Chapter 83 Ignorant Blackbeard! Baroque work society, imitation of the fruit von Kray!!

Uninhabited desert island.

After Blackbeard’s question came out, the rest looked at each other. This is exactly what they wonder.

No one knows why the Navy suddenly targeted them.

Lafayette said in a deep voice: “It stands to reason that most of the Navy’s gaze should be placed on the ‘New World’, and we are hiding in the ‘paradise’, which should not attract such great attention.” ”

Van Oka repaired his gun, which had been folded in two, and said calmly: “And this matter is very unreasonable, and actually directly dispatched the general.” ”

Several people around nodded.

Yes, the weirdest thing about this is here.

It is understandable that the navy attacked them, after all, they are pirates, and it is natural to be surrounded and killed by the navy.

But what can’t be understood is that as soon as the shot is made over there, it is a general! This is the Navy’s biggest hole card!

In addition to dealing with the existence of the level of the Four Emperors, it is the Draco who can make them dispatch if something happens.

Generals are more, so to speak, just a deterrent. A deadly threat over the heads of all pirates.

Usually he basically stays in the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, which is a guarantee at the bottom of the box, and it is impossible to easily dispatch.

However, this time, in order to encircle and suppress their newly formed Blackbeard Pirate Group.

Even the admirals on the side of the Navy were directly dispatched………

Tichy took off his tattered shirt and said gloomily, “And that silly bird……… Dare to paste Lao Tzu’s affairs all over the sea, don’t let me catch him! ”

This is the director of the World Economic Newspaper, one of the several emperors of the underground world, Morgauns.

The news channels of the entire sea are in the hands of Morguns. That guy, so to speak, is the mouthpiece of the world.

It is also in the future that Luffy is hailed as the initiator of the “fifth emperor of the sea”. ”

Lafayette glanced at Tichy and shrugged: “That old fellow, it’s hard to catch, even I can’t catch him.” ”

Morguns, animal, bird fruit, albatross morphological ability.

This old guy has offended countless people because he reports all kinds of news all year round.

Therefore, his concealment work is very perfect, and it is extremely difficult to find clues.

Tichy was silent for a while: “Let’s talk about it later, let’s solve the trouble on the Navy’s side now.” ”

After this battle, the navy will not give up easily. Because his strength has been completely exposed.

Especially the pheasant who fought him.

That guy is a great general, this time he returned without success, but it was not so easy to give up.

All in all, Tichy is now in a very confused state. He even felt as if the world was directed at him!

On the sea.

The sun shines, sparkling.

The Gold Melly broke through the sea and sailed forward.

On the deck, Nami had finished meditating and was looking at the chart in her hand: “We are almost there, Kingdom of Alabastan!” ”

Usopp on the side added: “Weiwei went back this time, the biggest trouble is a guy named Klockdar, he wants to seize this kingdom. ”

These are still told to them slightly.

Because Nami’s previous commission was to ensure Weiwei’s safety. For this reason, Weiwei also promised to pay her 100 million Bailey.

Solon put away the slashing knife in his hand and said solemnly: “Klockdar, that guy is one of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas. ”

Qioba scratched his head: “Qiwu Hai? ”

“That’s right.”

Solon explained: “These are the seven sea pirates recognized by the World Government, each of which possesses extremely powerful powers. ”

Treat pirates with pirates.

The proposal of the Qiwuhai system is an attempt by the world government.

After all, the number of pirates is too much, and every year countless pirates sail out to sea, and they are simply inexhaustible.

So they wooed some of the strong and gave them privileges. But correspondingly, these strong people also need to take on the responsibility of killing pirates. This is His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas!

There was worry in his slight eyes: “That’s right, Klockdar is one of the Seven Martial Seas and the hero of Alabastan, because he repelled many incoming pirates. ”

“But that’s just the appearance!”

“Because behind these pirates, they themselves were driven by Klockdar!”

Sanji took a deep breath of the cigarette and nodded slightly: “That is, the thief shouts to catch the thief.” ”

In this way, you can build a huge reputation for yourself.

This ‘sand crocodile’, with ambition, city government, and strength, is no wonder it was chosen as one of the seven martial seas. ”


Slightly reminded: “His subordinates also control the secret organization, the Baroque Studio, and the senior agents in it are very strong, in addition, there are two thousand ordinary agents.” ”

“This is also the reason why I went undercover, just to find out the true face of Klockdar!”

In the Baroque studio, there are more than ten Devil Fruit abilities, and these are all high-level agents.

As for those ordinary agents, there are even more of them.

“Two thousand people!”

Usopp’s eyes were about to pop out. This number of enemies cannot be solved with a wave of a fist. Take an inappropriate example.

These two thousand agents alone are already more soldiers than the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, a member of the World Government………


Luffy raised his fist.

Nami turned her head directly to look at Solon: “What is he talking about?” ”

Solon covered his forehead and translated, “He said, just beat that Klockdar…”

“What a joke, you guy with a blank brain!”

Nami imprinted a fist on Luffy’s head.

After solving Luffy, she clapped her hands and concluded: “This time we deal with it, but His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, we must be cautious.” ”

“Then, now the first issue is another.”

Nami said helplessly, “Our food is almost exhausted.” ”

At the mention of this, Nami hated her teeth.

In fact, their food should have been plentiful.

When they set off from Magnetic Drum Island, the residents of the island gave them a lot of supplies.

But anyway, Luffy this guy is a complete glutton. Even Usopp, Choiba and others were broken.

At every turn, these people sneaked into the storage warehouse to find food.


Luffy’s eyes suddenly became evasive.

If it weren’t for the fact that his mouth was sealed, he might have wanted to whistle to hide his weakness.

Choiba and Usopp on the side, and even the slightly chocobo Karu all looked away from their eyes.


Nami snorted coldly, “All in all, you have to solve the food problem first!” ”

After that, she went directly back to the cabin, leaving a few people on the deck who looked at each other.

After half a ring.

Several people were all sitting on the guardrail, holding a fishing rod in their hands.

“Woo hoo?”

Luffy whimpered.

Solon on the side glanced at him and said with a headache: “How can it be so easy to take the bait, fishing requires patience!” ”

In particular, these people have no fishing experience at all.

Luffy turned his head in dissatisfaction, his eyebrows twisted, as if he had made some crooked idea.

So, a moment later.

Luffy and Usopp shared a large fishing rod, and the bait on it turned into the slightly chocobo Karu, and even thoughtfully sealed its mouth.

“Can you really catch sharks?”

Usopp looked at the sea suspiciously.

Luffy on the side was very confident and nodded directly.


Chocobo almost peed in fright.

“Hey! What’s in front! ”

Usopp suddenly shouted loudly, reaching out to the sea in front of him.

On that sea, a large amount of steam rose up, obscuring the view.

And they are now sailing towards that area.

“No need to rush.”

Lu Shen’s voice sounded next to him: “That’s caused by a volcano below.” ”


Usopp turned his head abruptly: “Fire, volcano?!” ”

This is the sea.

“That’s right.”

Lu Shen said: “That’s an undersea volcano, and these steames are caused by the heat upwelling in them.” ”

“Tens of thousands of years after the eruption, a new island will form there”

“Tens of thousands of years!”

Usopp’s eyes widened.

“Rush in!”

Solon reminded suddenly. Boom—

The surface of the water was broken, and the Golden Melly rushed directly into the steam area. Usopp’s screams could be faintly heard: “Can’t see! ”


On the other side of the steam area, a pink, swan-headed ship also rushed towards the steam area.

A strong man in a pink swan ballet with heavy makeup is sitting proudly in his seat: “Rush me in!” ”

Soon, when the Golden Melly sailed out of the steam zone.

On Luffy and Usopp’s fishing rods, there was already an extra figure, holding the duck Karu deadly.


Usopp and Luffy’s mouths opened wide, staring blankly at the man in front of them. Lu Shen on the side couldn’t bear to cover his forehead directly.

He already remembered who this man was.

Mr.2 of the Baroque Work Society, known as Bensam of the Wilderness’ Shemale, von Kray.


The ballet man looked at them with a confused face: “How could I catch a duck here?” ”

Before he finished speaking, he had already let go and fell into the sea.

“Help! I’m a dry duck! Purr”

In the blink of an eye, only a series of bubbles remained on the surface of the sea. A moment later, on deck.

“Whew-” von Kray breathed a long sigh of relief: “Unexpectedly, I was actually saved by a group of strange pirates, your great kindness, I will never forget in my life!” ”

Lu Shen walked to him and squatted, his eyes looking directly, and a scarlet blood rose under his eyes.

“You’re Mr.2 Vonkley from the Baroque Work Society, right? I remember, you seem to be an imitator of fruit abilities? ”


Von Kray couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit: “I, I am…!” ”

Lu Shen smiled slightly: “Exactly, your ability is good, it is useful to me.” ”

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