Chapter 60 The Crumb Witch Arrives! Elements wash the ground, one person becomes an army!!

“[Lightning Strike Gun].”

In the audience, Lu Shen dutifully explained: “This is a blue-white light gun formed by a powerful current of one billion volts. ”

“In the face of this trick, distance is almost meaningless.”

How fast is lightning?

This blow, from the moment it was cast, basically ~ already means a hit.


In the arena, a sound exploded through the sky.

Everyone could only see a white light passing through the air and leaving an afterimage on the retina.

In the air, there was a faint smell of scorching. This is a man-made thunder!


In the distance, the silver-white mechanical fortress was directly knocked to the ground by this blow. The orb-like structure rolled several times on the ground.

Remnants of electric snakes jumped on the surface of the fortress.

“Didi Di Di Di Di

Eager electronic tones continued to sound in the fortress, but there was no follow-up.

It was as if the center of its system had been interfered with in some way and could no longer fight according to the program.

Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with the parts on the body. But apparently combat capability has been weakened by most of the time.

In the audience, Usopp said with a strange look: “This is……… Broken? ”

Yamaji on the side also took a puff of his cigarette and said slowly: “It feels like it.” ”

This kind of precision instrument, once there is a problem with a core component, it is easy to destroy the whole thing.

For example, clocks, when one of the gears is damaged, you can basically consider taking it for repair.

Lu Shen on the side raised his eyebrows: “It shouldn’t be so, this mechanical fortress I designed has a certain self-healing ability…”

Before he finished speaking, the arena was reborn.


The white clouds in the sky have become dark and dark at some point. Huge razer ran through the dark clouds.

On the ground, Mikoto Misaka is pointing to the sky, as if summoning something.


The corner of Lu Shen’s mouth twitched slightly: “If this blow goes down, it will really be damaged…”

He already knew what the tea-haired girl was doing.

“Come on!”

Accompanied by a girl’s coquettishness.

Countless razers in the sky converged in one place.

“Didi Didi – the most advanced opening defense system…”

Faintly, you can also hear the dying of the mechanical fortress.


A silver thunder pillar slammed down from the sky, shrouding the mechanical fortress inside.

At this moment, the whole world was white.

This is a mighty power from heaven and earth, like a heavenly punishment from the God of Thunder! Everyone in the audience couldn’t help but cover their eyes.

This thunder is too dazzling.

When they saw the situation in the arena again, all that remained was the fragmented parts on the ground.

On the part, there is also a constantly jumping current.

“[Real Falling Thunder]”

Lu Shen shook his head and said, “By gathering thunderclouds, lightning between clouds and earth is generated. ”

With that, he snapped his fingers.

The picture in the arena suddenly froze. The battle ended quickly.

Mikoto Misaka’s abilities are useful for mechanical creation. Lightning directly destroyed the structure inside the mechanical fortress.

If the opponent is changed, it may not be able to win so easily.

“So, how does it feel?”

Lu Shen turned his head to look at Nami on the side and asked.

“It feels…”

Nami blinked, as if Ray had just now

Ting still has an afterimage: “Very strong!” ”

She nodded firmly: “Very strong, I don’t think it’s a problem to choose her directly.” ”

In the beginning, when Mikoto Misaka appeared. Even if it is her, it is inevitable that some people want to complain. Because that’s clearly a child!

But the ensuing battle undoubtedly turned everyone’s perception upside down. Thunder runs through heaven and earth!

But not only Thunder.

For example, the super electromagnetic cannon played by that small coin. That is clearly a powerful control of magnetism!

This power is undoubtedly super powerful for Nami, who has no combat ability now.

“Whew-” Solon, who was not far away, also let out a long breath: “Indeed, I have seen it away.” ”

Yamaji took a puff of smoke: “Compared to this, I still care more about the age of that beautiful girl, hey, Lu Shen, how old is she?” ”


Without waiting for Riku to reply, Sanji had already been hammered into his seat by Nami’s punch.

“Well, let’s finish the rest first.”

Lu Shen smashed his mouth: “Later, maybe there will be a template suitable for you.” ”


Nami nodded slightly.

It is also a good thing for her to meet more strong people from other worlds.


As the snapping of fingers fell, the picture in the arena reset abruptly.

The iron sand all over the ground, the dark ground struck by lightning, and the potholes burned through by molten iron were smoothed out.

In its place, a petite figure was standing quietly.

Long gray hair, blue eyes, black robe, a yellow bow tied around his chest.

“Grey witch, Irena.”

Lu Shen said lightly, “A magical genius who obtained the title of the highest [witch] among the magic envoys at the age of 15. ”

Of course, she also has a familiar title – crumb witch. In fact, she only looks dark on the surface, but she is very kind-hearted.


Yamaji on the ground struggled to get up, on his head

He was also carrying a big bag, but this still couldn’t stop his eyes from showing peach heart: “Such a cute girl…”

Nami’s forehead rose with tic-tac-shaped green tendons: “You guy, it’s already helpless.” ”

Solon on the side grasped the point: “Magic? ”

Usopp scratched his head: “It seems to……… Awesome look? ”

Although he didn’t know what the title of [witch] was, he knew that the three words ‘highest position’ usually represented strength.

This time, no one complained about the issue of strength and weakness.

After the battle of Mikoto Misaka just now, everyone has understood that everything has to be directly based on strength.

Even a small child may have a strong strength far beyond imagination.

“The so-called magic, usually explained above: make the impossible possible”

The corner of Lu Shen’s mouth raised a smile: “For example, she alone can cast elemental attacks such as wind, fire, thunder, and electricity.” ”

Everyone’s eyes widened: “All, all?” ”

In the pirate world, people’s “abilities” generally come from their respective demon fruits. ”

Each Devil Fruit corresponds to a different ability. For example, burning fruits can cast fire element attacks. Frozen Fruit, which can cast ice element attacks.

However, this magic envoy in front of him can use almost all the elements of the entire system!

“All in all, let’s take a look first.”

Lu Shen snapped his fingers.

In the arena.


The silver-white mechanical fortress descended out of thin air again.

The streamlined metal shell is shining with a cold light.


Irena blinked and looked curiously at the monster in front of her.

“What is this, a newly emerging Warcraft?”

An electronic sound came from the mechanical fortress.

“Didi Didi Didi – the enemy has been detected, the attack system has been activated, the target is locked.”

In the hideous cannon ports, there are light particles constantly converging. The scorching breath instantly distorted the air.

“Erm……… Are you going to attack me? ”

Irena paused.


The next moment, the laser penetrated the air, and the entire arena was illuminated.

“Ice wall!”

On the ground, a huge and thick wall of ice rises abruptly.

The laser slammed into the ice wall, instantly melting a large piece of cold ice.

“Really, why do I have to fight.”

Irena complained, but continued to wave, condensing the magical element.

Her little face bulged and she shouted dissatisfied: “I’m angry! ”


Magic arrays of different colors continued to emerge from her hand. Countless elements have been hooked.


Bang dang

One after another steel chains suddenly condensed, sealing the mechanical fortress in place.

As if she was puzzled, Irena had no intention of stopping.

“Magic bullet! Hotline! Wind Blade! Rock Rain! Thunder gun! Pillar of fire! Ice bomb! ”

For a time, countless elements condensed in the air.

The entire arena seemed to be filled with these elemental attacks.

This gray-haired girl is like a posture that incarnates a spell machine gun. Attacks from all directions were smashed from all directions.


The explosion sound is endless.

The area where the mechanical fortress was located was completely shrouded in attack, and the bottom surface was shattered and the earth and rocks were flying.

Smoke and dust rose in the sky, obscuring the view.

Everyone could only see one elemental attack after another constantly falling. Ice, thunder, water, fire, earth…

Of course, faintly, you can still hear the electronic sound of the mechanical fortress.

“Didi Didi – detect an attack, turn on the defense system…!”

And this faint sound was gradually drowned out in the continuous sound of explosions.

Magic scrubs the floor!

Endless elemental attacks, as if there is no end in sight!


In the audience, there was a sound of swallowing saliva.

Usopp’s expression stiffened: “This……… Who can bear this.”

It’s terrifying!

The endless elemental attacks fell as if they didn’t want money.

Even if he couldn’t see the specific situation because of the smoke and dust, he could imagine the miserable situation of the mechanical fortress inside.

It’s just brutal.

Nami was also full of emotion: “It’s so powerful…”

This one, like the one just now, is obviously a young girl, but her combat effectiveness is amazing!

And in terms of visual effects alone, the impact of this person is obviously more exaggerated.

The magic in the sky does not give people room to fight back.

“That’s why magicians are called ‘Master of the Law’ in many worlds.”

Lu Shen looked at it calmly: “Because of themselves, they represent the word ‘firepower’.” ”

No need for any legions. One person, you can become an army!

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