone else was not on the list.

But this time, there is one more.

Straw Hat Pirates, Captain, Luffy, Bounty: 30 million Bailey! Straw Hat Pirates, cadres, Lu Shen, bounty: 28 million Bailey! Two wanted warrants spread throughout the sea in an instant.

This also means that the entire Straw Hat Pirates Group has begun to enter the eyes of some ‘big people’.

In Xiluobu Village, Miss Keya looked at the wanted warrant in her hand with a surprised face. At the sea restaurant Bharati, the owner Jepp directly posted the wanted warrant in his restaurant.

In the windmill village, the villagers even threw a celebratory party directly! A nameless desert island.

Chloe, who was wearing a black suit, also saw the two wanted warrants and pushed his glasses with his palm.

“Don’t worry, my lord, I will almost complete the training task!”

In his eyes, blood-colored demon patterns faintly emerged.

The other side.

After a short break in the village of Cocosia, the Golden Melly embarked on its journey again.

Joseph and Johnny stayed in the village.

After all, the goal of the two of them is not a great route in itself.


Luffy held a wanted warrant in his hand and jumped up on the deck excitedly.

Solon stroked his forehead: “He said, a full thirty million Bailey, famous.” ”

Sanji took his cigarette unpleasantly: “Damn, why are only Luffy and Lu Shen on the list.” ”

Usopp laughed crossed: “Where, Luffy is in this one, obviously I am also on the list!” ”

Although it’s just the back of the head in a corner………

“Did I make the list too?”

Lu Shen looked at the wanted warrant in his hand with some surprise.

It seems that he has already attracted the attention of some in the Navy. After all, even Captain Luffy’s bounty was only 30 million.

No pirate group, the cadre’s bounty will be so close to the captain’s bounty.

He is already a special case.

“Well, it doesn’t matter.”

Lu Shen calmly put down the wanted warrant and turned his head to look at Nami who was not far away: “You seem to have something you want to say to me?” ”


Nami hesitated, but still said, “I, too, want to become stronger.” ”

Saying that, she also bowed: “Please.” ”

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