Chapter 69 King Qualification! Overlord color winding! Cheating on each other!!


Over the warship island, there was a roar of thunder.

Pitch-black lightning, jumping in the clouds, like a poisonous snake that chooses people to eat. This is not the thunder and lightning of nature, but the vision produced after the overlord color is extremely powerful.

With this terrifying momentum alone, more than 99% of the people in the entire sea could not move an inch when facing the redhead!

This is the overlord color!

Out of millions of people, a king qualification will be born’.

According to the middle two points, that is, everyone who awakens the overlord color has the potential to become a ‘king’!


The long knife ‘Griffin’ was drawn out of its scabbard.

“Come on!”

Shanks jerked his head up and looked at the black-clad figure on the opposite side.

Suddenly, a pair of scarlet and enchanted eyes met his eyes, making his spirit have a momentary trance.

That’s when he found out.

His overlord color didn’t seem to affect this person at all.

Even the air waves suppressed by the overlord color coercion directly passed through the man’s body.

“It’s an amazing force.”

Lu Shen praised.

With ‘courage’ alone, such a terrifying scene can be created, which can only be said to be worthy of the overlord color.


Shanks’ feet slammed on the ground and flew forward. Soil and rocks flew and sputtered along the way, forming a violent track.

Sa – the sound of breaking the air resounded.

The long knife Griffin cut a graceful arc in the air and slashed down sharply, and Shanks’ whole person swept directly behind Lu Shen.

“Sure enough, I can’t cut it.”

Shanks turned around, his brows furrowed slightly: “I felt it before, you don’t seem to be really standing here.” ”

Under that degree of overlord color coercion, it is impossible for someone whose face does not change color and is not affected in the slightest.

Even the same overlord owners, such as Whitebeard and others. When facing him, he will also burst out into a jade color to collide. This is inevitable.

“Your senses are sharp.”

Lu Shen said without care.

“Oh, what a troublesome ability.”

Shanks grinned, and his arms and long knife were suddenly covered with a layer of pitch-black high-grade weapons.

Lu Shen gently beckoned, and the short knife in the ‘Flower Sky Mad Bone’ appeared in his hand.

He raised his short knife and shook his head: “For me, your domineering is also very troublesome.” ”

Shanks couldn’t cut him.

But equally, it is difficult for him to break through the defense of high-level armed color domineering. It’s just an ordinary person.

But monsters of the level of the “Four Emperors”, their domineering power has reached a certain extreme. ”

It is by no means something that can be broken by ordinary means.

In other words, the battle between the powerhouses of the ‘Four Emperors’ level is itself a war of attrition.

Because they themselves cannot break through each other’s defenses…


In the violent sound of breaking the air, the figures of the two crossed again.

At the moment when Shanks’ blade passed by, Lu Shen turned from virtual to real, and the short knife in his hand was like a deadly hook soul sickle, blatantly chopping down!


The symphony of gold and iron resounded.

Shanks turned sideways in time and blocked the knife with his right arm, which was covered in armed color.

If not, this knife just now would have pierced his right chest!


Lu Shen was not surprised at all.

He had already recognized this in the battle with the dragon before.

These monster-level powerhouses are very terrifying in their ability to perceive danger.

This is the Four Emperors!

Indestructible armed color domineering.

The domineering of anticipating the opponent’s offensive intentions.

and the overlord-colored domineering that can deter countless living beings and even burst out with terrifying power.

Tricolor domineering, no shortcomings!

“Hey, it’s really worthy of being the emperor of the sea.”

Lu Shen smashed his mouth.

Shanks landed and turned around, his eyes became more and more solemn, but his words were very out of line: “If you are comparable, I will let you ah.” ”

Lu Shen smiled lightly: “This position can not be given up by concession.” ”

The jade seat of every sea emperor is underneath countless piles of white bones

Rise up.

Without the prestige of the sea, how can others recognize you as the ’emperor’?

Especially in the chaotic environment of the New World.

Those who are not strong enough have long been swallowed to the point that there is no bone dregs left.

“Seriously, I kind of admire you.”

Shanks suddenly grinned: “Otherwise, you join us, and I will make you the imperial vice.” ”

Lu Shen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: “You are already an old guy, and the future belongs to young people.” ”


Shanks blinked: “Am I already an old guy?!” ”

He, a man less than forty years old, would actually be called an old guy!

“Wait, I’m actually disliked?!”

Shanks reacted. The dignified ‘Four Emperors’ were actually disliked!


Shanks shrugged: “None of this matters, but you’ve been hiding like this, is it really good?” ”

Without a head-on collision, it is difficult to be recognized.


Lu Shen bowed his head slightly: “Then, let’s change the way of fighting!” ”

In the scarlet eyes, the enchanting blood-colored pattern rotated abruptly. The majestic pupil power gushed out, and Chakra passed madly. The azure blue armored giant condensed out of thin air in midair.

Martial god posture, wings spread, two knives across the sky, awe-inspiring breath rushed to the face!

Susanoo Complete body!

Shanks’ eyes slowly widened, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “This is interesting.” ”

His body was also quietly covered with a high-level armed color domineering.


The furious slash landed on the ground, shaking the entire mountain a little.

Two unbelievably strong figures fought a terrifying battle at the top of the mountain.

Fortunately, this is not a life and death battle, so the two are still deliberately in control. The aftermath of the battle was not allowed to reach too far.

The other side.

Shore of Gunkanjima.

People on both boats were watching the scene from the top of the mountain.

Pitch-black lightning jumped in the sky, and violent vibrations kept coming.

“This is a battle, it is clearly a natural disaster…”


Pu held the binoculars dumbly: “It’s louder than thunder…”

Solon held the long knife with a serious expression: “Lu Shen……… Is it already so strong…”

That’s the Four Emperors!

On this ship, perhaps only he has a relatively clear understanding of the level of the ‘Four Emperors’.

In the second half of the Great Voyage, a terrifying existence that is difficult even for the navy and the world government to reach!

Simply put, every Four Emperors is one of the strongest people in this world!

“The strongest…”

Solon stared dead at the top of the mountain, his mouth lowered

The voice muttered: “Wait, this mountain, sooner or later I will climb it!” ”

“Woo hoo?”

Luffy asked the question from the sidelines.

“Why fight?”

Solon turned his head and glanced at him, also a little puzzled: “Maybe it’s because……… The meeting between the strong, that’s it, right? ”

He remembered his previous time at the Sea Restaurant. When Hawkeye arrived, he also fought a battle with Lu Shen.


Luffy fell silent thoughtfully and went down.

Only little Lori Abis kept looking at the mountain worriedly, as if she was worried about something.

Not far away, on the Red Foss.

The pirates of the Four Emperors Group were also full of surprise.

“Would you actually fight to this extent?”

“I’m already high enough to look up to that man, I didn’t expect him to really be able to compete with the captain?”

“Does this mean that there is one more on the sea… Strange, stuff? ”

Even Imperial Deputy Beckman shook his head and said, “Unexpected, reasonable.” ”

Don’t look at their usual fondness to tease and joke about their captains.

But in fact, everyone knows what kind of character their captain is. That’s the ‘Four Emperors’!

A character standing at the apex of countless pirates! A monster among veritable monsters!

Being able to fight against his own captain is enough to show that the person on the other side is also a full-fledged monster.

Mountain tops.

Cracks spread all over the mountain, and smoke and dust kept rolling up, obscuring the view.


With a deafening sound of gold and iron, Shanks’ figure suddenly flew out of the smoke.

There was a little shock in his eyes: “Obviously there is no armed color, but it is so hard…”

At first, he thought that the azure blue Martial God Giant was shaped by some kind of fruit ability.

It wasn’t until I completely handed it over that I found out that the strength of that thing was incredible!

Indestructible, infinitely powerful, swift movements, flying in the air… This is by no means something that fruit abilities can shape!

Moreover, those two azure blue giant knives are even more exaggerated. With one sword, it seems that it can split the mountain.

The power that spread out even shattered the clouds in the sky.

Even with his domineering attainment in armed color, it is inevitable that he will be injured under hard resistance.


Double knife connection.

Shanks’ eyes froze sharply, and there seemed to be pitch-black liquid lightning jumping up on the long knife Griffin.

The next moment, the huge Martial God Giant received a heavy blow on his body! Overlord jade color winding!

This is a high-level application of the overlord color, and only a few people in the entire sea can cast it.

Even if you don’t touch each other, you can actually attack!

At the beginning, Roger used this to cast “God Avoidance”, and he made a move against Ota in a second. ”

A crack spread across the body of the Martial God Giant, but the next moment it was repaired by the huge pupil power and Chakra.

“What a cheating power.”

Lu Shen’s gaze suddenly met Shanks’ eyes: “Then I will also cheat once.” ”

In the scarlet eyes, the rich blood color seemed to overflow. The next moment.

Shanks’ pupils contracted sharply, and a strong sense of crisis hit his heart, making him subconsciously dodge sideways.


The space was suddenly distorted, as if it had become a piece of paper, crumpled, and then thrown into the trash can of the other space.

“Tick—” A wisp of blood dripped to the ground.

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