Chapter 81 Drunken, Madara, the real body has come! The power of the Great Demon!!

That’s right.

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw the lucky cat sitting on the ground not far away drinking alcohol.

While drinking, you can enjoy the sight of the purple giant snake fighting the air.

“Well, well played.”

The lucky cat cocked its legs, and its short tail swayed slightly: “Your strength is really great.” ”


The giant snake had also reacted, and its body hovered again, spitting out snake letters to the cat, obtaining information factors in the air.

If it weren’t for the fact that it couldn’t speak, it might have started cursing. After all, this cat is really cheap enough.


The lucky cat waved calmly, and said with a drunken smile: “There is no need to be so angry, right?” We’re just meeting for the first time. ”

Stuck one by one

The gravel was crushed by the huge snake’s body, and the purple skin showed a steely hard texture.

The giant snake said that it did not want to communicate with it, and the killing intent became stronger.


Lucky Cat sighed: “I’ve seen too many guys like you who are full of killing and killing, and sometimes I really don’t understand what the meaning of your existence is.” ”

The world in which it is located.

There are also some such youkai who have no mind to speak of.

These guys really make people very incomprehensible, eat and drink, have fun, isn’t it fragrant?

“Goo,—— Goo-”

The lucky cat poured the last bit of wine into his mouth, and then wiped his mouth full of pity: “Why is it gone?” Really, did you actually bring such a little. ”


The next moment, the huge snake tail had already fallen.

The ground cracked again, and cracks spread in all directions.

“Hiccup~” The lucky cat stood in the opposite direction, couldn’t help but burp first, and then said drunkenly: “Really, you are so bad to say hello first, I was about to sing.” ”

When he gets drunk, he likes to sing.


In the pair of gloomy vertical pupils of the giant snake, an emotion called anger lingered.

Its culling seems to be being played from beginning to end!

The huge power surged out again, and the snake’s body crawled on the ground, and the speed was extremely fast.


A large pit appeared in the ground, and the giant snake pounced again. Lucky Cat’s reaction speed is incredible.

Legend has it that cats react seven times faster than snakes.

I really don’t know, but the speed of the lucky cat at this time is indeed enough to tease the giant snake.

“Hey, hey.”

Lucky Cat stood not far away, smiling proudly: “You can’t just have strength, snake brother.” ”


The giant snake coiled its body, its throat bulged slightly, and the snake’s mouth grew.

In the next second, a large pitch-black poisonous mist gushed out, rendering the air black.

“I’ll go!”

Lucky Cat’s expression changed abruptly: “You play yin for me!” ”

The range shrouded in poisonous fog was too large, and it was too late to dodge.


At the moment of the shot, a white light suddenly lit up in mid-air. The figure of the lucky cat disappeared.

In its place was a huge white fox.

The yellow-green vertical pupil has cane-type erythema on the forehead and two erythematous spots under the eyes.

The white shimmer formed a barrier-like arc, blocking all the black poisonous mist.


The huge aura erupted, setting off waves of qi in the air, blowing the poisonous mist directly away.

Complete body – spot, come!

“Since you have lost your sanity.”

The white fox’s hair rose slightly in the wind, and his voice was low and full of majesty: “Then I’ll help you get free!” ”

In its view, this giant snake is nothing more than a product of a killing weapon. Dying is a relief.

In the audience, everyone’s eyes widened.

They watched as a cheap lucky cat transformed into a heroic white demon fox in a blink of an eye!

Usopp took a deep breath and muttered in a low voice, “This is the real big monster…”

The lucky cat before is really not worthy of the words ‘big monster’. The fighting spirit under Solon’s eyes was rekindled;

“Just by the breath, you can feel that power.”

This white fox’s posture is so proud and its breath is so powerful. Two completely different creatures from before.

As if the lucky cat who likes to drink and has poor alcohol is just an illusion.

Qiao Ba’s expression also changed from fear at the beginning to longing now: “Wow ~ so cool~”

It turns out that the monster is not as scary as it thought. Just when everyone sighed.

The situation in the arena changes again.

The white demon fox stepped on the air lightly, and huge demon power spread out from its body.


The giant snake on the opposite side had already formed a vigilant mass, and its wild instinct could make it feel that some kind of deadly threat was coming.

Just now, it was just a ‘spot’ of prey, but at this time it has turned into a hunter. The giant snake, which was originally a hunter itself, became a prey. I can only sigh at the wonders of the world.

“Sa-” The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The figure of the white fox suddenly appeared above the giant snake, and a fox claw pressed on the head of the giant snake.

It seems that this is just an unpretentious light press.

However, the next moment, the head of the giant snake seemed to have suffered a thousand-ton blow and smashed directly into the ground.

With a bang, a large number of rubble flew up, and a large pit was knocked out.

The giant snake shook its head and lifted up from the big pit.

Immediately afterwards, the white fox descended again, and his eyes stepped on its head indifferently: “Sure enough, there is no sanity, you are the product of forcible manufacturing.” ”

It has broken the essence of this giant snake.

Strictly speaking, this guy is not a snake, not even a creature. It’s just that the weapon forcibly constructed by someone is just a fake.

The giant snake did not respond at all, but kept struggling to fight back.


The white fox snorted coldly: “Something like you is also worthy of fighting me?” ”

With that, its paw pressed lightly again.

This is not only a control of strength, but also a majestic demon power support.


The large pits in the ground became wider and deeper. This time, the giant snake did not get up for the first time.

It has already suffered so badly that it was even temporarily incapacitated. The white fox lightly touched in the air, and its figure floated into midair.


In the air, the white fox looked down at the purple giant snake, and a cold light flashed in its yellow-green pupils.

“Meet the destruction.”

It was as if endless demon power surged out. A blazing white glow condenses in the sky.

In the air, circles of air waves push around.

The world fell silent, like calm on the eve of a storm. That terrifying energy fluctuation, even if it is far away, can be clearly perceived.

This is the big youkai!

Moreover, it is still a big monster that is infinitely close to the realm of gods!


In the sky, a blazing white six-pointed star lit up.

The terrifying demon power came down and turned into the power of destruction.


On the ground, the giant snake jerked up straight.

The huge snake head carried a huge force and rushed towards the sky.

It only knows how to kill and destroy, no matter what power it faces, it dares to fight back fiercely!


It’s like a hot knife cutting through butter, or like encountering snow under the sun.

The huge snake body gradually annihilated in the dazzling blazing white brilliance, turning into flying ash and dissipating.

There is no room for struggle.

The strength of the ‘Great Monster’ is undoubtedly revealed!


With snapping fingers, the scene inside the arena suddenly paused.

Lu Shen turned his head to look at Qiao Ba, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth: “I’ve read it all, then, how do you feel now?” Have you made a choice? ”

At this time, everyone in the audience came back from that battle. I remembered that I was just watching the powerful of the other world fight in the fantasy world.


Qioba blinked, looking confused: “I. I don’t know who to choose…”

This is quite normal.

Several other people have watched the performance after the fantasy battle, and it is actually the same as it.

Because any of the powerhouses in the other world has incredibly powerful power.

They are one of the most dazzling beings in a huge world. Not only powerful, but also have their own personalities and beliefs.

If it weren’t for the difficulty of the training, I’m afraid people would say, ‘I want them all.'”

Sanji slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and suggested, “In that case, it’s better to choose the second one, isn’t its template quite compatible with Qioba.” ”

Nami said flatly: “I still think the first one is good!” Also, although the difficulty will be high, it is also very strong. ”

How cute that slime is! Cute and strong.

In contrast, the lucky cat behind, after knowing that it can’t really recruit wealth, has plummeted in Nami’s psychological status.

Luffy smiled: “I think this big white fox is cooler at the end!” If only it could come to my ship! ”

No one cares about this sentence.

After all, Luffy, this guy, has already said the same thing to several strong templates.

Solon shrugged, “For me, I might prefer the nine-tailed demon fox.” ”

That pure and powerful, unabashed power is quite attractive to him.

“Just follow your heart.”

Lu Shen said calmly.


Qioba scratched his head and tangled: “I really want to choose the second one, but I think the third one is so strong…”

The sharing of the life of Djerlingas is a good fit for it.

But that unpretentious way of fighting is difficult to impress.

After all, Jerlingas himself is not an elf in the main battle. It symbolizes peace and nature.”

But as a pirate, even a ship doctor inevitably needs to fight. Therefore, the pursuit of strength is the nature of all pirates.

“This way.”

Lu Shen nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: “Let me help you develop a special training plan.” ”

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